Fab Ur Nails Product Review (Pic Heavy!)
Today I'm super excited to share with you some products Johanne at Fab Ur Nails sent me for review. Fab Ur Nails is a Phillipine based company selling stamping plates, stampers, and other nail art tools. When I got into nail stamping in late 2013, this brand was already an well-known and established one, so anyone who is into stamping must have heard of it already. It's run by super talented Johanne, who has been stamping for more than 10 years! Now, I didn't even know stamping has such a long history, and compared to myself who has only a year and a half year of experience, Johanne is like a stamping champion. She is on Adventures in Stamping facebook group, and I got to know her and befriended through that group.Here are the links to her store and SNS:
- Store : www.faburnails.com/
- Instagram : instagram.com/faburnails
- Facebook : www.facebook.com/faburnails
When Johanne asked if I would like to try her plates, I was like 'Why, of course!'. Having known this brand for quite a while, I haven't tried her products yet. I'm a slow plate collector (whether you agree or not), and I had a wishlist built up to place an order at this shop one day.
The parcel was sent out with Singapore Post and I received email with a tracking number and a link to the tracking Website. This is how the process went:
- Shipped: 26th Feb
- Landed in OZ: 6th Mar
- Arrived: 25th Mar
It took a month for it to arrive, and I actually contacted Johanne on the day before parcel arrived if she could check where the parcel is (I spoke too soon!). It only took a bit over a week to land in Australia, but Australia Post seemed to stuff up and held it hostage for 19 days. If it wasn't the case, the parcel should have come in 2 weeks or so. Anyway, let's see what I've got!
春の歌のプレゼント企画の件、当選者発表は数日後に行います。少々お待ちください。今日はFab Ur Nailsの製品レビューをしたいと思います。Fab Ur Nailsはスタンピングプレート、スタンパー、その他ネイルアート用品を扱うフィリピンベースの会社です。私が2013年後半にネイルアートの世界に入った時はもう名の知れたブランドだったので、知っている方は多いかと思います。オーナーはJohanneさん。彼女自身、スタンピング歴は10年以上というベテラン中のベテランスタンパーです。私がスタンピング歴1.5年ほどなので、サメとシシャモぐらいの差があります(笑。彼女とはFacebookのAdventures in Stampingグループで知り合い、Facebookフレンドにもなってたびたび交流してきました。
- ショップ : www.faburnails.com/
- インスタグラム : instagram.com/faburnails
- Facebook : www.facebook.com/faburnails
小包はSingapore Postで送られ、追跡番号と追跡できるWebサイトへのリンクが記載されたメールが届きました。発送から到着まではこんな。
- 発送 : 2/26
- オーストラリア入国 : 3/6
- 到着 : 3/25
到着には1ヶ月かかりました。1週間程度でオーストラリア入りしているのに遅いな~と心配になり、Johanneに「まだ届かないよ」と連絡。すると彼女も心配になって既にSingapore Postに連絡したとのこと。そしてあっさりその翌日に到着。Australia Postの不手際か何かで19日間も国内を彷徨っていました。こうしたことがなければ2週間程度で届いていたと思います。では中身を見てみましょう。
The parcel contained these goodies plus a cute letter <3 (Note: 'Yuri' on the letter is my real name. lol.) All she asked me was which plates I was interested in, and I replied 'Fun 14 or 15, whichever you're happy with'. But wow, she put in lot extra!
こちらが小包の中身と可愛い文字のお手紙。(ちなみに手紙にあるYuriはカシスの本名でありますw)商品を送ってくださる前にどのプレートが欲しいか訊かれ、「Fun 14か15、どちらでも構いません」と答えたのですが、だいぶおまけを入れてくれたみたい(゚∀゚)
The plates are stuck to thick card board to prevent them from being bent during delivery.
Before I show you plates, I'll show you other goodies I got. These are Pure Color 9 and 10. You can see her nail art brush range on this page. I didn't expect to receive these fabulous brushes! I actually have these 2 brushes (haul post here). I completely forgot Fab Ur Nails carry them! (and they sell slightly cheaper than where I bought them from). I LOVE these brushes, they are amazing quality, but I worried that I wreck them with acetone, so I've been using them sporadically. Now that I have backups, I will use them more often.
