Red x Yellow Abstract Mani
May 20th Update: I replaced the video at the end of this post with YouTube version.After we settled in our new home, there are lots of things that keep me occupied - 10 chickens given by the previous house owner, big yard and the vege garden to look after, interior decorations, etc etc, leaving me less time for my nails. But yesterday I finally sat down and spent some times thinking about nail designs and actually painting my nails. It felt like forever ago that I last did nail art, so I thought I'd do something fun and hassle-free.
For this mani, I started off with JOSS Will Not (white) for thumb, middle finger, and ring finger, and stamped a geometric pattern from Born Pretty BP-41 with Mundo de Uñas Black. Then, I stamped a triangle pattern from Born Pretty BP-L006, painted JOSS Dazzling (red) and Sally Hansen Mellow Yellow (yellow) over the stamp, and let dry. Once dry, I peeled it off the stamper, cut in random triangle shape, and placed both the red and yellow triangles on my nails, overlapping a bit. I painted the same red and yellow polishes for pointer and pinkie respectively, and topped with square black studs I bought from eBay. I topcoated all nails with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat.
I wasn't sure if I like it or not, but it has started to grow on me. I love this type of stamping that doesn't need precise placement. It's hassle-free, yet fun to create. Hope my lovely readers like it too!
Finished product, with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. A cloudy day's shot |
親指、中指、薬指のベースはJOSS Will Not (白)。Born Pretty BP-41から幾何学模様をMundo de Uñas Blackで爪にスタンプ。次に、Born Pretty BP-L006の三角柄を同じくMundo de Uñas Blackでスタンプし、その上にJOSS Dazzling (赤)とSally Hansen Mellow Yellow (黄色)を塗って乾かす。乾いたらスタンパーから剥がし、ランダムな大きさの赤と黄色の三角形に切り取り、少し重なるように爪に配置。人差し指と小指には同じ赤と黄色のポリッシュを塗り、eBayで買った黒の四角スタッズを配置。仕上げはGlisten & Glow HK Girlトップコート。
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Polishes used |
JOSS Will Not
JOSS Dazzling
Sally Hansen Mellow Yellow
Mundo de Uñas Black
These two stamps are different images from different plates, but I'm surprised myself that they blend together quite well |
Write comments今回のネイルも素敵です♡斬新なデザインでさらにデカールを重ねるというアイデア!リハビリネイルとは思えないですっ!
Reply引越作業に鶏?のお世話!すごいですね!お疲れ様でしたm(_ _)m主婦業にお仕事にプロ並のネイル、ほんと尊敬します✧*。
Replyリハビリネイルとは言え、デザイン考えたり色やスタンプを決めるのに数時間は掛かってますね^_^; デザインが決まれば後は早いんですが♪
生き物がいる生活は久しぶりなので、鶏とはいえ気になってちょくちょく見に行ってしまいます^_^; 早く卵産んでほしいです☆ お褒めいただき嬉しいです\(^o^)/
This is so artistic and I love it so much!! I wish I had more artistic brains to be able to create designs like this lol And wow! You're looking after 10 chickens?! That sounds like a dream to me!! I'd love to have a few chicks running around my garden in the future :) Are they all hens? Have you named them already?? Awww!!! XD
ReplyAww thanks Minnie! This was quite fun yet easy to create, you know :D Exactly the type of nail art I love, haha! Yes, 10 chickens... OMG! They are hens and roosters, so they should lay eggs if taken care of properly, but there's no sign at the moment. Nooo! lol We haven't named them, coz I don't know which is male and which is female, haha XD
ReplyOhh you should raise some chicks too! Some of ours are small-sized feather foot chickens, and they're adorable! I keep worrying about them coz they are shy and sort of stand back when I feed them, while other big chickens eat the food vigorously. lol We're building them a better home so they can live stressfree :)
Great looking mani Cassis, I totally agree with Minnie who commented above wishing to have your artistic brains LOL Are you enjoying your new place, sounds lovely to have space enough to have chickens walking around. I love animals, we have two cats and a 19 year old chinchilla, we are going for the title oldest chinnie in the Guinness book of records haha :)
ReplyThanks hunni! Haha, I just love playing around with geometric patterns :D I've never had chickens before, so I go have a look at them every now and then to see if they're ok. I work from home and stay home all day, but oh boy, they're distracting me! lol
ReplyOhhh 19 year old chinchilla!? OMG! You must be looking after him/her well :D My mother is a crazy cat lady, and she has 14 cats at the moment... Glad I told her to STOP otherwise she would still be adopting!! lol I haven't met 2 of them yet, so I cant wait to fly back to Japan to group hug them all XD
You are amazing with the decal technique. Can I ask what the difference is between making them on your stamper and doing them on a plastic bag or something like that? And is there a way to preserve them for later use?
ReplyLol I can imagen they distract you haha it's a moving picture, I think looking at them can be very relaxing haha. Yep 19 she is my grand dame haha and she gets a 4 star treatment. I've found by googling that the eldest was 23 so we are getting closer LOL i've called her Moppie when i bought her she was around 9 or 10 weeks. She is sooooo sweet.
14 Cats holy moly that is a LOT of cats haha. I hope your mom still has a place to sit, cats are known to take the best seats lol. You must miss your mom, living so far away from her.
With the decal making, it doesn't really make any difference doing it on stamper or doing it on plastic bag. Just a personal preference :) If you don't have many stampers but have to make lots of decals in one go, it would be a good idea to do it on plastic bag. I don't preserve them for later use, but some people keep them in ziplock bags. If they get stiff, you can use hair dryer to soften again. But again, I have no experience with it.
ReplyOhhh your chinchilla is only 4 years to go for the world record! XD She must be cuddly and fluffy....ahhhh! <3 <3
Yup, my mother's 14 cats all sit in front of the heaters in winter, leaving her very cold spot. LOL! She bought them another heater just for the cats though... She's seriously a crazy cat lady :DD I really miss her and the cats, but the good thing is that we skype every weekend and see each other :)
Thanks again Cassis, I am going to try it on plastic bags again, but I'm glad to know there is no special reason to do them on a stamper.
ReplyYeah, cool idea isn't it. She is sooooo sweet and her fur is super soft. I love her so much :)
LOL It sounds like you have a very sweet mom. Isn't it great that technology makes that possible :D
No problem, hun! I used to do plastic bag method before, but came to like the stamper method somehow :D
ReplyAwww soft fur... I can touch her all day! XD It's great that not only I can see my mother and her cats every weekend, my sister texts me lots of cat photos every now and then :D
I have been meaning to re do this manicure on my nails and today was the day! however I had a few problems with mine manicure some of the triangles bled just a little but I think that it was because I was trying to hurry up (I need to take my dogs for their weekend nature walk). However I like it a lot and I am happy with it. Thank you for sharing this manicure =)
ReplyAww I'm so glad you recreated this one and you like it! Just let me know if you decide to share your pic^^ Bleeding sometimes happen to me too! Kind of annoying :'(