Pueen Cosmetics - Chunky Transparent Soft Stamper Review
Another exciting nail mail coming in while I was having a break from doing nails, this time from Pueen Cosmetics. The package contained 2 sets of XL size clear stamper & scraper, called 'Chunky Transparent Soft Stamper/Scraper'. Interested to know more? Please read on.
As usual, here are the links to Pueen Cosmetics store and SNS:
- Store : http://pueen.com/
- Instagram : instagram.com/pueencosmetics/
- Facebook : www.facebook.com/PUEENCOSMETICS/
ネイルをお休みしていたときにまた1つnail mailが届きました。今回はPueen Cosmeticsから。小包にはXLサイズのクリアスタンパーとスクレイパーのセットが2つ入っており、「Chunky Transparent Soft Stamper/Scraper」という商品名で販売されています。どんなものか気になる方は続きをどうぞ。
いつものように、Pueen CosmeticsのショップとSNSへのリンクはこちら。
- ショップ : http://pueen.com/
- インスタグラム : instagram.com/pueencosmetics/
- Facebook : www.facebook.com/PUEENCOSMETICS/
So this is what I received. I was sent 2 of those, but they are both the same so I'm only showing one set here. The product page is here and the set is priced at $8.99. The set contains 1 XL size clear stamper with a lid and a plastic scraper.

The stamper head is 3.5cm in diameter (bottom right). My nail is about 2.0cm long, and look how huge it is compared to my nail (bottom left). LOVE IT.
Scraper is a pentagon-shaped, and each side is 3.0cm. Seeing that the stamper head is 3.5cm, I wish the scraper was a bit bigger than that. I'm not used to a small scraper anyway, so I'll stick to my credit-card size scraper.
You know what I find most exciting about this stamper is? The fact that how short the holder is! Long holders make it a bit difficult to see through the image when stamping, so I've been using my masking tape holder (second from the right) to help see the placement of the image better. If you don't know what I mean, just check this post (scroll all the way down to the bottom).
The back of the holder is closed-in instead of open, and as you can see in the pic above, it's not crystal-clear but rather foggy. You can also see very fine lines that sort of hinder visibility (both of my stampers are like that). Sure, you can see the image okay thanks to the short holder, but this is one thing I would like to see improvement. The weak point of this closed-in holder when it comes to clear stamper is that if you accidentally spill acetone on it (which I hear happen with so many girls), it will make that part cloudy and makes it unable to see through. I would rather have the back open and potentially have some dust coming in, than have a closed-in back like this and struggle to see through.
How about the squishiness? It's not marshmallow but it's not hard either. If you read this post, this Pueen Chunky Stamper probably falls into 'Squishiness Level 6', about the same squishiness as Harunouta clear stamper.
柔らかさについて。マシュマロではないですが、硬くもなくその中間ぐらい。こちらの記事の「柔らかさレベル」判定でいうと、Pueen Chunky Stamperは「柔らかさレベル6」と言ったところ。つまり、春の歌のクリアスタンパーと同程度の柔らかさです。
So the most important part - quality. The image pickup test below was done with various stamping polishes and plates. I didn't wash or prime the stamper head, it was straight out of the box.

First test was done with Pueen Super Intense polishes & Pueen Love Box 2 stamping plates. Looks pretty good to me! I remember a normal size stamper couldn't pick up the whole image on the left because the image is quite big, but look how nicely it fits on this big stamper.
最初のテストはPueen Super IntenseポリッシュとPueen Love Box 2スタンピングプレートで。なかなかいいんじゃないでしょうか?左の柄なんかやや大きめなので、通常サイズのスタンパーだと全体を拾いきれないのですが、このスタンパーだときれいに収まってますね。

Next up is Messy Mansion stamping polishes & Messy Mansion stamping plates combo. Another good result. I would happily transfer these images onto my nails.
お次はMessy MansionのスタンピングポリッシュとMessy Mansionのプレートの組み合わせ。こちらも良好ですね。間違いなく爪に転写してもいいピックアップ具合。

Then, Fab Ur Nails stamping plates & Mundo de Unas stamping polishes combo. I picked this swirly image because this type of image can be hard to pick up. Pretty impressive I reckon.
そしてお次はFab Ur NailsプレートとMundo de Unasスタンピングポリッシュの組み合わせ。左の渦巻き柄なんかはピックアップが難しかったりするんですが、なかなかよく拾えてるんじゃないでしょうか。

Lastly, Born Pretty stamping plates and Ya Qin An stamping polishes combo. I picked the dense image like the left one to see how it's picked up. What do you think? I'm pretty impressed.
最後にBorn PrettyプレートとYa Qin Anポリッシュの組み合わせ。左のようにポリッシュが埋まる部分が多い柄をわざと選んで試してみましたが、どうでしょうか?個人的にはなかなか素晴らしいと思います。
As you see, the stamper worked like a charm and I'm quite happy with the result. As I said before, I didn't need to wash/prime or anything. This is my first jumbo sized clear stamper, and I'm so glad it works great. I already used this stamper with my previous mani and I know I'll be using this a lot in the future.
*Products sent for honest review