'Wear Yellow for Seth' Mani
April 12th Update: I replaced the video at the end of this post with YouTube version.Today's mani was created for 5-year-old boy Seth Lane in UK who is battling with severe combined immune deficiency (SCID). You can read about him on this page. His favourite colour is yellow and he and his parents are asking people to wear yellow to show support for this brave boy, who had another bone marrow transplant on March 27th. I created this mani four years ago and posted on Instagram with hashtag #wearyellowforseth. If you go see this hashtag on IG, you will see overwhelming number of photos with people wearing yellow clothes or yellow manis.
For this mani, I started off with JOSS Little Black Dress (black) for thumb, middle finger, and ring finger, and placed 2 sets of striping tape crossed to form a ribbon shape. Then I painted JOSS More Nail Gold on the ribbon part, and peeled off the tapes. I placed another 2 sets of striping tapes and masking tape to cover the ribbon part this time, and stamped a floral pattern from BP-28 with Mundo de Uñas Pastel Yellow, and immediately peeled off the tapes. I placed a black round stud I bought from ebay at the centre of the ribbon and placed little gold beads (this item from Born Pretty Store) around the studs.
For other nails, I simply painted Sally Hansen Mellow Yellow and topped with black and yellow studs.
I actually got inspired by a laptop sleeve I found on the internet. I'll show you the pic later. I've been wanting to wear yellow, and was looking for an inspiration when my dear friend Mary @dreamymm tagged me to participate this #wearsethforyellow. I really hope the operation went smoothly and that he likes all our yellow manis!
今日のネイルは重度複合免疫不全症(SCID)という病気と闘う5歳の男の子Seth Laneくんのために作ったネイルです。Sethくんについてはこのページで紹介されています。27日に2回目の骨髄移植を控えて、ご両親がSethくんの大好きな色・黄色を着て(または塗って)手術がうまくいくよう応援してほしいとSNS上で呼びかけていました。Mary @dreamymmからタグをもらってSethくんのことを知り、微力ながら私も参加させていただきました。出来上がりはこちら。
Finished product, with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. In the sun |
親指、中指、薬指のベースはJOSS Little Black Dress (黒)。ラインテープを2本クロスするように爪に置いてリボンのような形を形成。そのリボンの部分をJOSS More Nail Goldで塗る。今度はそのリボンの部分を隠すようにまたラインテープとマスキングテープを置き、Born Pretty BP-28の花柄をMundo de Uñas Pastel Yellowでスタンプし、すぐにテープを剥がす。リボンの真ん中に黒の丸スタッズを配置し、スタッズの周りには春の歌さんからいただいたこちらのブリオンを囲むように配置。
他の指はSally Hansen Mellow Yellowを塗り、黒と黄色のスタッズを配置。使用ポリッシュはこちら。
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Polish used |
JOSS Little Black Dress
JOSS More Nail Gold
Mundo de Uñas Pastel Yellow
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This is the inspiration pic. Photo credit |
ちなみにこのネイルにはインスピレーション元があります。それがこのPCバッグ。画像の引用先はこちら。黄色のネイルがしたくてずっとインスピレーションとなるような画像を探していたときに見つけたもの。ちょうどMary @dreamymmが#wearsethforyellowのタグをくれたので、この機会にと思って作ってみました。なにかSethくんゆかりのネイルにすればよかったかな~と思いましたが、お花スタンプが可愛いのでそのままに。
Those beads around the black studs are so tiny, I had a hard time placing them. I think the result is worth the effort though |
What do you think of this mani compared to the inspo pic? ;) |

Write commentsWow! What a cool looking laptop pouch you found :D You totally nailed the design!! I love how you placed those bullion beads so perfectly :))) I'm not patient enough to do that XD
ReplyI really hope the lil boy will get better and walk out of the hospital very very soon :)
Haha, I know right!? I thought this fancy laptop sleeve design would make a good mani XD I didn't bother too much about perfectly recreating the design, but I think I nailed it :P Glad you agree! <3
ReplyOh those beads were a real pain to place!! But I didn't give up, for the sake of brave Seth. I'm also wondering how the operation went! Hope this time it was successful. Thank you always for your sweet comment, Minnie! Mmmmwwah! <3