Exotic Arch Stamping Mani
June 6th Update: I replaced the video at the end of this post with YouTube version.Another UberChic mani for you. I've keeping my eyes on some chic and ornamental patterns that are scattered around on their plates, and I couldn't resist using few of them.
For this mani, I started off with Sally Hansen Silk Onyx for all my nails, and stamped a damask pattern from UberChic 1-02 plate with Mundo de Uñas Black for thumb, middle & ring finger. I topcoated, and placed two sets of straight tape I bought from What's Up Nail Art Store, and painted China Glaze HeliYum (pink) between these tapes, and peeled them off immediately. Then I made a stamping decal from an arch-looking pattern from UberChic 3-01 using Mundo de Uñas Gold, and placed it onto pink part. I topped with pink rhinestone from MoYou London, then finished off with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. For pointer, I stamped the same damask pattern with Mundo de Uñas Gold, and for pinkie, I simply added a pink rhinestone.
I was going for subtle stamping for base, but it ended up being too subtle. I used this Silk Onyx & MdU Black combo on this Christmas mani, and I really liked the effect, but when I topcoated, Silk Onyx turned too dark. Duh! I also couldn't make up my mind about what designs/colours to go for pointer and pinkie, but it ended up like this. I wasn't too happy with the result and was going to redo these two nails, but I started to like them as I took photos. At least I'm quite proud that the stamping on pointer came out pretty neat and straight!
Finished product, with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. In the sun |
ベースは全爪Sally Hansen Silk Onyx。親指、中指、薬指にUberChic 1-02プレートのダマスク柄をMundo de Uñas Blackでスタンプ。いったんトップコートし、What's Up Nail Art Storeで買ったストレートテープを2つ置いてその間をChina Glaze HeliYum (ピンク)で塗り、すぐにテープを剥がす。次に、UberChic 3-01のアーチのような柄をMundo de Uñas Goldでスタンプしてdecalを作成し、ピンクの部分に置く。MoYou Londonのラインストーンウィールからピンクの滴形ラインストーンを乗せてGlisten & Glow HK Girlトップコートで仕上げ。人差し指は同じダマスク柄をMundo de Uñas Goldでスタンプしてラインストーンを乗せ、小指にはラインストーンのみ。
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Polishes used |
Sally Hansen Silk Onyx
China Glaze HeliYum
Mundo de Uñas Black
Mundo de Uñas Gold
Someone commented on my Instagram that this has exotic look, thus I named it 'Exotic Arch' :) |
このネイル、久々に大迷走しました。ベースのSilk Onyxは濃いグレーのサテン(セミマット)なのですが、これが黒スタンプ後にトップコートした時点で黒々と色が変化してベースのダマスクスタンプがほとんど見えない状態に・・。Silk Onyxと黒スタンプの組み合わせは以前こちらのクリスマスネイルで使ったことがあって、このさりげないエフェクトが好きだったのですが、トップコートしちゃうとダメですね(-_-) いや、ポリッシュ自体はトップコートしても綺麗なんですが、黒スタンプと合わせるのはイマイチかな。動画を撮りながらも、「あ~こりゃ失敗だわ」なんて思いながら進めていました。さらに人差し指と小指のデザインと色が決まらず、中指の動画撮り終えた後も「ピンク一色にするか」「黒にピンクスタンプにするのか」、頭の中で喧々諤々(ケンケンガクガク)の議論を繰り広げた挙句にこんな風になりました。バランス悪~・・・と思いつつ写真撮った後に少しやり直そうかと思ったのですが、不思議と写真撮っているうちに「あれ?意外といいじゃん」と思えるようになってきましたよ(笑。
I was worried that the arch on the pink part gets too thick, but after topcoat it levelled out and I hardly noticed the thickness |
Write commentsthis is a very elegant manicure =)
ReplyI like this idea. Very exotic and cute :)
Replyelegant and exotic manicure :)
ReplyThanks hun!^^ Glad you like it <3 <3
ReplyThanks Ninthea! Glad you like the idea^^
ReplyThanks Tina! I feel like wearing some exotic Indian outfit to go with this mani :D
ReplyThis is very pretty and exotic looking. I love the colors. The black makes the bright pink and the gold pop even more.
ReplyThank you for your sweet comment, Cindi!^^ Agree, bright pink x gold combo looks nice against black :D
Replyわあ~Minnieは優しいなぁ*^^* ありがとうございます♪♪ Minnieみたいな可愛い系もやってみたいんですが、どうもいつもこういう辛口な感じになっちゃいます(゚∀゚) カッコいい系にするために金をよく使うので、MundoのGoldの減りが早くてヤバいです(笑。