My First Picture Polish Haul!

Sunday, May 31, 2015 4 Comments A+ a-

My last haul this month! Geez, I bought lots of nail stuff this month, didn't I?! This time it's my first Picture Polish haul. I think I'm the last Aussie-living nail addict who shopped at Picture Polish, coz it's such a successful nail polish brand and everyone seems to have their polishes. I have a few nail friends recommending this brand, so I decided to finally place an order.

This is how my order went:

  • Paid: May 19th
  • Shipped: May 21st
  • Arrived: May 26th

It took only a week coming all the way from PP Headquarters in Queensland. Let's see what I've got!

今月最後のhaulポスト。今月は本当にいろんなもの買いましたね~。買い物記事準備するのに時間が取られてあまりネイルしている時間がありませんでした^_^; さて今回はPicture Polishでのお買い物。OZ住まいのネイル好きでPPのポリッシュ買ったことがなかった人なんて、きっと私ぐらいなもんでしょう。OZ発のネイルブランドで一番成功したブランドなんじゃないでしょうか。今回買い物に至った理由は1週間後ぐらいにネイルを1つ紹介するときに書きます。オーダーから到着まではこんな感じ。
  • 支払い : 5/19
  • 発送 : 5/21
  • 到着 : 5/26

This is what was in the packet. My pretties are in this damask pattern bag.


My order is carefully wrapped like this.


Tadaaah! My 8 pretties <3 

じゃじゃ~ん♡\(^o^)/ 今回8本買ってみました。

This is cyan, collaboration shade with Marta @ChitChatNails, and freya's cat, collaboration shade with @Nihrida.

最初の2本はMartaさん @ChitChatNails のコラボレーションポリッシュ「cyan」と @Nihridaさんのコラボレーションポリッシュ「freya's cat」。

Then, imperial, collaboration shade with @The Swatchaholish and eerie, collaboration shade with @Very Emily.

それから、@The Swatchaholishさんの「imperial」とEmilyさん @Very Emilyの「eerie」。

Next up, o'hara and pharaoh. This 'o'hara' is the reason for this order. You'll know why in about a week.

お次の2本は o'haraとpharaoh。この「o'hara」が今回の購入のきっかけとなったポリッシュ。理由は約1週間後に分かります。

Lastly, darcy and peel off glitter base. This is my first peel off glitter base! I will start wearing glitters now :D

最後の2本がdarcyとピールオフ グリッターベース。ちゃんとしたピールオフを買うのは初めてです。これでようやくグリッターもじゃんじゃか塗れます(゚∀゚)

Swatch on sticks. From left: cyan, freya's cats, imeprial, and eerie. All 3 coats, but you can get away with 2 thick coats for all of these. I was expecting 'eerie' to be sheer but was surprised that it has creamy texture, almost like A-England holos that glide like butter. 

スティックでのswatch。左から、cyan、freya's cats、imperial、eerie。すべて3度塗りですが、厚めに2度塗りでもいけると思います。eerieがシアーな感じかな?と想像していたのですが、意外や意外、A-Englandのホロのようなクリーミーなテキスチャーです。

Next 3. From left, o'hara, pharaoh, and darcy. 3 coats each. pharaoh is the sheerest, and you may need 4 coats to get fully opaque, but it has more holo flakies than the others.

残りの3本。左から o'hara、pharaoh、darcy。すべて3度塗り。pharaohが一番シアーで、4度塗りが必要かもしれませんが、一番ホロ粒子が多いのがこれ。

So 6 of these polishes (except imperial and glitter off base) are holographics. Their holographic shades are often compared with Dance Legend Wow Prism polishes that I adore. I find Dance Legends have more holo flakies than most of Picture Polish holos, and my thinking was that if I have to pay more than $10 for a bottle of polish, I would choose one with more holo sparkles. But then, there are times that DL holos are just so intense that when I use them as a base for nail art, their holo sparkles obscure the art on top, so I had to switch to other polishes. I think these Picture Polish shades are pretty on their own and make the great base for nail art as well. 

Overall, I'm so happy with my purchase. I can't wait to use them!

