Blue x Red Chevron Flower Mani

Saturday, September 10, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

I am often asked where I get inspirations for my nail designs. My answer is, the inspiration is everywhere really. This design was actually inspired by a dress a TV host was wearing. I saw a glimpse of this TV host and her dress in a commercial, and the image stuck to my mind. I didn't see the details, but I remember it had a blue flower print on white base with one or two red lines. So I decided to create that design using one of the Pueen Theme Park plates I was sent for review.

Middle & ring finger: I started off with base coat. I placed chevron tape from What's Up Nails horizontally on nails, and painted Cirque Acid Wash on the bottom of these nails. Then I covered the bare part of my nails and skin with Simply Peel, stamped a flower image from Pueen Secret Garden 01 plate using Pueen Royal Blue, and peeled off liquid latex. Then I placed two more sets of chevron tapes just above the stamp, and painted red (JOSS Dazzling) between the tapes. I finished off with HK Girl topcoat.

Thumb, pointer & pinkie: Base is JOSS Dazzling, and I used the chevron tape to paint the nail tip black.

I hardly use red x blue together, but they make such a nice combo I reckon. The whole look is really eye-catching, and I got so many compliments on this mani.

先日ご紹介したPueen Theme Parkコレクションの1枚を使用したネイルを作成してみました。出来上がりはこちら。
Finished product with HK Girl topcoat

中指と薬指 : まずベースコートでスタート。What's Up Nailsのシェブロンテープを爪に水平に置き、爪の下半分にCirque Acid Washを塗る。乾いたらSimply Peelで素爪部分と肌を保護し、Pueen Secret Garden 01プレートの花柄をPueen Royal Blueでスタンプし、ラテックスを剥がす。次に、スタンプ部分のすぐ上にシェブロンテープを2つ置き、その間を赤(JOSS Dazzling)で塗る。仕上げはHK Girlトップコート。

親指、人差し指、小指 : ベースはJOSS Dazzling。爪先にシェブロンテープを置いて黒を塗り、HK Girlトップコートで仕上げ。

Polishes used


Face of Australia Don't Judge Me!
Cirque Acid Wash
JOSS Dazzling
Pueen Royal Blue
I pulled out Cirque Acid Wash for this mani again. The flakies in the polish are mostly hidden behind the stamp, but you can still see some peeping through.

Tape can be a bit pain, but this was quite easily & quickly done because there's no decals involved

青と赤ってあまり一緒に使うことがなかったのですが、なかなか見栄えがする組み合わせですね。数時間外出しただけで「あら~素敵なネイルね」と複数の人から声を掛けられました。何か特別なイベントでも?と聞かれたのですが、いえいえ、ごく普通の日常ネイルですw ちと派手すぎたかな?