Messy Mansion Crystal Stamper & Stamping Plate Review
I was recently invited by Julia of Messy Mansion to join Messy Mansion Blogger team. What that means is that I can get to choose few items from the shop and do the product reviews on my blog regularly. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? So as my first review items, I picked few items from the website, and they arrived this week.
Before I go into review, here are the links to Messy Mansion store and SNS:
- Store :
- Instagram :
- Facebook :
先月、Messy MansionのJuliaさんからMessy Mansionブロガーチームへの参加を打診されました。これの意味するところは、ショップからいくつかアイテムを選んでブログで定期的にレビューを行うということで、もちろん二つ返事で快諾。ということで、今後何度かMessy Mansionの製品を紹介していくと思います。第1回目のレビューとしてショップから選んだものが今週届きましたので早速ご紹介します。
レビューに入る前に、Messy MansionのショップとSNSへのリンクはこちら。
- ショップ :
- インスタグラム :
- Facebook :
These are what I received. 2 Crystal Stampers (1.0 & 2.0), 2 rectangle plates, and 3 round plates.
I'll show you the rectangle plates first. The top plate is Symetrika 06, and the bottom one is Valareign 03. These are relatively new additions to Messy Mansion collection. Plate size is 6cm x 12 cm (without backing), exactly the same size with MoYou London plate.
まずは長方形プレートからご紹介。上のプレートはSymetrika 06、下のプレートはValareign 03。比較的新しいコレクションから1枚ずつ選んでみました。プレートのサイズは6cm x 12 cm(台座除く)で、MoYou Londonのプレートと同じです。
The plates have white plastic backing which has a beautiful collection logo as shown above.
And round plates. I didn't pick AT 04 plate at the top as it's not listed in the shop, so I think this is a complimentary. The other two are MM24 and MM46. Plate size is 7cm in diameter.
Below are a photo of each plate, followed by paper swatch. Paper swatch is done using a regular metallic polish & Mundo de Unas stamping polishes, and Messy Mansion stampers (pink & rectangle). For every plate I show you, I included a measurement of some of the images on the plate, so you have an idea of how they translate to your nails.
以下、各プレートの写真と紙swatchを続けてお見せします。紙swatchはメタリックポリッシュとMundo de Unasスタンピングポリッシュ、そしてMessy Mansionのスタンパー(ピンクと長方形)で行っています。お見せする各プレートの一部の柄にサイズを記しておいたので、ご自分の爪の大きさに合うかの目安にしていただければと思います。
First up is Valareign 03 from Valareign collection. Top row and bottom row are all 2.0cm x 2.0cm. Wow, how lush are these images? And look how crisp they stamp. I actually used a regular metallic polish for this swatch, and yet they stamped amazingly.
まずはValareignコレクションからの1枚、Valareign 03プレート。上段と下段はどれも2.0cm x 2.0cmです。大人っぽい柄がいっぱいの素敵なコレクションですね。しかもどれも綺麗にスタンプしています。このswatchにはスタンピング専用ポリッシュではなく普通のメタリックポリッシュを使ったのですが、それでもこのクオリティ。
Next up is Symetrika 06 from Symetrika collection. I had to include the close-up pic of some of the parts on this plate to show you how neatly they are engraved. And the swatch? Just wow. Every single thin line came out perfectly. I couldn't help going ohhhh and ahhhh during this swatching.
お次はSymetrikaコレクションのSymetrika 06。細部まできちんと彫られていることをお見せしたくて、プレートの一部を拡大した写真も載せています。swatchはというと、細い線までどれもくっきりとスタンプしました。swatch中、「おお~」とか「わあ~」とか感嘆の声が止まなかった1枚。
MM24 from MM series. This is a relatively old release, but those letterings are so versatile, I thought I must have it. Again, everything stamped superb.
MM46 from MM series. Why are the flowers on Messy Mansion plates always so unique and beautiful? This plate is no exception. Again, amazing quality.
最後にMMシリーズのMM46。Messy Mansionのプレートの花柄っていつもどうしてこうユニークかつ優雅なんでしょうかね?このプレートも同様。クオリティも良好です。
As you can see, all images stamp so nice and crisp. I've never had issues with Messy Mansion plates in the past, so there's no surprise there.
ご覧のように、すべての柄が綺麗にスタンプしました。Messy Mansionのプレートで問題があったことは一度もないので特に驚きはありません。
Let's move onto stampers. This is called Crystal Stamper. I also got Crystal Stamper 2.0 which I'll show you later, so I will refer to this as '1.0'. The holder and the scraper are both frosted clear.
次にスタンパーのご紹介。こちらの商品名はCrystal Stamper。後でCrystal Stamper 2.0もお見せしますが、こちらの方は便宜上「1.0」と呼ぶことにします。ホルダーとスクレイパーは完全に透明ではなく霜がかかったような半透明です。
Like other clear jelly stampers, the end of the holder is open so you can see through the image.
