Harunouta - hehe Plates, Ya Qin An Stamper / Polishes & Born Pretty Plates Review
Harunouta contacted me yet again if I would like to do some review of their products. For those who don't know, Harunouta is basically a Born Pretty Store we all know well but is catered for Japanese customers (hence, their website is in Japanese). This time, I was able to try out their new hehe plates, new-to-me brand Ya Qin An stamper & stamping polishes, and some BP plates. It only took 16 days to get here. Ready for another long review? Here we go.
Born Pretty Storeの商品を扱う日本語のサイトです。今回は初めましてのheheブランドのプレート、Ya Qin Anスタンパーとスタンピングポリッシュ、それからいつものBPプレートとかなり豪華なラインアップなので、ちょっとワクワクしております。発送から到着までは16日ほど。ではいつもの長いレビュー、行ってみましょう。
This is what I received. 3 hehe plates, 2 BP round plates, 4 BP rectangle plates, Ya Qin An stamper set, and 2 Ya Qin An stamping polishes. Stamper set and polishes were carefully wrapped in bubble wraps.
これが受け取った品々。heheプレート3枚、BP丸プレート2枚、BP長方形プレート4枚、Ya Qin Anスタンパーセット、Ya Qin Anスタンピングポリッシュ2本。スタンパーセットとポリッシュは緩衝材で厳重に包装されてきました。
I'll show you the stamper set first. You can buy this item from this page. It comes with a double-sided stamper, small scraper, and a buffer. Size is as shown in the pic. Buffer is there to 'prime' the stamper. I'll talk about it later.
Size of the stamper heads is 3cm (big side) and 2.65cm (small side) in diameter. The big side is bigger than a normal round stamper in the market (shown here are Fab Ur nails & Messy Mansion) and the small side is a little bit smaller.
スタンパーヘッドの大きさ。大きい方は直径3cm、小さい方は2.65cm。市場に出回っている一般的な丸スタンパーは2.7cm(画像はFab Ur NailsとMessy Mansionのもの)なので、大きい方は1周り大きく、小さい方は若干小さ目。
Color is white as you can see. As for squishiness, I would say this is squishy firm. Both heads are about the same squishiness, and firmer than Fab Ur Nails (review post here) and Messy Mansion coloured heads (review post here).
色は見てのとおり白。柔らかさについては、いわゆるsquishy firmと呼ばれるもの。Fab Ur Nails(
レビューはこちら)やMessy Mansionカラーヘッド(
Scraper is hardly bendable, just as I like it. I find this too small for my liking, so I'll keep using my Messy Mansion scraper.
スクレイパーはクレジットカードなどと同じぐらいの硬さです。個人的に柔らかいスクレイパーが好きではないのでこれはアリですね。ただし、だいぶ小さいので引き続きMessy Mansionのスクレイパーを使っていく予定。
Soooo, the most important part. How do these stamper heads perform? I first tried unprimed. I used the same plate & stamping polish I always do with test stamps - Dashica Infinity 70 & Mundo de Uñas.
OK, what happened to this small head!? The polish just dissolved on it! Both heads have shine to the surface, and also are slightly oily, so I decided to wash them with warm soapy water and then prime them.
さて一番肝心な点。スタンパーが柄をピックアップするか?Primeなしでまずトライ。いつもテストスタンプに使っているDashica Infinity 70とMundo de Uñasを今回も使用。
I decided to simply use my melamine foam sponge (Magic Eraser as called in US) instead of a buffer that comes with the set. Buffer is double-sided, but both sides are more coarse than melamine sponge, so it could damage the heads if you over-prime them.
This is after priming. Looks much better, especially the small head. I still see bald spots on the big one though.
I tried on paper also. Left is unprimed, right is primed.
Continued on with other patterns. The top row is done with the big head, and the bottom row the small head, both after priming. I noticed the polish started to dissolve on the small head as I did more test. I have enough working stampers already, so I don't see myself reaching for this stamper that often. Although, the size of the big head may be appealing to those who prefer bigger head.
