Reverse Leadlight Flower Stamping using Pueen Encore
UPDATE: 13th Oct, I made a YouTube version and replaced the Instagram tutorial at the end of this post. The first half of the video is dedicated to how to make your own jelly colours as you can see on this post.After busy September is over, I will slow down a bit this month although there are heaps of Halloween nail art challenges going on at IG this month which look so tempting. I realised I haven't used my Pueen Encore much recently and wanted to have a go before I create more Halloween manis.
For this mani, I started off with Face of Australia Jafar (oxblood creme) and stamped a big flower from Pueen Encore SE04B with Mundo de Uñas White. I then used my homemade jellies to sponge onto the white part (aka reverse leadlighting). I added some sparkle using Essence Space Queen and finished off with Seche Vite. For pointer and pinkie, I used TiNS Mercury kindly gifted by my dear friend Coppi.
Difference with my last reverse leadlight mani is that I used sponge to colour the stamps and also this time I didn't forget to add some sparkles. I like the final look. TiNS Mercury has incredible amount of glitters so the whole mani is so sparkly and joyful. I love my homemade jellies, I really need more colour variation!
10月13日更新: YouTube動画を作成したのでインスタ動画を置き換えました。動画の最初の部分ではお手製ジェリーの作り方(こちらの記事を参照)を説明しています。
Finished product, with Seche Vite |
ベースはFace of Australia Jafar。真黒ではなく黒に近い濃い赤クリームですかね。Pueen Encore SE04Bから大振りのお花をMundo de Uñas Whiteでスタンプ。その後お手製ジェリーと三角スポンジを使って白のスタンプに色を乗せていき、Essence Space Queenを追加。最後にSeche Viteでフィニッシュ。人差し指と小指はこっぴさんからいただいたTiNS Mercury初使用!\(^o^)/
Polish used (excluding my jellies). Forgot to include Mundo White... |
Essence Space Queen
Face of Australia Jafar
TiNS Mercury
This is TiNS Mercury. Look at those glitters!! |
マーキュリー様を持ってパチリ。写真も爪じゃなくてマーキュリーにピントが合っちゃいましたw キラキラがスゲー(゚∀゚)
Love this big flower. I'm so in love with my Pueen Encore! |
Reverse leadlight(白スタンプの上にジェリーで色付け)はここで初めてやりましたが、今回はスポンジを使ってみました。こっちの方が色の混ざり方が自然かな?同じ色でもスポンジで濃淡が出るので、ぺったりした印象ではなくちょっと深みがある感じです。あと、今回はキラキラを足したので、Mercuryとよくマッチしたと思います(゚∀゚) お手製ジェリーもだいぶ活用していますが、もうちょっと色のバリエーションが欲しくなってきました。秋色が欲しいな~♡
Write commentsThese are gorgeous, and fantastic tutorial!
ReplyThanks Alexandria! Glad you like it and the tutorial :D
ReplyI live in the US do you know where I can find these inks?
ReplyHi Myishia, I hear Michaels carry them :)