Green x Gray Geometrics Mani
May 25th Update: I replaced the video at the end of this post with YouTube version.Time flies so quickly lately. I thought I only did the last mani few days ago, but that was 5 days ago already. Creating only one mani every 5 days is getting a bigger task for me unfortunately. Will this change? I don't know. There are too many things I tend to at the moment, and my nail hobby is pushed aside *sad face* :(
Anyway, here's a mani I created yesterday. Base is Sinful Shine Steel Reserve, very dark gray, almost black colour, and I stamped a geometric pattern from Fab Ur Nails FUN 15 plate with Mundo de Uñas Light Gray for thumb, middle and ring fingers. Then I picked up the same pattern using Mundo de Uñas Cream, and painted Sinful Colors Innocent (fresh green) over the stamp quite thick. I waited for about 30 mins and peeled off the stamper, cut in strips diagonally, then placed 2 or 3 sets on those nails, matching the base stamp. For other fingers, I simply added round pastel green studs I bought from eBay and finished off with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat.
I've had this colour combo in mind for quite a while, and I'm glad I finally found a good stamp to do this. Unlike my previous mani, I used the same pattern for both the base stamp and the decal, and trying to line up the patterns was a bit hard. Some parts are not aligned properly, so I recommend not have a close look at it please. lol
やや・・最近時間が経つのが本当に早いですね。前回のネイルやってからまだ2日ぐらい?と思ったらもう5日も経っていた件。ネイル以外のところでやることが多すぎて、今の状況では5日に1つネイル作るのもいっぱいいっぱいという感じ。しばらくはこんな感じかなぁ :( とりあえず昨日作成したネイルがこちら。
Finished product, with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. In the sun |
ベースはSinful Shine Steel Reserve(黒にほど近い濃いグレー)。親指、中指、薬指にFab Ur Nails FUN 15の幾何学模様柄をMundo de Uñas Light Grayでスタンプ。その後、同じ柄をMundo de Uñas Creamでピックアップし、その上にSinful Colors Innocent (若草色)をたっぷり塗る。30分ほど乾かしてからスタンパーから剥がし、斜めに帯状に切って2-3セットをこの3本の爪に載せる。このとき、ベースのスタンプと柄を合わせています。他の爪にはeBayで買ったパステルグリーンの丸スタッズを載せてGlisten & Glow HK Girlトップコートでフィニッシュ。
![]() |
Polishes used |
Sinful Shine Steel Reserve
Sinful Colors Innocent
Mundo de Uñas Light Gray
Mundo de Uñas Cream
Dark Gray, light gray, fresh green and cream. What do you think of this colour combo? I'm secretly loving it. It's such an unusual combo, but also has a chic look as well |
I chose this geometric stamp that shows these four colours at equal amount. I'm so loving this green polish I'm holding, but oh boy it stains like hell! |
この柄を採用したのはこの4つの色を良いバランスで見せられるためです。まずサンプルを作ってみたときに思わず「お~!」と声が出ましたよ(゚∀゚) ちなみにこの手に持っているInnocent、非常に綺麗な色でよく手が伸びるのですが、ありえないぐらいのstainer(=爪を黄色くするポリッシュ)です。これのおかげで私の爪はまっ黄っ黄(悲。どなたか黄変を防ぐベースコートのおススメあったら教えてください(。-_-。)
ちなみに実際に爪にデザインする前にいつもサンプルを作るんですが、今回作ったサンプルがこちら。右のやつが今回採用した柄ですが、ベースの柄とdecalの柄がきちんと合ってますよね?しかしこれがカーブのある爪でやるのが難しかった・・・^_^; 爪の方は柄がきちんと合ってないので薄目で見てやってくださいw お花の方も可愛かったのですが、幾何学模様の方がグッときたのでそちらを採用しました。
Write commentsWoow!! What an amazing new technique I just saw!!! This is super creative and such an AWESOME design :D I didn't notice the misalignment until you pointed out. They still look perfect to me! I really like the cool looking dark grey polish too :)
ReplyYou did an awesome job!!! *___*
ReplyI like the final result and also the colors that you have chose!!!
Aww thanks Minnie! The design looked so perfect until I tried on my nails, haha :D Curve on my nails made it difficult but I'm still liking the result^^ I love this dark grey polish too! When I don't feel like using straight black, I reach for this. It sort of softens the overall look compared to pitch black, I reckon :D Thank you so much for your sweet comment as always, my lovely! <3 <3
ReplyThanks Ninthea! I know right? I'm secretly loving this colour combo! XD Glad you like the design, yaaaay! <3 <3
ReplyWow, this is an awesome manicure!! I like it a lot =D
ReplyAww thanks hunni! I'm thrilled you like it^^
ReplyThis is amazing. I love this.
ReplyThank you so much, Cindi! Glad you like it^^