And this is Crystal Stamper 2.0. The holder is completely clear all around it, and it has a cap to prevent the stamper head from collecting dust or sticking to other stuff.
そしてこちらがCrystal Stamper 2.0。ホルダーは全面透明でキャップが付いています。キャップはゴミが付いたりスタンパーヘッドが別のものにくっついたりするのを防いでくれます。
With 2.0, the end of the holder is closed in, but you can still see through because it's transparent. The scraper that comes with it is credit card size, and is very thick and stiff.
I have 2 other similar stampers, so let's do some comparison. Those with purple holder are from Harunouta and AliExpress respectively. I did a quick review on these on this post. As you can see, holder for Messy Mansion Crystal Stamper 2.0 is slightly shorter than the others, but because of the way the stamper head sits, the overall height is about the same for all 4 stampers. Stamper head size is equally 2.8cm in diameter, and the holder is about 5.1cm long (CS 1.0) and 5cm long (CS 2.0) respectively.
同じコンセプトのスタンパーを他に2つ持っているので、少し比較してみたいと思います。ホルダーが紫の右の2つのスタンパーはそれぞれ春の歌とAliExpressから入手したものです。見ての通り、Messy Mansion Crystal Stamper 2.0のホルダーは他よりも少し短いのですが、スタンパーヘッドをはめた全体の高さは4つのスタンパーとも同じぐらいになります。スタンパーヘッドのサイズはいずれも直径2.8cm、ホルダーの長さは5.1cm(CS 1.0)と5.0cm(CS 2.0)です。
Squishiness. To my surprise, all four stamper heads have different squishiness. Messy Mansion CS 1.0 is the squishiest of all, followed by Harunouta, then Messy Mansion CS 2.0. AliExpress one is the hardest of all.
柔らかさについて。驚いたことに、この4つのスタンパーはどれも柔らかさが異なります。一番柔らかいのがMessy Mansion CS 1.0、その次が春の歌、そしてMessy Mansion CS 2.0。一番硬いのがAliExpressのものです。
Another squishiest test. I squeezed them as much as I could. I thought I would tear them, so I don't recommend you doing this.
To better give you an idea about the squishiness, I decided to rate each head, along with the other non-clear stampers I have, with 1 (very squishy) to 10 (very hard) level. Not that I have some scientific appliance to correctly measure their squishiness, so consider this as a guide only:
Squishiness Level : 1 (Very squishy) to 10 (Very hard)
- MoYou London rectangle stamper (review)
- Pueen squishy stamper (review) & Fab Ur Nails bright pink (review)
- Messy Mansion Soft (pink) (review)
- Messy Mansion Medium Soft (yellow) (review)
- Messy Mansion Crystal Stamper 1.0
- Harunouta clear jelly stamper (review)
- Messy Mansion Crystal Stamper 2.0
- AliExpress clear jelly stamper
- MoYou London XL *discontinued
- Konad rubber stamper
Again, this is a guide only and based on the stampers I have, not on every single stamper there is on the market. While the Messy Mansion CS 2.0 looks to be very hard in this categorization, the difference between 4 & 5 and 6 & 7 is very marginal, and some may say they are about the same squishiness.
柔らかさの違いを分かりやすく表現するために、1(非常に柔らかい)から10(非常に硬い)でランク付けしてみます。Crystal Stamperだけでなく手持ちの他のスタンパーもランキングに加えています。何か器具を使って科学的に柔らかさを測定しているわけではないので、あくまでも体感的なものです。
柔らかさレベル : 1 (非常に柔らかい) - 10 (非常に硬い)
- MoYou London 長方形 (レビュー)
- Pueen squishyスタンパー (レビュー) & Fab Ur Nails ネオンピンク (レビュー)
- Messy Mansion Soft (ピンク) (レビュー)
- Messy Mansion Medium Soft (黄色) (レビュー)
- Messy Mansion Crystal Stamper 1.0
- Harunoutaクリアジェリースタンパー (レビュー)
- Messy Mansion Crystal Stamper 2.0
- AliExpressクリアジェリースタンパー
- MoYou London XL *廃盤
- Konadゴム製スタンパー
繰り返しますが、このランク付けは私の手持ちスタンパーに基づいたものであり、市場に存在するスタンパーすべてを含めたものではありませんので悪しからず。Messy Mansion CS 2.0はかなり硬そうに思われるかもしれませんが、4と5、6と7の違いはほんの僅差であり、人によっては「同じぐらいの柔らかさ」と判定される方もいるかもしれません。
OK, enough about squishiness. How about the quality? I grabbed four different plates (Messy Mansion, Fab Ur Nails, Pueen & Born Pretty) to do the pickup test. Test is done without priming. On each of the pic, the stamper head on the left is CS 1.0 and the right is CS 2.0.
