AliExpress Haul and Review - Stampers & Plate Storage
I've got few nail mails for the last few days, and would like to share them in separate posts. First up is the AliExpress haul. Yep, AliExpress. I think I said on this post depicting my disastrous experience with one seller on this site, that I would never buy from this site again. I broke my rule and bought again. It's a different seller this time, and let me tell you, I'm a happy customer now.The main reason I came back to this site is because of the stampers. I'm so determined to get every stamper with high reputations, and I heard few people on a Facebook stamping group were talking about these stampers on AE. Also, Silvia @esmalterapia4me showed the swatches using those stampers here, and I was completely sold.
By the way, here are the links to my recent stamper review posts in case you're interested:
- Creative Shop stamper review : click here
- Creative Shop stamper follow up review : click here
- MoYou rectangle stamper review : click here
I also bought a plate storage I've been wanting for my Messy Mansion and Emily de Molly plates. They are bigger than Konad and Bundle Monsters and they don't fit in the business card holder I use for smaller plates.
ここ数日でいくつかnail mailが届いたので別々にご紹介します。まずはAliExpress haul。そうです、AliExpress。この記事で悲惨な体験をご紹介して「もうAEでは買わんわ!」と言ったと思いますが、その言を破ってまた買ってしまいました。しかし、今回は別のセラーです。そして結果的に買ってよかったと思える内容でした。
またAEに舞い戻った理由はスタンパーを買うためです。評判のいいスタンパーは片っ端から買って行こうと決めたので、今回はセラーが違うこともあり迷うことなくAEに戻りました。今回買ったスタンパーヘッドはFacebookのグループでちらっと耳にし、その後IGでSilvia @esmalterapia4meのSwatchをここで見て「もう買うわこれ」となったもの。
スタンパーヘッドを買うついでにプレートホルダーも購入。Messy MansionとEmily de MollyプレートはKonadやBundle Monsterより大きいので、収納に困っていました。同じセラーがホルダーを売っていたので一緒に購入。
The seller I bought these items from : click here
Stamper heads I bought : click here ($10.44 when I bought it)
Plate storage I bought : click here ($5.51 when I bought it)
This is how the order went:
- Paid : 1st Feb
- Dispatched with tracking : 3rd Feb
- Arrived : 20th Feb
2 and a half weeks since dispatch. I think it's not bad as most nail mails from China arrive in 10 days up to 4 weeks. Now, onto what I received.
購入したスタンパーヘッドはこちら (購入時価格$10.44)
購入したプレートホルダーはこちら (購入時価格$5.51)
- 支払い : 2/1
- 発送(追跡番号発行) : 2/3
- 到着 : 2/20
This is how the order came in. Pretty simple packaging but no damage at all.
I'll show you the plate storage first. This has 32 slots and came in 4 different colours (blue, pink, white & black). You can specify which colour you want when you check out. Note that it has 2 buttons, which you can choose from depending on how full your storage is.
Both Messy Mansion and Emily de Molly plates are 7cm in diameter, and you can see that each slot still has space for the plates to move around a bit. Also, the plates don't go deep in the slots, so it's easy to take them out. They found a happy home now :)
Messy MansionとEmily de Mollyのプレートは直径7cmです。ご覧のように収納したときにキツキツではなくまだ余裕があります。 そしてスロットが深すぎずプレートの一部がスロットからはみ出る形になっているので、出し入れがしやすいです。今度は別の色も買ってみようかな。
And here are the colourful stamper heads I've been waiting for. They come in 10 different colours, and the size is the same as normal XL round stamper head (2.7cm in diameter).
そしてこちらがお待ちかねのスタンパーヘッド。カラフルな10色(゚∀゚) 大きさは通常のXL丸スタンパーと同じく直径2.7cm。
As you can see, the height of each stamper is not consistent. The listing page also mentions this, and it doesn't really bother me at all.