ということで、8本のうち6本(imperialとグリッターオフ以外)はすべてホロです。Picture Polishのホロラインは大好きなDance Legend Wow Prismと比較されることが多いようです。全体的な印象として、Dance Legendの方がPicture Polishよりホロ粒子が多めなので、ポリッシュ1本に10ドル以上払うなら「ホロ粒子が多い方買うよね」というのが正直なところだったのですが。たまにあるんです、DLのホロがあまりにも強烈過ぎて、その上にネイルアートを施したときにホロが眩しすぎてアートが目立たない・・・ということが。そんなときに、このPicture Polishのホロたちは単体でも綺麗だし、ネイルアートのベースとしても使えるんじゃないかと思ったのです。既にPPを使ったネイルは2つほど作りましたが、思った通りの働きをしてくれました。

今回のPicture Polishでの初購入、大満足です。すぐにまたオーダーしたいくらいですねw

にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 自爪ネイルへ

Nail Mail from Minnie @Nailbees!

Thursday, May 28, 2015 4 Comments A+ a-

A very exciting, full of cuteness nail mail arrived. It's from a super talented and very sweet Minnie @Nailbees. I got to know Minnie through Instagram, and when I first saw her nail arts, I went so speechless and thought 'OMG, what a talent I found!' If you don't know her already, you're seriously missing out on a rare talent. Just go over to her blog and Instagram, and you can thank me later.

How it all started is when I commented on one of her YouTube videos, asking what sort of brush she used in the vids. Then she sent me an email with details about the brushes, and offering to send me some! Oh my, what have I done to deserve such a kind offer!? I was so hesitant coz I haven't really done anything for her other than visiting her SNS and commenting, but she said my blog has been really helpful to her and wanted to show appreciation. How sweet is she??

After a week or two after we had this conversation, I received a big box. Wanna see inside? Let's have a look!

今日は素敵な素敵なnail mailのご紹介。送り主はいつも芸術的なネイルを披露されているMinnie @Nailbeesさん♡ Minnieとはインスタで知り合ったのですが、初めて彼女のネイルアートを見たときは雷に打たれたかのようで、「凄い才能の持ち主を発見してしまった・・!」みたいな衝撃を受けました。Minnieのブログインスタグラムは可愛さいっぱいの宝箱のよう。まだフォローしていない方たちは是非是非チェックしてみてください。



The first thing that caught my eyes is lots and lots of Japanese treats!! Yaaaaay! :DDD Can you also see the bubble wrap is heart-shaped? I've never see anything like this before! OMG, so full of cuteness! <3

最初に目に飛び込んできたのが日本のお菓子!!\(^o^)/ \(^o^)/ 顔がほころぶほころぶ(゚∀゚) 箱を開けて写真を撮って秒速でお腹にIN(笑。それと、この緩衝材がハート型なんですよ。もうね、随所にMinnieワールドが散りばめられた幸せいっぱいの贈り物♡

Living far away from home, I miss treats from my own country. Minnie knows me so well!! It goes without saying that some of these went straight into my stomach as soon as I took a pic. lol

異国で暮らしていると、日本の食べ物やお菓子が本当に恋しくなるんです。Minnieはそういうところもよく分かってくれてますね(;▽;) もう半分以上速攻で食べちゃいましたが、旦那に見つかってしまったので仕方なく分けることにしますw

OK, treats aren't the main dish of the present. Brushes! FOUR brushes!!!! And not only that, some more cute decorations and quality tweezers. WOW!!

しかしお菓子がメインじゃないんです。ブラシですよ!4本も入ってましたよ!!!!それから可愛らしいデコレーションといかにも高品位な感じのツイーザー。やっほ~い!\(^o^)/ あ、ラブレターの中身はもちろん見せませんよ♡♡

I remember commenting on one of Minnie's nail arts when she used these cute round glitters as flowers. I want to do that one day!


And four brushes. All my brushes are very cheap ones except for Pure Color brushes, but these are quality brushes that professional nail artists use. 

