Delicate Plaid & Flower Mani

Monday, August 29, 2016 5 Comments A+ a-

I'm glad last week is over. I was on another business trip last week, and was dying to go back home. The hotel I was staying at was very nice and spacious, but it had crappy wifi, giving me only 200MB a day. With work and my nail hobby, I easily use 1GB a day, so imagine how hard it was for me to get through the week! Anyway, I created another mani using beautiful hēhē plates I was sent for review.

Thumb, middle & ring finger: Base is Cirque Colors Acid Wash (blue) and Mint Chip (mint) from limited edition Speckled collection. I made a stamping decal out of plaid & flower combo on hēhē 073 plate using Pueen Cosmetics Tropical Dusk, coloured in with white and pink polish. Once the decal is dry, I peeled it off stamper, cut to nail size and placed on these nails. I finished off with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat.

Pointer & pinkie: Base is Cirque Astra (pink). I made a stamping decal out of tribal looking pattern on hēhē 083 plate using Pueen Cosmetics Tropical Dusk, coloured in with white. Rest of the process is the same as above.

I really wanted to go for soft and delicate look, and I'm happy with how this mani turned out. I was going to mattify, but I was happy with the way it is. You get a lot of super cute plaid & flower combinations on this hēhē The Plaids & Florals collection, so make sure to check out Aiyohehe's website.


Finished product. Sun shot with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat

親指、中指、薬指 : ベースはCirque ColorsのSpeckledコレクションのAcid Wash(青)とMint Chip(ミント)。hēhē 073プレートの格子&花柄をPueen Cosmetics Tropical Duskでスタンプし、白と薄ピンクで色付けしてdecalを作成。decalが乾いたらスタンパーから剥がし、爪のサイズに切り取ってこの3本の爪に乗せる。仕上げはGlisten & Glow HK Girlトップコート。

人差し指と小指 : ベースはCirque Astra(ピンク)。hēhē 083プレートのトライバル風の柄をPueen Cosmetics Tropical Duskでスタンプし、白で色付けしてdecalを作成。後のプロセスは上記と同じ。

Polishes used


JOSS Will Not
Elcorazon Active Biogel 423/277 Cream
Cirque Acid Wash
Cirque Mint Chip
Cirque Astra
Pueen Tropical Dusk
By the way, something weird is happening to my Cirque Astra. I bought this and other Cirque polishes from Femme Fatale Cosmetics. They arrived in perfect condition, but in a month or two, this Astra started to turn brown. I contacted FFC and they sent me replacement, but this 2nd bottle (pic above) started to behave the same. So super sad :(

ちなみに上の写真はCirque Astraなんですが、ちょっと変なことになってます。CirqueはすべてFemme Fatale Cosmeticsで購入し、届いたときは完璧な状態だったのですが、1~2か月ほどするとAstraだけ茶色っぽく変化してしまいました。FFCに連絡して新しいポリッシュを送ってもらったのですが、その交換品のAstra(上の写真)も同じ運命に(。-_-。)チーン。しかもこのポリッシュ、いつもお世話になっているネイルのお友達にプレゼントするために自分用とお友達用に2本買ったもの。お友達の分を送った時は変色は見られなかったのですが、時間が経ってどうなったか・・・。よりによってプレゼント品がこんなことになるとは悔しい(T_T)
Anyway, those soft Cirque colours & the grayish stamping polish went so well with these stamps.
I'm glad I chose them!

This flower on hēhē 073 plate is sooo pretty. In fact, every single flower on this hēhē collection is! 

hēhēのThe Plaids & Floralsコレクションのお花、どれも本当に可愛いです。格子柄との組み合わせも豊富なので、気になる方はAiyooheheのWebサイトを覗いてみてください。


Write comments
29 August 2016 at 13:51 delete

very nice manicure, love the colors combo... =)

Cassis P
29 August 2016 at 19:12 delete

Thanks hun! Glad you like it^^

11 September 2016 at 07:43 delete

I really like this nail design!

Cassis P
11 September 2016 at 18:59 delete

Yay, glad you like it! Thanks Ninthea^^

Cassis P
5 January 2017 at 08:42 delete

Thanks hun^^ I know a hiragana plate ( but I haven't seen many kanji plates. Moyou London Suki 02 plate has some kanjis (, and so does Bundle Monster Series 2 collecion (