プレートを紹介する前に他のグッズを先にお見せします。このブラシはPure Color 9と10。Fab Ur Nailsではブラシもいくつか取り揃えています(ページへのリンクはこちら)。この2本をいただけるとはまったく予想外でした。実はこの2本持っています(haul記事はこちら)。Fab Ur Nailsで扱っていることを忘れていて別の場所で買ったのですが、FUNの方が若干安いようですね。ちなみにこのブラシ、非常に使いやすくて気に入っています。でも私の持っているブラシの中では値段が一番高いので、アセトンでボロボロになるのが嫌でたまにしか使っていませんでした。バックアップができたのでこれからはガシガシ使っていきます!
Next up is stamper, stamper cap holders, and scrapers (which peek under the holders).
This is what the scrapers look like. Size is 8.5cm x 5.4cm, exactly the same size with my plastic library card I use as a scraper. It's semi-translucent and the printing won't fade with acetone use.
スクレイパーはこんな感じ。サイズは8.5cm x 5.4cmで私が使っている図書館カードと一緒。半透明でロゴはアセトンを使っても消えることはありません。
It is also very flexible, just like Creative Shop scraper. To be honest, I'm not a fan of flexible scraper like this, so I will keep using my good ole' library card. This is only my personal preference, and I know many girls love flexible ones like this.
Creative Shopのスクレイパーと同じく柔らかいタイプです。正直に言うと、この手の柔らかいスクレイパーはあまり好きではありません。なので引き続き図書館カードを使っていくと思います。これは個人的な好みなので、こっちが好きという人も多いと思います。
What about stamper cap holders? This is what it looks like, the gold holder with extra white part inside.
You can choose to use as is, or to take the white part out of the gold holder and use it like that.
Most standard round stamper heads on the market should sit comfortably on the gold holder, but does it sometime happen to you that stamper heads fall off the holder while stamping? Annoying, isn't it? If that's the case, you can put this white part in the gold holder and pop the stamper head in. This will stop the stamper head from falling off. Genius idea, I would say.
Inside of the gold holder is about 2.65cm in diameter, whereas that of the white part is 2.55cm. Most standard round stampers are 3.0cm in diameter.
At the back of the holder is beautiful Fab Ur Nails logo engraved.
ホルダーの底にはFab Ur Nailsロゴが彫られています。凝ってますね(゚∀゚)
You remember my 10 stamper heads from AliExpress? They were lying around everywhere on my nail station, but they found a happy home now :D
お次はスタンパーヘッド。Johanneが送ってくれたのは真ん中のもの。比較のため、左に置いたのがMoYou Londonの四角スタンパー、右がAliExpressの10個のうちの1個。
Height is about 1.4cm for Fab Ur Nails stamper head in case you're wondering.
あまり必要ない情報かもしれませんが、Fab Ur Nailsのスタンパーヘッドの高さは1.4cmほど。
Squishiness comparison. MoYou London rectangle (review post here) is a true marshmallow, and I would say Fab Ur Nails' is semi-marshmallow. As I wrote on this post, my AliExpress stamper heads are inconsistent in squishiness, and this one on the bottom right is the squishiest of the bunch I got. Compared to this and FUN stamper head, they are about the same squishiness. FUN head is also sticky, but not as overly sticky as MoYou one.
柔らかさ比較。MoYou Londonの四角スタンパー (レビューはこちら)はマシュマロでしたが、Fab Ur Nailsは半マシュマロと言ったところでしょうか。AliExpressのスタンパーレビュー記事に書いたように、私がAEで買った10個のヘッドは柔らかさが一定ではなく、この画像右下のヘッドが一番柔らかいものでした。これとFUNのヘッドを比べると、柔らかさは同じぐらい。かなりベタつきはありますが、MoYouのマシュマロほどではありません。
Sooooo, the most important part. Does this pick up image at all? Let's see. I tried without priming. Plate used is Dashica Infinity 70 and stamping polish is Mundo de Uñas Purple.
Bravo! I can see tiny bold spots, but remember this is about 16 times bigger than the actual size. And the fact that it performs this good without priming is a big thumb up.
さて、一番肝心な部分。柄をきちんとピックアップするか?Primeなしでやってみたのがこちら。プレートはDashica Infinity 70、ポリッシュはMundo de Uñas Purple。
やっほ~い!\(^o^)/ 小さな欠けは見えますが、上の画像は実際の柄のサイズの16倍ほどあるので、目視ではほとんど見えない程度でした。
So I kept testing on paper using Dashica Infinity 70 and 40. Stamping polishes are Mundo de Uñas Purple and Blue. I decided that this stamper head doesn't even need priming, so I'll use as is.