そして4本のブラシ。見た瞬間思わず「ほぉ・・・」と漏れる溜息。こんなに細いブラシは初めて見ました。私の手持ちのブラシはPure Colorを除いてはどれも安物ばかりですが、これはプロのアーティストさんたちが使う高品位のブラシたち。

As a comparison, this is Pure Color 10 at the top, and 2 Krisno brand brushes Minnie sent me. These 2 brushes are very very fine. Would I be able to make good use of them? Maybe not for detail freehand arts like Minnie's but I actually already used one of them the other day when my stamping didn't came out great. I simply had to add some lines using this very detail brush. Worked amazingly.

ちなみに一番上のがPure Color 10。このブラシ見たとき、「ほう、随分細いブラシね」と思いましたが、Minnieが送ってくれたクリスノブランドのブラシはさらに極細。私に使いこなせるだろうか・・・・?Minnieのような細かい手描きアートは無理ですが、実は先日既に使いました。後日お見せするアートでスタンピングがうまくいかない箇所があったので、欠けた部分を描き足すのに使いました。細い線のスタンプだったのでこの極細ブラシでささっと違和感なく仕上げることが出来ました(゚∀゚) もっともっと練習して活用できるようになりたいな~。

There you have it. I'm so excited with what I received and so touched by Minnie's kindness. Thank you sooooooo much, Minnie, I love them to pieces!! <3 <3

Minnie、改めて本当に心のこもった素敵なプレゼントをどうもありがとう!!(;▽;) またブログやインスタに遊びに行くので、これからも仲良くしてやってください♡♡

にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 自爪ネイルへ

Bundle Monster Haul

Tuesday, May 26, 2015 8 Comments A+ a-

Another haul post for you, and although I've got lots of photos to show you, I'd like to keep it simple without going too much into details. So much to do and not enough time!

I bought few things from Bundle Monster when they had Mother's Day special, and received the order the other day. This is how the order went:

  • Paid: April 29th
  • Shipped: April 30th
  • Arrived: May 7th

Very quick. I'm so impressed. Without further ado, let's see what I got.


今回はBundle Monster haulです。母の日セールをやっていたときにオーダーしました。到着まではこんな感じ。
  • 支払い : 4/29
  • 発送 : 4/30
  • 到着 : 5/7

I bought quite a few this time. 2 stamping plate sets (Sun Kissed & Secret Garden), 2 XL plates, XL plate organiser, nail vinyl set, and 2 pearl nail studs wheels.

BMでの買い物は3回目ですが、今回は久々なのでかなり大量に買いました。スタンピングプレートセットが2つ(Sun KissedとSecret Garden)、XLプレート2枚、XLプレートケース、ネイルテープ、パールスタッズのウィール2個。

This is XL plate organiser. It will fit 48 XL stamping plates, about the size of MoYou London and Dashica Infinity plates. 

まずはXLプレートケース。MoYou LondonやDashica Infinityなどのサイズのプレートが48枚収納可。

I recommend reading Tamira @Lacquer Lockdown's blog post about this plate organiser review. In her YouTube video, she shows which brand plate fits nicely and which one doesn't. Like she said, my Born Pretty rectangle plates only just fit in this organiser, but MYL, Dashica Infinity, and of course Bundle Monster XL plates fit perfectly.

このアイテムに関してはTamira @Lacquer Lockdownのこちらのポストが大変参考になります。YouTubeの動画の方でも、どのブランドのプレートがフィットするかデモしてくれています。彼女も言っているように、Born Prettyの長方形プレートはかなりキツキツですが、MoYou、Dashica Infinity、Bundle Monster XLプレートなどはいい感じにフィットします。

Pearl wheels and nail vinyls. I got request from one of my YouTube subscribers to do a wedding mani that her daughter can wear on her wedding. I created a prototype and showed her, and she replied her daughter preferred the use of pearls instead of silver beads, so I went on a hunt for pearl studs. Luckily Bundle Monster sells it so I got 2. The nail vinyls set on the right has 7 different shapes like circle, thunder bolt, triangles, etc.

パールのウィールとネイルテープ。かなり前にYouTubeの視聴者から娘さんが9月に結婚するので、ブライダルネイルをデザインしてくれないかという問い合わせをいただきました。1つサンプルを作って見せたところ、娘さんはシルバーのビーズではなくパールがお好みということで、小さいパールを売っているお店をずっと探していました。ちょうどBundle Monsterで売っていたので2つ購入。そのお隣のネイルテープは丸や雷形や三角やら、7種類の形のテープのセット。

Next, stamping plates. This is the first half of Sun Kissed collection, BM-501 to BM 505.