他の柄でもテスト。上の段が大きいヘッド、下の段は小さいヘッドによるもの。どちらもPrime後です。スタンプしていくうちに、小さい方のヘッドでまたポリッシュが溶け始めました(;▽;) 早くスタンプすればそれほど目立つわけではないですが、スタンパーに関しては既に良質なスタンパーをたくさん持っているので、このスタンパーに手が伸びる機会は少なそうです。ただ、爪が長い方などはこの大きいヘッドは重宝するかもしれないですね。
Next up is Ya Qin An stamping polishes. You can buy from this page. I chose Purple and Chocolate, and they are 15ml. Honestly, I have too many Mundo de Uñas polishes, and I wasn't in need of another brand. I wan't expecting much of these either.
お次はYa Qin Anというブランドのスタンピングポリッシュ。商品ページは
こちら。私が選んだのはPurpleとChocolateで、どちらも15ml。正直なところ、Mundo de Uñasとこっぴさんからいただいたスタンピングポリッシュで十分まかなえているので、あまりこの2本に期待はかけていませんでした。
Anyway, I tried out with my usual Dashica Infinity 70. Stamper I used is my trusty Messy Mansion rectangle.
O.M.G...!! I instantly fell in love with these as soon as I applied them on the plate. They are very thick and opaque, just like Mundo de Uñas.
まぁともかく、いつものDashica Infinity 70で試してみました。使ったスタンパーは愛用のMessy Mansion長方形スタンパー。
プレートに1滴目を垂らした瞬間・・・思わずハッとしました。これ、ものすごく濃いですよ!まさにMundo de Uñasのよう。水っぽいしゃばしゃばな感じがないので、Mundoと同じく少量でよく伸びます。
They are very opaque, they even leave some on the stamper AFTER I stamp on paper. This only happens with opaque stamping polish & nicely etched plates.
One downside is that the Purple stains my stamper! :'( I remember my MdU Purple stains also. I had to switch to my Messy Mansion pink stamper heads for test stamps afterwards.
1つがっかりなのが、Purpleの方、スタンパーに染みがつきます(;▽;) そういえばMundo Purpleも同じく染みになるんだった。なので、これ以降のテストスタンプはMessy Mansionのピンクヘッドに切り替えています。
Comparison with my other similar colour. Left is Mundo de Uñas Cafe. This gets quite gooey over time and is getting hard to work with, so I was looking for an alternative.
手持ちの似た色との比較。左はMundo de Uñas Cafe。この色、時間が経ってかなりねっちょりして使いにくくなってきたので、他の茶系を探していました。
And this is Mundo de Uñas Purple on the left. These two look quite different in colours looking at bottles.
そしてこちらの左はMundo de Uñas Purple。ボトルで見る限りこの2本はだいぶ色味が違いますね。
Right of the dash line is Mundo de Uñas Cafe (top) and Purple (bottom), compared to Ya Qin An on the left. I'm glad they are quite different.
点線の右側がMundo de Uñas Cafe(上)とPurple(下)、左側がYa Qin An。紙で見るとどちらもだいぶ違う色で嬉しい\(^o^)/
They are darker colours so I didn't think they would stamp well over black, but I tried anyway. I was surprised that they are quite visible.
Overall, I'm super happy with these stamping polishes. I'm so tempted to get more colours. They don't have nasty smells like some of Mundo de Uñas polishes. If you find MdU isn't for you, these can be a great alternative.