柔らかさについてはこれぐらいにして、ピックアップのテストに移ります。4枚のプレート(Messy Mansion、Fab Ur Nails、Pueen、Born Pretty)を使っての結果は以下のとおり。ちなみにスタンパーヘッドはprimeせずに使っています。各写真の左側のスタンパーがCS 1.0、右側のスタンパーがCS 2.0です。
Top pic is done with Messy Mansion Valareign 03 plate and Messy Mansion stamping polishes (Carbon & Sterling), and the bottom pic is done with Fab Ur Nails FUN17 plate and Mundo de Unas stamping polishes.
Apologies for the glare on the silver stamping, but you can see that they both stamp amazingly.
上の画像はMessy Mansion Valareign 03プレートとMessy Mansionのスタンピングポリッシュ(CarbonとSterling)での結果。下の画像はFab Ur Nails FUN17プレートとMundo de Unasでの結果です。
And the 2nd round. Top pic is done with Pueen Geo Lover 01 plate and Pueen Super Intense polishes, and the bottom pic is done with Born Pretty BP-L024 and Ya Qin An stamping polishes.
Looks very good on these ones as well. I can see very tiny bald spots but that wouldn't show on your nails as this pic is much bigger than the actual size.
Looks very good on these ones as well. I can see very tiny bald spots but that wouldn't show on your nails as this pic is much bigger than the actual size.
そしてこちらの上の画像はPueen Geo Lover 01プレートとPueen Super Intenseポリッシュでの結果で、下の画像はBorn Pretty BP-L024とYa Qin Anスタンピングポリッシュでの結果。
One tip about using these stampers. I already pointed out on this post, but for best results, be sure to pick up image as quickly as possible after you scrape, so the polish doesn't start to dry. I first did this pickup test when the air-con was going above me, and the stamper only picked up half the image. When there is an air flow, the polish on plate dries quicker. So I turned off the air-con, did it again, and the result was perfect. If you're using slow drying stamping polish like Mundo de Unas, that's not the case and you could take time. Also, if the stamper doesn't pick up image well, make sure you aren't scraping too much, as less polish on plate means it will dry up faster.
このスタンパーを使用する際のコツを1つ。以前にもこのポストで書きましたが、スクレイプ後ポリッシュが乾かないうちになるべく早く柄をピックアップするよう心掛けてください。このテストをしたときに部屋でエアコンを掛けていたのですが、スタンパーが半分ほどしか柄をピックアップしてくれませんでした。空気の流れがあるとプレートのポリッシュが早く乾いてしまうので要注意です。エアコンを止めて再度試したところ、今度は完璧にピックアップしました。Mundo de Unasのような乾きの遅いスタンピングポリッシュを使う場合はこの限りではありません。また、スタンパーが柄をうまくピックアップしない場合は、ポリッシュをスクレイプしすぎていないかも確認してください。プレート上のポリッシュ量が少ないと、乾くのも早くなります。
So my thoughts on these Crystal Stampers? They perform amazingly and I absolutely love them. I love the fact that CS 1.0 is squishy and perfect for my nails. I will probably use CS 2.0 for decals as it is a bit too firm to stamp directly on my nails, especially full size image. Holders for both stampers are much better than the purple one, especially CS 2.0 that is transparent all around it. I will still use my masking tape holder for video filming sake though, as the use of these long holders makes my camera go blurry trying to get focus. When I film tutorial for Instagram, I have to really zoom in to my nails, make sure they are in the frame and in focus, and stamp quickly at the same time, so I don't have time to wait for my camera to adjust focus.
Anyway, I'm super excited to have these in my collection, and I can't wait to start using them.
というわけで総評としては、どちらも品質の良い使いやすいスタンパーで大変気に入りました。CS 1.0の方は柔らかいのでCカーブの強い長い爪には最適だと思います。CS 2.0の方は硬めなためフルサイズの柄などを直接スタンプするのは少し厳しいので、decal専用になるかもしれません。両方ともホルダーは紫のものより見やすさという面では上で、特にCS 2.0の方は全面透明なのが嬉しいです。ただ、動画撮影を考えるとやはりマスキングテープホルダーを引き続き使って行かざるをえないかなという感じはします。特にインスタ用動画は爪にかなりズームインして撮影しないといけないので、爪がフレームに入っているか、ブレていないかを確認しつつ素早くスタンプしないといけないのです。そんな中でこの長いホルダーを使うとカメラのピントが合いづらくなるのでさらにタイムロスになってしまいます。
*Products sent for honest review
Write commentsWow lots of work all in one go! You are something else mama ;) I adore my MM Crystal stamper 1.0 as its super squishy and perfect for my nails. It's one of the softest CJS type stampers I have ever ever encountered! I liked it so much I bought back ups lolol. Ahem and as you know I'm pretty addicted to the brand so when she had the Christmas sale I just stocked up - got all the Symmetrika's and Tristaenia's etc etc! I'm so excited to see what you come up with babe and welcome to the team ;)
ReplyAw thank you so much, Tamira! Yup, it took me 4 days to complie this post... I'm too exhausted to paint my nails now, bhahaha! Glad to hear that CS 1.0 is the squishiest clear stamper in your collection also. Greedy me thinks Julia should make larger & squishier ones though! :D I know your Messy Mansion addiction by the way, and I can't blame you :P So proud to join you and other girls on Messy Mansion team!