お次はプレート。これはSun Kissedコレクションの半分。BM-501からBM-505。

Next half of Sun Kissed, BM-506 to BM-510. Full size images on some of the plates are only 1.7cm x 1.4cm, meaning they are way too small for my long nails. I'll only be using smaller individual images and some full-sized ones. You can't beat the price though, as it was only $8.5 (sale price) for a set of 10 plates.

Sun Kissed残り半分、BM-506からBM-510。フルサイズの柄は1.7cm x 1.4cmなので私の爪にはかなり小さいです。なので、個別柄と一部のフルサイズ柄しか使わないと思いますが、10枚で$8.5(セール価格)ってのは爆安ですね。

And then, Secret Garden collection. Only cost me $17.43 (sale price) for a set of 25 plates. It's the buffet type plate set that has become so popular in stamping world. This set is not only full of floral images, but also some cute animal/birds images scattered everywhere.

お次がSecret Gardenコレクション。25枚セットで$17.43(セール価格)でした。今人気のバフェットタイプ(一続き柄)のセットです。花柄だけでなく可愛らしい動物や鳥がそこかしこに散りばめられた楽しいセット。

I bought XL plates as well. This is BM-XL02 full of geometrics and XL07 full of more flowers.


I did test stamp as usual, but not thoroughly. Only did those images that I will probably be using. This is from Sun Kissed.

いつもどおりテストスタンプもしましたが、全部ではありません。使わない柄は除いて、今後使うかもしれないものだけやりました。これはSun Kissedより。

Another one from Sun Kissed. Out of all my plates I bought this time, flamingo in the middle is the only image that has an etching problem, but I don't think I'd bother asking for replacement. Bundle Monster has a return policy where if you have problems with your purchase you can contact them in 30 days of placing an order, then you'll get a replacement or refund. Such being the case, I recommend doing test stamp as soon as you receive your order.

こちらもSun Kissedより。今回購入したプレートで彫りの問題があったのは中央のフラミンゴの柄1点のみでした。Bundle Monsterは購入品に問題があった場合、注文後30日以内であれば交換や返金に応じてくれるので、注文品が届いたらすぐにswatchすることをお勧めします。今回はこの1点だけなので交換の連絡はしないと思います。

These 2 are from Secret Garden. I did have trouble with some of the images, but I carefully scraped for the second try, and all came out nicely.

この2枚はSecret Gardenより。いくつかきちんとスタンプしていない柄があるのですが、スクレイプに気を付けて再度やってみたところ、どれも問題なくスタンプしました。

Lastly, 2 XL plates. Not a single problem at all. 


This is my third time purchasing from Bundle Monster, but I'm so happy with my purchase. They not only sells good variety of stamping plates, but other nail art accessories as well. And the best part is, they are so reasonably priced. I did have some quality problems with their plates with my previous purchase, but I'm so impressed with what I got. Can't wait to use these goodies!

Bundle Monsterでの買い物は今回3回目でしたが、買ったものには非常に満足しています。BMはプレートだけでなくネイルアートグッズもたくさん売っていること、何より値段が本当に安いですね。以前プレートを買ったときは彫りの問題があってガッカリしたのですが、今回の購入品はかなり良好でした。今後少しずつ使っていきます。

にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 自爪ネイルへ

Exotic Arch Stamping Mani

Thursday, May 21, 2015 10 Comments A+ a-

June 6th Update: I replaced the video at the end of this post with YouTube version.

Another UberChic mani for you. I've keeping my eyes on some chic and ornamental patterns that are scattered around on their plates, and I couldn't resist using few of them.

For this mani, I started off with Sally Hansen Silk Onyx for all my nails, and stamped a damask pattern from UberChic 1-02 plate with Mundo de Uñas Black for thumb, middle & ring finger. I topcoated, and placed two sets of straight tape I bought from What's Up Nail Art Store, and painted China Glaze HeliYum (pink) between these tapes, and peeled them off immediately. Then I made a stamping decal from an arch-looking pattern from UberChic 3-01 using Mundo de Uñas Gold, and placed it onto pink part. I topped with pink rhinestone from MoYou London, then finished off with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. For pointer, I stamped the same damask pattern with Mundo de Uñas Gold, and for pinkie, I simply added a pink rhinestone.

