Halloween Night Stamping Mani Using EJB Stamping Plate
October 12th Update: I replaced the video at the end of this post with YouTube version.I haven't been on Instagram much since my last post there, but when I went and looked, there were Halloween manis everywhere! With so many Halloween designs around, it really makes it difficult for me to come up with something unique and creative, but I finally decided on one design.
Thumb, middle finger & ring finger: Base is Sally Hansen Teeny Bikini. I painted a semi-circle with KIKO Melon and Ciate hopscotch, and topcoated in case of mis-stamp. I applied Simply Peel around my cuticles, and stamped a cat, lamp, ghost, graveyard etc from Ejiubas EJB-04 plate side B (see this post for review & link to the shop) with Mundo de Uñas Black. I finished off with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat.
Pointer & pinkie: Base is Sinful Colors Mauve. I painted semi-circle with Madam Glam Lilac Madness and MoYou London Cerise Pink, and topcoated. Then I stamped lamp, spider, witch and bat from the same plate with Mundo de Uñas Black and Light Gray.
I'm quite happy with how this turned out. I was thinking about not going for typical Halloween colours of purple and orange, but I ended up using this colour combo anyway. This EJB-04 plate has so many small images to choose from, and I had a fun time creating this mani.
Finished product, with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. In the sun |
親指、中指、薬指 : ベースはSally Hansen Teeny Bikini。KIKO MelonとCiate hopscotchで半円を描き、スタンピング前にトップコートを塗る。キューティクル周辺にSimply Peelを塗り、Ejiubas EJB-04プレートのB面(レビューとショップへのリンクはこちら)から猫、ランプ、お化け、墓地をMundo de Uñas Blackでスタンプ。仕上げはGlisten & Glow HK Girlトップコート。
人差し指と小指 : ベースはSinful Colors Mauve。Madam Glam Lilac MadnessとMoYou London Cerise Pinkで半円を描き、トップコートする。同じプレートからランプ、蜘蛛、魔女、こうもりをMundo de Uñas BlackとLight Grayでスタンプ。
Polishes used |
Sinful Colors Mauve
Madam Glam Lilac Madness
MoYou London Cerise Pink
Sally Hansen Teeny Bikini
KIKO Melon
Ciate hopscotch
Mundo de Uñas Black
Mundo de Uñas Light Gray
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So here are the images I used. There are lots to choose from, right? I didn't take picture of my thumb, but it's got that skull & pumpkin <3 |
When I stamped, I removed unwanted parts that stamper picked up, so I used Mundo de Unas this time. They are slow-drying and work best for this purpose |
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Don't you just love these cartoonish images? The size is just perfect also! |
Ejiubas EJB-04のB面にはちょっと漫画チックな可愛い柄が多いので、どれを使おうか目移りしてしまいました。スタンパーが要らない柄もピックアップするので、今回は乾きの遅いMdUを使用してスタンパー上で要らない部分をセロテープで取り除いてからスタンプしました。カシスは爪に直接転写するのが本当に苦手なのですが、今回はどれも配置が思った通りに決まってホッ。やっぱMdUは楽だわあ。