One thing I was disappointed about is that they aren't as squishy as I thought. The item is called 'Marshmallow Candy Refill', so I thought they are marshmallow but they aren't. I have to ask my fellow stampers who have this set if theirs is marshmallow or not, because I'm pretty sure I heard they are quite squishy. The squishness of these stampers isn't consistent either, and this black stamper head happened to be the most squishy of all, maybe fall into semi-marshmallow category or a bit firmer.
1つがっかりした点が、マシュマロではなかったこと。商品名は「Marshmallow Candy Refill」なので、てっきりマシュマロだと思ってました(´・ω・`)。確かにsquishyなタイプだと聞いていたので、持っている人に尋ねてみます。10個あるうち硬さは一定ではなく、この黒スタンパーが体感的に一番柔らかかったです。カテゴリ的には半マシュマロと呼べるぐらいか、それよりやや硬いかぐらい。
Other than the black one I showed you above, they are pretty much the same squishness (a bit firmer than black). They are still squishier than my beloved discontinued MoYou XL round squishy firm, but not fit to use on my long curvy nails. As much as I feel bummered about it, I can still use them for decals if they pick up images well. As for stickiness, they are sticky but not as sticky as most marshmallows (like MoYou London rectangle).
上の黒スタンパー以外はどれも似たような硬さです(黒よりやや硬め)。decalスタンパーとして愛用中のMoYou XL丸スタンパー(廃盤)よりも柔らかいですが、私のCカーブのキツイ長めの爪に直接使うのは無理です。この点は非常に残念ですが、品質さえよければdecalに使えるのでまだ希望は捨てていません。ベタつきは多少ありますが、MoYou London長方形スタンパーなどマシュマロタイプほどのベタつきはありません。
Soooooo, do they stamp? Let's see. I popped these heads into black holder and tried out of the box (no priming). Wow... I didn't expect this. I'm quite impressed! They have shines to the heads, so I didn't think they would stamp well without priming. All the swatches are done using Mundo de Uñas White and MoYou London Bridal 07, with my usual library card as a scraper and a rolling pickup motion. I'm glad to have colour heads I can see white on!
さて、テストスタンプ。ヘッドを黒のホルダーに詰めてそのまま(Primeなしで)ピックアップしてみました。思わず「おお~!」と声が漏れる。ヘッドはテカテカ状態なので正直きちんとスタンプするとは思いませんでした。SwatchはMundo de Uñas WhiteとMoYou London Bridal 07を使用し、スクレイパーはいつもの図書カードで転がしピックアップ。白スタンプが見えるっていいね~(゚∀゚)
Keep trying with other heads. Only the top right red stamper didn't pick up well, so I went ahead and primed that one.
This is what I used for priming. I bought this at Daiso in Japan for 100 yen ($1). It's melamine foam sponge and is known as Magic Eraser in U.S.
Primeに使ったのがこちら。日本のダイソーで100円で買いました。アメリカではMagic Eraserという名前で知られているメラミンスポンジ。日本だと激落ちくんが有名ですよね。
What you do is lightly buff the stamper head with this melamine foam until you get the shine off the head. Don't go too crazy with it, just lightly.
So here is the result before priming (left) and after priming (right). You can see the image is picked up better after priming. I still see bald patches but I can live with one faulty stamper head out of 10.
For lighter colour heads, I switched to Mundo de Uñas Blue. The clear one at the bottom left has some bald patch, so I primed that one also.
The left is the same stamper head after priming, but I can still see a bit of bald patch. Right is my beloved Messy Mansion rectangle which is also discontinued. I stamped with this Messy Mansion right after I stamped the left one, without cleaning the plate in between stamps. It still picks up image very well.
左がPrime後。線のかすれがまだ残ってますね。参考までに、右は最愛のMessy Mansion長方形スタンパー(廃盤)。左のスタンパーで最初にスタンプし、プレートをアセトンで掃除せずそのままMundoを塗ってMMスタンパーでピックアップしていますが、それでもこのクオリティです。
My final thought? I'm quite happy with my purchase. For $1 a head, I didn't expect they would perform as they did. Those swatches were done before priming except for 2 heads (red & clear). Few things you should note though, are 1) They are not marshmallow (at least mine aren't), 2) They are not consistent in squishness and quality. Even though mine happened to perform great, that doesn't ensure your purchase will be the same. I still need marshmallow colour heads I can use directly on my nails, and I shall get them as soon as Messy Mansion restock them (I've been waiting for ages!).