I was going for subtle stamping for base, but it ended up being too subtle. I used this Silk Onyx & MdU Black combo on this Christmas mani, and I really liked the effect, but when I topcoated, Silk Onyx turned too dark. Duh! I also couldn't make up my mind about what designs/colours to go for pointer and pinkie, but it ended up like this. I wasn't too happy with the result and was going to redo these two nails, but I started to like them as I took photos. At least I'm quite proud that the stamping on pointer came out pretty neat and straight!



Finished product, with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. In the sun

ベースは全爪Sally Hansen Silk Onyx。親指、中指、薬指にUberChic 1-02プレートのダマスク柄をMundo de Uñas Blackでスタンプ。いったんトップコートし、What's Up Nail Art Storeで買ったストレートテープを2つ置いてその間をChina Glaze HeliYum (ピンク)で塗り、すぐにテープを剥がす。次に、UberChic 3-01のアーチのような柄をMundo de Uñas Goldでスタンプしてdecalを作成し、ピンクの部分に置く。MoYou Londonのラインストーンウィールからピンクの滴形ラインストーンを乗せてGlisten & Glow HK Girlトップコートで仕上げ。人差し指は同じダマスク柄をMundo de Uñas Goldでスタンプしてラインストーンを乗せ、小指にはラインストーンのみ。


Polishes used


Sally Hansen Silk Onyx
China Glaze HeliYum
Mundo de Uñas Black
Mundo de Uñas Gold

Someone commented on my Instagram that this has exotic look, thus I named it 'Exotic Arch' :)

このネイル、久々に大迷走しました。ベースのSilk Onyxは濃いグレーのサテン(セミマット)なのですが、これが黒スタンプ後にトップコートした時点で黒々と色が変化してベースのダマスクスタンプがほとんど見えない状態に・・。Silk Onyxと黒スタンプの組み合わせは以前こちらのクリスマスネイルで使ったことがあって、このさりげないエフェクトが好きだったのですが、トップコートしちゃうとダメですね(-_-) いや、ポリッシュ自体はトップコートしても綺麗なんですが、黒スタンプと合わせるのはイマイチかな。動画を撮りながらも、「あ~こりゃ失敗だわ」なんて思いながら進めていました。さらに人差し指と小指のデザインと色が決まらず、中指の動画撮り終えた後も「ピンク一色にするか」「黒にピンクスタンプにするのか」、頭の中で喧々諤々(ケンケンガクガク)の議論を繰り広げた挙句にこんな風になりました。バランス悪~・・・と思いつつ写真撮った後に少しやり直そうかと思ったのですが、不思議と写真撮っているうちに「あれ?意外といいじゃん」と思えるようになってきましたよ(笑。

I was worried that the arch on the pink part gets too thick, but after topcoat it levelled out and
I hardly noticed the thickness


にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 自爪ネイルへ

Multicolor Lilly Stamping Mani

Monday, May 18, 2015 12 Comments A+ a-

June 1st Update: I replaced the video at the end of this post with YouTube version.

I'll show you my first UberChic mani today. With so many beautiful designs on their plates, it was hard to pick which image to use first.

For this mani I started off with JOSS Crystal Sunbeam for all my nails. Then I stamped an elegant swirly pattern from UberChic 1-02 plate using Mundo de Uñas Taupe. Then for middle and ring finger, I stamped a lilly pattern from the same plate using Mundo de Uñas Black, and filled in (leadlighted) with a bunch of homemade jellies plus Nfu-Oh JS33 (teal jelly). If you'd like to know how I made these jellies, please go over to this post and this YouTube video. This idea of using alcohol inks for leadlight technique isn't my original idea, but from a fellow nail blogger Shiki.

I actually used the same JOSS for leadlighting for this butterfly mani, and really love how it turned out. I did the Taupe stamp as a base this time, with the intention of doing lilly stamp just on half of my nail so the base stamp shows better, but I changed the plan and covered the whole middle & ring finger with lilly stamp. Compared to decals, leadlighting is super quick and easy, yet gives such a mesmerising look. Although it's a lilly stamp, I couldn't resist making it colourful and bright :)



Finished product with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. In the sun

ベースは全爪JOSS Crystal Sunbeam。UberChic 1-02プレートからエレガントな渦巻き模様をMundo de Uñas Taupeでスタンプ。中指と薬指にはその上に百合の模様をMundo de Uñas Blackでスタンプし、お手製ジェリーとNfu-Oh JS33(ティールジェリー)で色付け(=Leadlight)。お手製ジェリーについてはこちらのポストこちらのYouTube動画をご覧ください。このアルコールインクとクリアを混ぜるアイデアの出所は何度も紹介させていただいているように、「スキホウダイ」のシイキさんです。


Polishes used


JOSS Crystal Sunbeams
Homemade jelly - Orange
Homemade jelly - Purple
Homemade jelly - Blue
Nfu-Oh JS33

I decided to go for subtle base stamp, but then I was debating whether to us white, gold, or silver,
or this taupe. This taupe stamp appealed me, althought it's super photo shy

このベースのJOSSなのですが、以前にこのチョウチョネイルのベースに使ったことがあります。今回はベーススタンプにMundo Taupeを使った上に百合のスタンプをしてからLeadlight。本当は百合のスタンプは爪の半分程度にしてベースのスタンプがもう少し見えるようにする予定だったのですが、直前で計画変更して爪全面に百合スタンプをすることに。なのでTaupeスタンプがちょっと見にくいですね。このTaupeも白にするか金にするか銀にするかで大いに迷た挙句にこのTaupeにしました。上の日向ショットだと分かりにくいのですが、日陰で見るとベースのチラチラっとしたグリッターの上にほんのり乗った優しいベージュ色がなんとも言えず綺麗です。

What do you think of this multicolour lillies? I really enjoyed creating this mani!

カシスは百合という花が好きですよ。ブログを以前から読んでくださっている方は理由をお分かりでしょう。百合なのにこんな色・・・?という意見はナシで1つお願いしますw カラフルにした方が断然綺麗でしょ(゚∀゚)

それでは動画をどうぞ。今回はMessy Mansionのピンクスタンパーを使ってみました。

にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 自爪ネイルへ

UberChic Beauty Haul & Review

Sunday, May 17, 2015 10 Comments A+ a-

Another exciting and long-awaited nail mail arrived, this time from UberChic Beauty. UberChic Beauty is a fairly new stamping brand that's based in U.S. and run by lovely Brittany Hull. My interaction with Brittany is very limited but the way she responds to every single comment/question from her customers on Instagram or Facebook really impresses me, and I hear her customer service is superb. When I saw the first two collections that were released in January, I knew this brand was going to be a mega hit. 

It took me a while to buy their plates, as I still had heaps and heaps of untried that I wanted to use first. But then when they released 3rd and 4th collection, I finally decided to order. Here's how the order went:

  • Paid: April 27th
  • Shipped: May 6th
  • Arrived: May 13th

These new collections were preorder item, but it only took them a week to ship, then another week to arrive at my door. That was quick! Now let's see what I got.

nail mailはいつもワクワクするものですが、今回のはまた格別です。今日はUberChic Beautyのプレートのご紹介。UberChic Beautyは比較的新しいスタンピングプレート・ブランドで、U.S在住のBrittany Hullさんという方がオーナー。Brittanyさんと直接やり取りしたことはありませんが、インスタグラムやFacebookを見ていると1つ1つのコメントや質問に丁寧に返信していて、非常に好感が持てます。1月に最初に2つのコレクションがリリースされたときに「このブランドは大ヒットするだろうな」と思いましたが、案の定、本当にたくさんのスタンパーさんたちがこのブランドのプレートを使ったネイルを作成していますね。

  • 支払い : 4/27
  • 発送 : 5/6
  • 到着 : 5/13

My order came in a small box like this. I bought Collection 1 and 3.


Each collection is a bundle of three plates and is sold for $24.99. This is Collection 1.


And Collection 3, one of the newest release.


Plate size is 9.5cm x 14.5cm, exactly the same size with Fab Ur Nails plates (review post here). The brand logo is printed at the back of each plate.

プレートのサイズは9.5cm x 14.5cmでFab Ur Nailsプレート(レビューはこちら)と同じ。各プレートの裏にはブランドロゴがプリントされています。

This is plate 1-01. Each full size image is 1.7cm x 2.1cm. It's amazing to see how many images are so neatly packed in this small plate.

プレート1-01。フルサイズの柄は1.7cm x 2.1cm。小さいスペースに所狭しと整然と並んでいて、無駄なスペースはほとんどありません。

Plate 1-02. This plate convinced me that this brand was going to be a great success. It has everything from swirls, geometrics, flowers, butterflies, peacock, and ornamental images that I adore. Moreover, they are so original - I don't see any dupes of other stamping brand plates. It's easy to see just by looking at this little plate that they have put so much thoughts into creating these plates.


Plate 1-03. More geometrics, swirls, flowers, hearts, etc etc. I really love their flower stamps. They are so different from any other flower stamps on the market. The rough outline flower image on this plate and realistic looking flowers on the previous plate are simply beautiful.


Onto Collection 3. This is plate 3-01. Just getting better and better, right?


Plate 3-02. One of the things that I love about their plates is that it has such a variety and limited mirror images. I get sick of those plates with heaps of mirror images... C'mon, I can easily mirror stamp like this Safari mani and this Cupid mani. Gimme more variety! 


Last one, plate 3-03. Oh those paisley patterns! <3


Now, exciting part. How do they stamp? I picked my most trusty stamper that is Messy Mansion rectangle, and a bunch of Mundo de Uñas polishes and started test stamps on paper. This is 1-01.

Hmmm.. do you see some missing spots in some of the images? Like two images on the right on the bottom row or the one just above? The images seem to be etched fine, so my head was full of '????' about this result then I suddenly had a light bulb moment.

さて最も肝心な点。きちんとスタンプするか。いつもテストスタンプに使用している信頼のMessy Mansion長方形スタンパーとMundo de Uñasを何色か取り出し、紙にテストスタンプ。これは1-01の結果。


When I peeled back the blue film, I noticed one thing. These plates are slightly warped like you see on the image above. Not sure if it's just mine or not, but if I hold one edge of a plate, you can see the other edge is lifted from the table. I assume this slight warp makes scraping slightly difficult and inconsistent, resulting in inconsistent stamping.


For comparison, this is Fab Ur Nails plate, exactly the same size with UberChic plate. You can see it lies flat on the table, and the edge doesn't lift from the table when I hold down the other edge.

比較のため、まったく同じサイズのFab Ur Nailsのプレートで実験。こちらはテーブルに平らにぴったりくっついているのが分かるかと思います。端を押さえても、もう片方の端がテーブルから浮くことはありません。

So, what I did was simply hold down the plate so it flattened a bit, and tried scraping to different directions till I got a good and consistent stamp, and this is the result. It looks much better, and I'm glad it is something I can easily workaround.


So I kept stamping with this method and my results are more consistent than my first try. This is plate 1-02. By the way, I only test stamped full size images, but there are some cute small sized images as well.


Wanna see the close-up? O.M.G, those details!!


Last one from Collection 1; 1-03 plate.


I got so messy during test stamps, and the back of the plates got polishes all over. I wiped it with pure acetone and found out the printing faded :( Nothing to do with quality, but if they can change the printing to acetone-proof, I would be happier.

テストスタンプ中、プレートの裏までポリッシュがべったり付いてしまったのでいつものようにアセトンで落としていると、印字まで落ちてしまった(;▽;) プレートのクオリティとは関係ない部分ですが、アセトンで落ちないようにしてくれると嬉しいなぁ。

And these three are from Collection 3. 


Even the fine images like this Celtic looking pattern stamp so well!


There you have it. There are few things that they may want to improve, but all in all, I absolutely love what I got. I got so stoked doing these test stamps with fumes from acetone and Mundo de Uñas polishes, so I really hope this review is helpful to someone. Can't wait to play with these beauties!


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