Lastly, stamping plates. These 3 are hehe 044, 048 and 051. hehe plates are not available on Born Pretty Store at the moment, but you can find them on Harunouta website (on this page). Plate size is 5.6cm in diameter, same size with Born Pretty round, Bundle Monster, and Konads. I've been most excited to try these. Look at them, full of Japanese & Chinese patterns! *swoon*
最後にスタンピングプレートのご紹介。こちらの3枚はhehe 044、048、051。heheシリーズの商品ページは
こちら。プレートのサイズはBorn Pretty、Bundle Monster、Konadなんかと同じ直径5.6cm。heheプレートはAliExpressで売っているのを見て、ずっと欲しいな~と思っていました。だって見てくださいよ、この和風&中華風の柄を(゚∀゚)
One round plate from BP series. This is BP-67. Product page is here. I was sent 2 of this same plate by mistake. I couldn't get my eyes off the pattern on the top right. It's one of the Japanese traditional patterns called 'Yagasuri'. Another essential stamp in doing a Japanese themed nail art.
Four BP-L series plates, BP-L009, L010, L017, and L021. You can find them on this page.
Test on paper. Stamping polishes are Ya Qin An, now that I know they work very well. Stampers are Messy Mansion rectangle & pink round. They are nicely etched and I couldn't contain my excitement swatching those Asian plates!
紙へのテスト。スタンピングポリッシュは品質がいいと分かったのでYa Qin Anの2本を使用。スタンパーはMessy Mansion長方形とピンクヘッド。プレートはどれもきちんとした彫りです。このアジアプレートをswatchしている間、頭の中にはもういくつかデザイン案が浮かんできましたよ(゚∀゚)
I'm most excited about these flying cranes. Flying crane is one of the most essential elements for Japanese patterns, and you can see them lots on kimonos.
一番欲しかった飛ぶ鶴のスタンプ・・・ようやく入手できて感動(;▽;) 和風プレートは数多あれど、飛ぶ鶴の柄は皆無と言っていいぐらいだったので、このheheプレートを初めて見たときは大興奮でした。これだよ、欲しかったのは。もう少し小さいと嬉しかったのですが、贅沢は言わない!
BP-L009. Heaps of geometrics. I've been wanting that diamond pattern at top right. Full size images are 2.0cm x 1.4cm.
BP-L009。幾何学模様いっぱい。一番欲しかったのは右上のダイヤの柄。フルサイズの柄のサイズは2.0cm x 1.4cm。
BP-L010, Tribal plate. Such a cool plate and I love it! Size for the full size images is also 2.0cm x 1.4cm.
BP-L010、トライバルプレート。めちゃカッコいい柄いっぱい\(^o^)/ こちらもフルサイズの柄は2.0cm x 1.4cm。
BP-L017, summer plate. Another super pretty plate, and I've already see so many nail arts done with this one. Full size pattern is a bit smaller, 1.8cm x 1.4cm.
BP-L017、サマープレート。こちらも素敵な柄がいっぱい。既にこのプレートを使ったネイルをたくさん見ました。フルサイズの柄はやや小さ目の1.8cm x 1.4cm。
BP-L021, silhouette plate. I had a bit of trouble with this one. Very fine parts like ballerina arm and unicorn horn are hard to pick up, so are those with big negative space (hollow part) like on the bottom row. You might want to scrape very slowly & lightly with these stamps.
BP-L021、シルエットプレート。このプレート、少しトリッキーでした。バレリーナの腕とかユニコーンの角など、非常に細い線が拾いにくかったです。一番下の段のnegative space(くぼんだ部分)が多い柄もしかり。こういう柄はゆっくり&軽めにスクレイプすると吉です。
Phew! There you have it. I'm so excited about these new-to-me hehe plates and Ya Qin An stamping polishes especially, and I can imagine myself using them often. I actually bought 3 more hehe plates and am waiting for their arrival. Can't wait to use these pretties!
そんな感じで、春の歌から届いた商品の紹介とレビューでした。お初にお目にかかるheheプレートとYa Qin Anスタンピングポリッシュに特に感動。heheプレートは3枚ほど追加でオーダーしたので、そちらも届くのが楽しみです。Ya Qin Anの他のカラーも気になります。これらの商品を使ったネイルは今後少しずつご紹介していきたいと思います。