今回の購入の感想としては、「買ってよかったなぁ」の一言です。スタンパーヘッド1つ1ドル程度なので、正直クオリティは期待していませんでした。2つを除いてはPrimeしないでこのクオリティです。ただし、注意点としては、1) マシュマロではないこと(少なくとも私のは)、2) 品質や柔らかさが一定ではないこと、でしょうか。なので私のが良いクオリティでも、次に買ったときに同じクオリティのものが届くとは限りません。その辺がややギャンブル的ではあります。でも有名ブランドのスタンパーは1個10ドルぐらいで売られていることを考えると、10個で10ドル程度(しかも送料無料)というのは試してもいいかな、という気持ちにさせてくれる値段設定だと思います。直接爪に使える柔らかさのスタンパーは引き続き必要なので、大本命のMessy Mansionのカラーヘッドが再入荷したらそちらも買ってレポートします。

Write commentsYou're welcome and thanks for additional info, Priscilla!
ReplyDamn!!! I've bought the same product (still waiting for it to arrive) and now I'm bummed that they are not mashmallow as I thought they'd be.
ReplyYep, the name is a bit deceiving
At least they stamp great, so I can use them for decals (and I made them a lot!). Hope yours are squishier than mine.
ReplyThis is a fabulous, comprehensive review. I'm also on the lookout for stampers that aren't so darn expensive and it looks like quality for these heads is really pretty nice. And for the price? Man, you can't beat that!

ReplyTell us when you use these for decals, I can't wait to see how well they turn out.
Thanks hun! Glad it was helpful
Yeah, I didn't expect much of these stampers because of the price, but they are great stuff. Other girls say the same although the squishness seems to be completely random which is pity. I have no doubt about using these for decals, but will let you know when I do 
ReplyI'm so tempted!! Great review Cassis!
ReplyAww thanks Cristina! For $1 a head, you wouldn't regret it!
ReplyWoow! These stampers are so colourful and cute!! I'd love to buy them but I don't think I'll be tough enough to go through what you did here, hahaha xD Perfect review Cassis!!
ReplyAww thanks Minnie! I was ummed and ahhed about buying again from AE, but it was totally worth it and I already use them so much! If you're thinking about making lots of decals, they are really good
You can make decals for 10 fingers in one go! <3
Reply参考になったとのこと、何よりです^^ スタンパー、うまくピックアップできますように♪
Great review!!! Thanks a lot. I have just two questions:
Reply1. What kind of Messy Mansion stampers do you prefer? They have lot of them.
2. Do you know something about their current rectangular white stamper?
Thanks hun!^^ I only have one Messy Mansion stamper which is white rectangle. They used to sell 2 types of squishness for this white one and mine is the squisher of the two. I'm asking Julia (owner of MM) at the moment if she still sells this.

ReplyIt looks like this ( but I don't know if the squishness is the same with mine. I'll let you know once I get response from Julia.
I have also ordered pink (soft) and yellow (medium soft) stamper heads and waiting for them to arrive. Once I have them, I'll write a review
I wil wait for your review. Thanks for the answer. By the way, I have both, pink and yellow and they are great. Currently their pink is my favourite stamper
ReplyI just got reply from Julia. Both the squishy white rectangle (the one I have) and the harder one she used to sell are both out of stock, replaced with the in-between stamper in squishness. Meaning, it's marginally harder than the one I use.

ReplyMy pink and yellow coloured heads were both shipped, and I can't wait to receive them
I saw in your last video pink MM head. How do you like it?
ReplyI love them! They're my new favs
I did a review on the MM stamper heads on this post: