Pink Rose Stamping Mani

Monday, February 16, 2015 2 Comments A+ a-

Feb 25th Update: I replaced the video at the end of this post with YouTube version.

I have been drooling over Lacquistry Amazeballz and Cirque Mirror Mirror, but I totally forgot that I have a similar pure-silver flakie polish - TiNS Photogénne. I picked up this polish while I was in Japan, and have only used once before. I decided to use this as a base for this mani.

For this mani, I started off with 3 coats of TiNS Photogénne, and stamped a rose pattern from Born Pretty Store BP-L001 plate sent by Harunouta using Mundo de Uñas Black. Then on stamper, I painted MoYou London Cerise Pink over the rose stamp and made a stamping decal. Once that's dry, I peeled it off and cut it, and placed it onto thumb, middle and ring finger. I added dots with the MoYou polish and finished off with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. For other nails, I simply added pink studs from MoYou London.

I went outside and took photos in the sun, but alas, my iPad mini didn't want to capture the sparkles of this pure-silver flakie very well! It actually looks much better in the shade, unlike holographic polishes. Although the photos don't show it's true beauty, I felt like a royalty having such gorgeous sparkles on my fingertips.


インディーズブランド好きな方だったらLacquistry Amazeballz と Cirque Mirror Mirrorの名前を聞いたことがあると思いますが、結構前からこの2本は「欲しいな~(でも高いな~)」と思って指をくわえてSwatchを眺めておりました。しかしあるときふと気付いた。そういえば似たようなコンセプトのポリッシュ持ってるじゃん!!

TiNS Photogénne。TiNSの純銀シリーズの1本です。ややゴールド寄りなので上記2本とは色味が違うのと、純銀の密度や大きさも同じではありませんが、一度しか使ったことがないのでとりあえずどんな感じか思い出すために使ってみた。出来上がりはこちら。

Finished product, with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. Outdoor shot

ベースはTiNS Photogénne 3度塗り。春の歌さんからいただいたBorn Pretty BP-L001の薔薇柄をMundo de Uñas Blackでスタンプ。スタンパー上でMoYou London Cerise Pinkを塗り、decal作成。乾いたら剥がして切って親指と中指と薬指に配置。ドット棒でドットをスタンプの周りに追加し、Glisten & Glow HK Girlトップコートで仕上げ。他の指はMoYou Londonからもらったピンクのスタッズを追加。使用ポリッシュはこちら。

Polishes used


TiNS Photogénne
MoYou London Cerise Pink
Mundo de Uñas Black

This photo shows the sparkles a bit better than the first one.
Still not as good as I see in real life though!


I like this shot where the pink dots flow from one finger to another :D
The rose stamp on this Born Pretty plate is 1.5cm x 1.4cm, meaning it's quite small for my nails,
but it's too pretty not to use!
このショット、ピンクのドットが指から指へと流れる感じがちょっと好きです(゚∀゚) このBP-L001のプレート、ほとんどの柄は1.8cm x 1.4cm、この薔薇柄は1.5cm x 1.4cmなので私の爪にはやや小さいのですが、工夫次第でなんとでもなりますね。薔薇スタンプはいろいろ持っていますがこの柄は1,2を争うカッコいい薔薇柄だと思います。


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Write comments
16 February 2015 at 12:21 delete

I like this so much because its so like me! thank you =)

Cassis P
16 February 2015 at 19:58 delete

Thank you so much, hunni! So glad you like it^^ I like these delicate roses too <3