ReplyFirst of all Congratulations! I hope to see some more reviews on your blog page, everything is so nice however after looking at so many clear stampers that are on the market I have some how manage to wait for the one that I want and MM crystal stamper 1.0 is the one for me...from the moment I saw it I knew that I must get it. Great review and thank you =)
ReplyAwesome review Cassis. I also own the Crystal stamper 1.0 and like ... but with images that have fine lines/details I can't make it pick them up. So I always ended up using the firm "purple" stamper (messy mansion) and make decals.
ReplyI always look forward to your reviews. You were my main source of inspiration (and learning) when I got started about six months ago, so I highly value your opinion on products! Thanks so much! :)
ReplyThanks love! You're so right, there are just too many clear stampers on the market that we don't know which to get. If you got MM CS 1.0 already, you probably don't need to look any further, until someone releases bigger & squishier ones!
ReplyAw that's a pity! Symetrika 06 plate has fine lines, but I had no problem picking up images with both Crystal stampers. It'd be much more difficult if the plate is shallow-etched though. Also those clear stampers behave a bit differently from normal stampers, and the best trick is to pickup much faster than usual, and/or use slow drying polish like MdU. Hope you get yours working, and thanks for the comment Evelyn!
ReplyThanks hunni! I recognise your avatar, as you have left some lovely comments on my youtube vids ^_^ Glad my review was useful! <3
ReplyOh, that's super news - congrats on being part of the MM team!! I have been wanting to try items from this brand for, well, ever - and I'm glad to have you as a guide and inspiration. Fabulous review post here!! Especially the dimensions...very important when deciding if a plate is a good fit (I often just see "pretty" and forget to make sure they'll work well for me). Now, I'm off to check out buying options from the USA....
ReplyThanks Kim! I totally see what you mean. Many plate has set size images (like 2.0cm x 1.5cm), but with MM plates, many of the images vary in size so I thought the dimensions might help :) Messy Mansion has a warehouse in US, so the shipping cost and time should both be US customers friendly :D
Replyカシスさん、こんにちはー^ ^
Replyクリアスタンパーの柔らかさと通常スタンパーも含めた柔らかさ比較の記事がとても参考になりました!Messy Mansionのプレートは柄に品があって良いですね〜。こちらも参考になりました。どれもいいなあ。MMの黄色スタンパーが使いすぎてへたってきたので、買おうかなと思っていましたがプレートも一緒に買っちゃおうかしらん。
Reply参考になったとのこと嬉しいです\(^o^)/ MMのスタンパーはやっぱり世界一~。このクリスタルスタンパーも期待どおりでしたね。Shimaさんは黄色がお好みですか!私も黄色持ってます♪ 私の一番のお気に入りはピンクなのですが、そろそろバックアップを買おうかなと思っていたところですよ(゚∀゚) プレートもMMはカッコいいのが多いので是非是非~♡
Thank you! thank you! A million thank you's for doing this review. In all honesty I've been waiting for YOU to do a review with more of the clear jelly stampers, the reviews are always so detailed, organized and very informative. I look forward to them. And congratulations on becoming part of the MM team. This means i can look forward to more reviews from you regarding their products! Yay! Again, many thanks for this one. Xoxo!
ReplyAw thank you so much for such a HUGE compliment, Jess! I always enjoy writing a review, although it is quite a big job :D We're just too lost with all the clear stampers on the market, aren't we?? I'm glad too that I got to review Messy Mansion stampers, because I know Julia's quality control never fails me. Now that I got these, I don't need to look any further, but it's a different story if someone comes out with bigger and squishier ones :D
ReplyMessy Mansion has few items under development, so whey they're out, I'll be reviewing them as well :)
I love Messy Mansion stamping plates! I have several and they are all great quality and have unique designs. I really liked your review of the clear stamper and the way you compared it to others you have. That is such helpful information! Thank you. Congratulations on being chosen to be a nail blogger for Messy Mansion! That is quite an honour. I always love your nail designs/manicures and can't wait to see what you come up with!
ReplyThanks Cindi! Great to hear the post was helpful^^ Yes I was so excited to be chosen as a Messy Mansion blogger as I too LOVE this brand! I have created and posted two designs using these products already, and I'm impressed everything worked so well including the clear stampers :)