Hit The Bottle Stamping Polish Review (Pic Heavy!)

Thursday, August 06, 2015 20 Comments A+ a-

I am super excited to share this post today. I was recently contacted by Michelle of Hit The Bottle Polishes to see if I would like to review some of her products. Many of you stampers should already know this brand by now, but it's a fairly new Australia-based indie brand, selling great quality stamping polishes. Her products are 5-free, using the ingredients that are cosmetically approved for nail polish. 

At the time of this writing, all of her polishes except for black & white have beautiful metallic, shimmerly finish, and that makes her brand so unique. I have good collection of creme stamping polishes mainly from Mundo de Uñas, but there are times I wish I had more metallic stamping polishes to go with sparkly polish I use every now and then. This brand fills the gap perfectly. 

Before I go into review, here are the links to her store and SNS. For international customers (outside Australia), you can buy directly from the store or from stockists.

今日のポスト、個人的に非常に楽しみにしておりました。先月、Hit The Bottle PolishesのオーナーMichelleさんから「うちのポリッシュ試してみませんか?」とお声掛けをいただきました。Hit The Bottleの名前は既にご存知のスタンパーさんたちも多いかと思いますが、比較的新しいオーストラリアのインディーブランドで、スタンピングポリッシュを専門に扱っています。商品はすべて5フリーであり、ネイルポリッシュでの使用を許可された安全な原料が使われています。

執筆時点で、Hit The Bottleのスタンピングポリッシュは黒と白以外はすべてメタリック/シマーなフィニッシュであり、これがこのブランドのユニークなところだと思います。Mundo de Uñasを初めとするクリーム系のスタンピングポリッシュはたくさん持っていますが、特にホロなどを使ったときに「ぺったりとしたクリームだと合わないなぁ・・・メタリックなスタンピングポリッシュがあれば」と思ったこと数知れず。このブランドはそのニッチな要求をがっちり満たしてくれるものです。


Here's how the parcel arrived. Each individual polish was wrapped with bubble wrap, and extra styrofoam was put in to stop them from rattling in the box.


Here are the stamping polishes. Wow... I literally went speechless. The colours are so beautiful and vibrant, just as I like. I picked 5 polishes to be sent, but Michelle put in so much extra! They are 4ml, and she sells them in 9ml bottle as well.


I also received two topcoats (ASAP Fast Dry topcoat & Shining Armour topcoat), one matte topcoat (Satin Finish topcoat), and liquid latex (Protect 'n Peel). You can find these on this page.

他にもトップコート2本(ASAP Fast DryトップコートとShining Armourトップコート)、マットトップコート(Satin Finishトップコート)、それからLiquid latex(Protect 'n Peel)も送ってくださいました。

OK, ready for swatches? I'll show you the swatch of each stamping polish on both black and white base, no topcoat. Black polish is Face of Australia 'Don't Judge Me!' and white polish is JOSS 'Will Not'. Stamping plates are all from MoYou London, and stamper I used is Messy Mansion soft head (pink).

ではSwatch行ってみましょう。以下のSwatchは黒と白ベースに各スタンピングポリッシュでスタンプしたもの。トップコートなし。黒のポリッシュはFace of Australia 'Don't Judge Me!'、白のポリッシュはJOSS'Will Not'。使用したプレートはすべてMoYou London、スタンパーはMessy Mansionソフトヘッド(ピンク)

First up is 'Absinthe Minded', fresh green colour. Stamping plate is MoYou London Explorer 03. As you can see in macro shot, this is not a flat metallic finish, but it has some beautiful shimmers in it.

まずは若草色系の緑、'Absinthe Minded'。プレートはMoYou London Explorer 03。マクロを見てお分かりと思いますが、フラットなメタリックというよりも美麗な細かいシマーが入っています。

Next up is 'I wish I was a Mermaid', teal/turquoise colour. Stamping plate is MoYou London Pro 06. This is one incredibly beautiful polish. Seriously, everyone should have this one!