紙でもテスト。プレートはDashica Infinity 70と40、ポリッシュはMundo de Uñas PurpleとBlue。見ていただくと分かるようにPrimeは必要なさそうなのでそのまま使うことにします(゚∀゚)
Finally, stamping plates. Johanne sent me FUN14 and FUN15. I was happy with just one, but she sent me two. Thanks Johanne! <3
They have paper backing with Fab Ur Nails log.
プレートの裏はFab Ur Nailsのロゴ付きの台が付いています。
This is FUN14. So many pretty patterns with flowers, butterflies, blowing girls silhouette.
And this is FUN15. So many versatile images including tribals, geometrics, flowers, leaves, swirls, and silhouettes. The possibilities are endless on this one!
Size comparison. Left is MoYou London rectangle plate. FUN plate is 14.5cm x 9.5 in size, and each image is 2.0cm x 1.5cm, but varies depending on images (like those on the bottom row).
サイズ比較。左はMoYou Londonの長方形プレート。FUNプレートは14.5cm x 9.5cmで、柄はそれぞれ2.0cm x 1.5cm。ただし、柄によって大きさは異なります(たとえばこのプレートの一番下の行の柄など)。
Test on paper. FUN14 part 1. Stamping polishes are all Mundo de Uñas (Orange, Blue, and Reddish). Images come out crisp and clear. I was curious about how those silhouettes stamp, because I know for a fact that those with big negative space can be troublesome. But I had no problem at all.
紙へのテスト。FUN14その1。使ったスタンピングポリッシュはすべてMundo de Uñas(Orange、Blue、Reddish)。見ての通り彫りはまったく問題なし。シルエットの柄のようにnegative spaceが広い(ポリッシュが埋まる部分が多い)柄がどうなるか心配だったのですが、綺麗にスタンプしました。
FUN14 part 2. Ohhh look at that luxurious flower on the far left in the middle row! I've actually seen lots of manis done using this pattern. I can't wait to do my version!
FUN14その2。真ん中の一番左のお花がカッコよすぎ(゚∀゚) この柄を使ったネイル、もう既にたくさん見ました。どんな風に使おうか楽しみ。
FUN15 part 1. Again, very crisp and clear. I can picture myself reaching out to this plate many times. So many fun images and I love the variety.
FUN15 part 2. I love the idea of having both positive and negative images like on the first and second row.
Phew! There you have it. This took me half a day to take pics, edit them, and writing up in 2 languages, so I hope you enjoyed this post! Can't wait to play with these babies :D
*Products sent for honest review

Write commentsThis is a fantastic review! You have so many pictures and tons of information- thank you!! And, for doing it in two languages, that's always impressive and time consuming, so wanted to let you know it is all appreciated. :)
ReplyAww thank you so much for reading, Kim! It's great to hear a sweet comment like that <3 My review posts tend to be very long, but I just want to include everything I experienced with the store :) So glad to know it was helpful!
ReplyWhat a monster of a review Cassis!! Your reviews are always super and I'm always sold XD I just LOVE the look of the gorgeous gold stamper and it'll be on my next wishing list right after getting the Creative Shop one :) And these plates look fabulous too!! I can't wait to see what you're gonna come up with <3
ReplyAww thanks Minnie! I always get carried away when I do a product review, and the post gets super long. Don't know why! :D Took a while to put it all together, but I did it XD
ReplyYep, those gold stamper holders are not only so shiny and beautiful, but also well-thought out and easy to use! Johanne herself is a very experienced stamper, and I really didn't think she would sell something that doesn't work :) Ohhh you got Creative Shop stamper? I haven't touched mine for a long time, but I hope yours behaves well! <3
Great review!
ReplyI really like the stamper heads comparison because it's very useful! The translucent material is especially interesting because it looks like both light and dark colours would show up well :)
Thanks for reading, lovely! Yes! I forgot to mention that the translucent head shows white colour as well :) You can't have too many good stampers, and this is one of those :D
ReplyShould there be another persuasive post you can share next time, I’ll be surely waiting for it. 10etext
ReplyI'm waiting on another mail from Fab Ur Nails, so when it arrives I will do another review :)