Ejiubas Nail Vinyls (ES-013~ES-020) Review
Anyone who's into stamping should know the brand Ejiubas by now. They make fabulous stamping plates which I reviewed on this post before, but they also sell other nail art necessities such as gel nail polish, stamping mat, and nail vinyls. Today I'm reviewing their nail vinyls.Before I go into review, here are the links to Ejiubas shop and SNS:
- Store : http://www.ejiubas.com/
- Store (Amazon) : https://www.amazon.com/
- Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ejiubas/
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ejiubas
スタンピングをされる方であればEjiubasというブランドをどこかで耳にしたことがあるのではないかと思います。このブランドは素敵なスタンピングプレートを作る会社で、私も以前に一度レビューしたことがありますが、ジェルやスタンピングマット、それからネイルスティッカーなどのその他ネイルアート製品も多数リリースしています。今回レビューするのはネイルスティッカーです。※ちなみに英語ではnail vinyls(発音は「ヴァイナル」)なのですが、日本語で何と呼ばれているのかよく分かりません。便宜上「スティッカー」としますが、決まった訳があるのであればどなたか教えてください。
- ショップ : http://www.ejiubas.com/
- ショップ (Amazon) : https://www.amazon.com/
- インスタグラム : https://www.instagram.com/ejiubas/
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ejiubas
This is what I received. 8 sheets of nail vinyls that contain heaps of different designs. You can purchase this set from here or here, and the price is $12.99 as of this writing.
Each sheet is separated into 12 sections, and each section measures 2.5 x 3.0cm as shown above. My nail is about 2.0cm, so you can see it's fairy large.
各シートは12のセクションに分かれており、各セクションは2.5 x 3.0cmです。私の爪の長さが2.0cmなので、かなり大きいのがお分かりいただけると思います。
For those of you who are not familiar with the use of nail vinyls, the packet comes with an instruction you can refer to. Now, I'll show you each individual sheet followed by a close-up shot.
ES-013 sheet contains 2 different geometric patterns. It has 6 stickers per design, meaning you can only do 6 nails to do the same design. I really wished there are at least 10 stickers. I usually play around with nail vinyls to practice on nail stick, then to my right hand before I do the main hand. This means by the time I get to do my left hand, I'm only left with 1 or 2 stickers depending on how much I use beforehand.
ES-014 sheet contains 2 designs, one looking like UK flag, and the other like a curtain. If I ever do a UK mani, I'll probably reach for this one. Again, 6 stickers for each design.
ES-015 contains another fun looking geometric designs. I especially like the one on the right hand side.
ES-016 sheet has yet another geometric designs. Ohhh I love this one! Those triangles will make a fab designs for sure.
ES-017 contains gorgeous roses. Whole 12 stickers are the same pattern, which I reckon is great. Also note that the sticker is fairy large, so if you have smaller nails, you may get 2 uses out of one sticker. I have a feeling this sheet is going to be very popular.
ES-018 is a butterfly nail vinyl. Again 12 stickers for the same design. I'll explain later, but you can cut this sticker in two parts and do 2 separate nails if necessary.
ES-019 contains random zigzag shape. I'll use this one for demo later.
Last one, ES-020 contains 4 different designs, 3 of which has star, heart, and butterfly in thin lines, and the other is like a heartbeat pattern. This sheet is so unique and pretty. For the star/heart/butterfly stickers, you can potentially get 15 uses out of one design.
Next, I'll be showing you a quick demo on how to use these vinyls. I'll show you 2 ways, one using a silicone mat and the other using directly on nails.

First I'll show you how to use nail vinyls using silicone mat. For this demo, I use ES-019.
- Peel vinyl off the sheet using tweezers.
- Stick it onto clean surface of the silicone mat.
- Apply nail polish of your choice to the vinyl.
- Peel the vinyl off the mat. Make sure you do this while polish is still wet.
- Apply topcoat on the design on the mat to make a decal.
- Peel the decal off the mat.
- Stick the decal onto your nail and apply topcoat.
- ツイーザーなどを使用してシートからスティッカーを剥がす。
- シリコンマットが汚れていないことを確認し、スティッカーを貼り付ける。
- お好きなポリッシュをスティッカーの上から塗る。
- スティッカーをマットから剥がす。ポリッシュが乾く前にこれをやること。
- マット上のデザインにトップコートを塗ってdecal化する。
- マットからdecalを剥がす。
- decalを爪に貼り付けてトップコートを塗る。
Next, I'll show you how to use nail vinyls directly on nails. For this demo, I use ES-018. I still have watermarble mani on, so I just use that as a base.
- Peel vinyl off the sheet using tweezers.
- Apply it onto your nail. Make sure your nail is completely dry.
- If the vinyl is too big, cut it off so it sticks better to your nail.
- Apply nail polish of your choice to your nail. You can also use sponge here.
- Peel the vinyl off while the polish is still wet, and apply topcoat.
- (Optional) The other part of the vinyl that's left on the sheet can also be used. Simply apply it on your nails and topcoat.
- ツイーザーなどを使用してシートからスティッカーを剥がす。
- スティッカーを爪に貼り付ける。このとき、爪は完全に乾いた状態であることが重要です。
- スティッカーが大きすぎる場合は、ハサミで切り取って爪の表面にぴったりと貼りつくようにする。
- お好きなポリッシュをスティッカーの上から塗る。またはスポンジを使っても可。
- ポリッシュが乾かないうちにスティッカーをすぐに剥がしてトップコートを塗る。
- (オプション) シートに残った残りのスティッカーも形状や大きさによっては使えます。爪に貼り付けてトップコートを塗れば完成。
I only used these two vinyls to do the test so far, but they both worked great. Out of two methods, my favourite is the one using silicone mat. Applying polish on the flat surface on the mat rather than on curvy nails give much cleaner outline, and in case it doesn't come out great, you can simply discard that and do it again. If you do it on your nails and the design didn't come out nice, then you risk having to redo the base and start all over again. Besides, polish on your nail has to be completely dry, otherwise the vinyl will peel off the base, where if you use silicone mat, it doesn't really matter if the polish on nail is still tacky.
So there you have it! Hope this review is helpful to those who are unsure about how to use nail vinyls, and to those who are wondering what this particular vinyl set is like. This nail vinyl set from Ejiubas offers a nice variety of designs, so if you are interested, be sure to check out their store. I can't wait to do some designs with them.
*Products sent for honest review