お次はティール/ターコイスの'I wish I was a Mermaid'。プレートはMoYou London Pro 06。嗚呼、なんと美しい色でしょうか・・・。1本しか選んじゃダメって言われたら絶対この色にします。

This one is 'Blue-tiful', electric blue colour. Stamping plate is MoYou London Fashionista 11. I bet this colour is at least on top 5 best seller in her shop. Looks so impressive and vibrant over both black and white.

こちらはエレクトリックブルーの'Blue-tiful'。プレートはMoYou London Fashionista 11。おそらく売上上位5位には入っているんじゃないでしょうか、このカラー。黒の上でも白の上でも目が覚めるような色合い。

This is 'Paint the town Violet', bright violet colour. Again, shimmers in this is utterly beautiful. Stamping plate is MoYou London Suki 05. 

お次は明るめのバイオレット、'Paint the town Violet'。こちらも美麗なシマーが入っています。プレートはMoYou London Suki 05。

Next up is 'Poison Apple', crimson red colour. Stamping plate is MoYou London Pro 05. I have been wanting this type of red metallic for a long long time! I use red stamping polish a lot, and I wished I had a metallic version. This Poison Apple is close to what I've been after.

お次はクリムゾンレッドの'Poison Apple'。プレートはMoYou London Pro 05。赤のメタリック、ずっとずーーーっと欲しかったです。スタンピングで赤はよく使うのですが、クリームだけじゃなくメタリックもあったらな・・と何度思ったことか(;▽;) このPoison Appleは求めていたものにかなり近いです。

This is 'Magenta at your own Risk', hot pink/magenta colour. Stamping plate is MoYou London Princess 12. How cute is this colour? I don't mind having this colour as a regular polish.

お次はホットピンク/マジェンタ色の'Magenta at your own Risk'。プレートはMoYou London Princess 12。可愛い色ですね~。こんな色、普通のポリッシュとしても欲しいです。

This is 'Copper haired Girl', copper colour. Stamping plate is MoYou London Bridal 07. I have a metallic copper regular polish, and I'm curious to see how it compares. I'll show you comparison swatch later.

こちらはコッパーの'Copper haird Girl'。プレートはMoYou London Bridal 07。こんな感じのコッパー色のメタリックポリッシュを1本持っているので、違いがあるか興味津々。後ほど比較swatchをお見せします。

This is 'To have and to Gold', bright gold colour. Stamping plate is MoYou London Artist 03. I use gold stamping polish A LOT. I'm glad to have this one, as this seems to be slightly different from MdU Gold. I'll show you the comparison later.

お次は明るめのゴールド、'To have and to Gold'。プレートはMoYou London Artist 03。カシスはゴールドのスタンピングポリッシュをよく使います。このポリッシュはMundo Goldと若干色が違うみたいなので、後で比較をお見せします。

Last one is 'Hello Buttercup', bright yellow colour. Stamping plate is MoYou London Explorer 12. Very vibrant and unique. Makes the whole mani so bright.

最後の1本は明るいイエローの'Hello Buttercup'。プレートはMoYou London Explorer 12。とっても明度の高いユニークな色ですね。ネイル全体が一段と明るく見えます。

All the polishes I tried have great formula; not too thick, not too waterly. I have them for a week now and they show no sign of separation. None of them stain my stamper either. 

(*Updated as per reader's request) Smell is that of a regular polish. Nothing harsh or abnormal, as they are 5 free. Drying time is quite fast, especially compared to Mundo de Uñas that are slow drying. You might want to stamp in 5 seconds after pickup, otherwise the polish will dry out on stamper. That being said, during the swatching above, I had no trouble with fast drying and I didn't think I worked particularly fast. Another question is, 'does it easily come off with sticky tape if I mis-stamp?'. So I applied Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat over black base, let it dry, and stamped with Blu-tiful, and tried to peel off with tape. The stamp wouldn't come off, unfortunately. You might have to resort to good o'le acetone wipe trick.


読者からの質問を受けて以下追加)においについては通常のポリッシュと同じ。5フリーということもあり、頭痛を起こすような異常な臭いはありません。乾きについては、乾きの遅いMundo de Uñasなどと比べるとかなり早いです。柄をピックアップして5秒以内にスタンプすることをお勧めします。とはいえ、上記のSwatch中、乾きが早すぎてスタンプ出来なかったことは一度もなく、特に意識して早くスタンプしようと心がけたわけでもありませんでした。また、「スタンプをミスしたときにセロテープ剥がしができるか」について。黒ベースの上にGlisten & Glow HK Girlトップコートを塗って乾かし、Blue-tifulでスタンプしてセロテープで剥がそうとしたところ、残念ながら剥がれませんでした。スタンプのミスはアセトンで表面をさっとなでる方法で落とす必要があります。

Let's move on to topcoats. I tried 3 topcoats on each nail above. ASAP Fast Dry on pointer (over I wish I was a Mermaid), Shining Armour on middle finger (over Copper haired Girl), and Satin Finish on ring finger (over Poison Apple).

Both of the glossy topcoats dry very fast. After 3 minutes or so, I could touch the surface. I had a bit of a smudging problem on ASAP Fast Dry topcoat, but if you're good at 'brush floating' trick, it should be fine. Shining Armour gives glossier finish than ASAP Fast Dry, so if you're wondering which to get, I would recommend Shining Armour.

As for Satin Finish topcoat, it started to give satin look almost as soon as I finished applying. I tried floating my brush on this one also, and this is actually the first satin/matte topcoat that I have successfully applied without smudging the design.

お次は3本のトップコート。上のそれぞれの爪に3本のトップコートを塗っています。人差し指にはASAP Fast Dry(ポリッシュはI wish I was a Mermaid)、中指にはShining Armour (ポリッシュはCopper haired Girl)、薬指にはSatin Finish (ポリッシュはPoison Apple)。

艶ありのトップコート2本はどちらも速乾。約3分ほどで触っても跡が付かなくなります。ASAP Fast Dryの方はデザインをやや引きずりやすいので、ブラシをなるべく爪に付けないようにして塗るテクニックが必要です。艶に関してはASAP Fast DryよりもShining Armourの方が上なので、どちらか1本選ぶとしたらShining Armourの方をお勧めします。

Satin Finishトップコートの方は、塗った瞬間から艶消しの効果が出始めます。こちらもブラシを爪に付けないように気を付けて塗ってみたところ、引きずりはありませんでした。引きずらないマットトップコートはこれが初めてです。

How about 'Protect 'n Peel'? This is liquid latex that helps cleanup around cuticle easier. I bought a similar concept product a while ago (shown here), and the big difference is that this 'Protect 'n Peel' is in a polish bottle with regular size brush.

お次は'Protect 'n Peel'。クリーンアップを容易にするliquid latexですね。似たようなコンセプトの製品を少し前に購入していますが(詳細はこちら)、一番の違いはブラシ部分が通常のポリッシュのブラシであるという点。

Because of this brush, I find application easier than Crystalline Nail Veil by Color4Nails. Two easy swipes and you're done. It mostly dried in about 3 minutes, and took a bit longer where I applied multiple layers. As you can see in the pic above, it comes off in one nice piece.

このブラシのおかげでColor4NailsのCrystalline Nail Veilよりも塗るのがだいぶ楽です。2回さっと塗るだけでキューティクル全体をカバー。3分ほどでほぼ乾き、重ねて塗ったところは少し長くかかりました。剥がすときも途切れることなくペロンと剥がれます。

So my overall experience with Hit the Bottle products is very positive, and I absolutely love every stamping polish I tried. Some of you may be thinking though; 'But I have lots of regular metallic polishes. Do I really need these? How do they compare to regular metallics?' Well, that's actually the exact question I had when I first saw this brand, so I pulled out my regular polishes for comparison. These are metallic, shimmer, and holo polishes that either I used to use for stamping or I know work for stamping. Swatching is done on black paper this time.

そんな感じでHit the Bottleの製品、全体的に非常にクオリティが高いです。特にスタンピングポリッシュはどれもすばらしいです。ただ、こう疑問に思っている人もまだいらっしゃるんじゃないでしょうか。「スタンピング専用でないメタリックポリッシュなんかたくさん持っているんだけど、Hit the Bottle必要なんだろうか?通常のポリッシュとそんなに違いはあるの?」と。実のところ、この製品ラインを初めて見たときに思った疑問がこれでした。そこで、比較のために通常ポリッシュをいくつか引っ張り出してきました。メタリックあり、シマーあり、ホロあり。以前にスタンピングに使っていたものもあれば、使ったことはないけれどスタンピングに使えると分かっているものもあります。比較Swatchは黒い紙上で行いました。

First comparison is green. From left: Absinthe Minded - Kleancolor Metallic Green.
Swatch on paper corresponds to the polish above. I couldn't believe when I saw this! I bought this Kleancolor Metallic not long after I got into stamping in 2013, because people rave about how well it works for stamping. Maybe it does on light base, but definitely not on dark base.

まずは緑の比較。左から、Absinthe Minded - Kleancolor Mettalic Green。

Next up is teal/turquoise. They're not that similar in colours, but that's all I got. From left: I wish I was a Mermaid - Nubar Reclaim - A-England Saint George. 
I have used Saint George few times for stamping before. I works great on light base for sure, but not on dark base.

お次はティール/ターコイズ比較。あまり色は似ていませんが、手持ちで近い色がこの2本。左から、I wish I was a Mermaid - Nubar Reclaim - A-England Saint George。
Saint Georgeは何度かスタンプに使っていますが、黒ベースだとやっぱりアレですね。

Blue comparison. From left: Blue-tiful - AT Noumitsu 06 - OPI DS Fantasy - Dance Legend High Voltage. 
AT Noumitsu is a Daiso brand, and I bought this for stamping. Well, it looks like it has no use now that I have Blue-tiful.

続いて青比較。左から、Blue-tiful - AT濃密06 - OPI DS Fantasy - Dance Legend High Voltage。

Purple comparison. From left: Paint the town Violet - Kleancolor Metallic Purple - AT Noumitsu 05 - A-England Crown of Thistles. 
I think I found another AT Noumitsu that I have to ditch. lol

紫比較。左から、Paint the town Violet - Kleancolor Metallic Purple - AT濃密05 - A-England Crown of Thistles。
Crown of Thistles大健闘(゚∀゚) AT濃密はまた残念な結果に。

Red comparison. From left: Poison Apple - Sinful Colors Dancing Nails - A-England Briarwood. 
The other two looks almost brown instead of red.

赤比較。左から、Poison Apple - Sinful Colors Dancing Nails - A-England Briarwood。

Pink/magenta comparison. I couldn't find an appropriate colour for this. From left: Magenta at your own risk - Perfect Holographic H3. 
The one on the right is actually pink holo, but it looks silverly pink on paper.

ピンク/マジェンタ比較。これも似た色がなかったです。左から、Magenta at your own risk - Perfect Holographic H3。

Copper comparison. From left: Copper haired Girl - AT Noumitsu 02 - Kleancolor Metallic Orange. 
Metallic Orange looks promising in the bottle, but just not as good as Copper haired Girl.

コッパー比較。左から、Copper haired Girl - AT Noumitsu 02 - Kleancolor Metallic Orange。
Metallic Orangeはボトル見る限りよさそうなのに、紙にSwatchしてみるとやっぱりCopper haired Girlとはだいぶ開きがあります。

Gold comparison. From left: To Have and to Gold - Mundo de Uñas Gold - no brand gold.
I had to pull out my MdU Gold for this comparison. They look quite different in bottles, but on swatch paper, the colour difference is less obvious. I would say To Have and to Gold is touch brighter, leaning toward yellow. Love it!

ゴールド比較。左から、To Have and to Gold - Mundo de Uñas Gold - ノーブランドのゴールド。
MdU Gold登場(゚∀゚) ボトルで見ると色の違いがありますが、紙上ではかなり似ています。To Have and to Goldの方がやや明るめで黄色寄りと言ったところ。いい色ですね。

Lastly, yellow comparison. From left: Hello Buttercup - Jade Mystic Gold.
I don't have a similar colour, so I pulled out this Jade holo because I thought it looked quite yellowy.

最後に黄色比較。左から、Hello Buttercup - Jade Mystic Gold。
似たような色が手持ちにないのであまりいい比較じゃなかったです^_^; このJadeは黄色ホロかと思ったら、ゴールドの模様。

Phew! Congratulations for those who made this far. Hope my readers find this post useful. With this comparison swatches, it's quite obvious that these Hit the Bottle polishes are not ordinary polishes that can be replaced with regular metallic polishes on the market, but are specifically formulated to stamp over any colour. These polishes I tested out are only a small portion of what's available, so be sure to check the store. I'm sure you'll find the colours you like!


*Products sent for honest review

にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 自爪ネイルへ


Write comments
6 August 2015 at 13:57 delete

Beautiful nail polishes, they sure stamp greate. Thank you for sharing =)

Cassis P
6 August 2015 at 20:23 delete

Thanks hun! Yep, I was so amazed with the quality of these polishes

7 August 2015 at 00:28 delete

wow!! those are gorgeous polishes and you did a great review Cassis. How about the smell? and do they dry fast? sometime metallic polishes dry super fast and have to work faster to stamp on nail before they dry on the plate.

7 August 2015 at 04:50 delete

Great review Cassis! I'm loving these metallics and would love to try them!! But I am also curious about the drying time and wonder if a mistake is easy to take off. I love my Mundo's because they come off easily with tape right up until I topcoat. I tried M Polish recently and, while the colors were very pretty, I has to work super fast because they dried quickly and I couldn't find a way to remove a mis-stamp without ruining my base. I think I am a very spoiled stamper due to Mundo de Unas!!

7 August 2015 at 07:34 delete

カシスさん、こんにちは(^ ^)
きた〜!Hit the Bottle 気になっていたブランドです。
どれも発色良いですね♡ 'Poison Apple'と'I wish I was a Mermaid'にヤラれました。色も美しい。
私はいつも使っているChina Glazeのスタンピング比較をしてみようと先月からチップの準備をしているのですが怠けて進んでおりません(笑)

7 August 2015 at 09:15 delete

I own 24 bottles of Michelle's HtB polishes and she is such a sweetie! You need to try "I'm Pinking of Blue" (stamps pink over white and blue over black) and "I Blue It All On Polish"!!!! 😍

Cassis P
7 August 2015 at 17:07 delete

Thanks for reading, Evelyn! As for dry time, yes it does dry quite fast compared to MdU unfortunately. I didn't notice that when I was swatching, so I did another test. I will update the post with the information later. Smell is that of a regular polish. They are 5-free, so no abnormal smell in them

Cassis P
7 August 2015 at 17:16 delete

Thanks for reading, Karolyn! As for dry time, yes it does dry quite fast compared to MdU unfortunately. I didn't work particularly fast when I was swatching, so I didn't take any notice. I'll update the post with more information. Also about peeling off, I tried it and unfortunately it didn't come off. Arg! I do too many decal manis lately, and didn't think much of direct stamping. Thank you for bring those matters to attention, Karolyn!

Cassis P
7 August 2015 at 17:20 delete

Shimaさん、こんにちわ!\(^o^)/ 長いポスト、読んでくださりどうもありがとうございます^^ 比較ポストしているときに、Shimaさんのよく使ってらっしゃるChGはどうかな~とちょっと頭をよぎりました。でも1本も持ってないので比較できず(;▽;)

Poison AppleもI wish I was a Mermaidもどちらもいい色ですよ~♡ 慣れないもので、1本のswatchと撮影に1時間もかかったのでちょっと大変でしたが、労いのお言葉嬉しいです\(^o^)/

Cassis P
7 August 2015 at 17:24 delete

Wow, 24!? You're a lucky girl I saw the swatch of 'I'm Pinking of Blue', it's such a mysterious colour. I know I will have to get more of her polishes, because they are truly amazing!

8 August 2015 at 08:11 delete

I also follow you on Instagram! Your nail art is inspiring to me and one day I will nail one of your designs! Lol. Of course I'll give you credit and tag you! ;-)

8 August 2015 at 17:34 delete

Thanks for the detailed reply sweetie!! These are so pretty that I think I will pick up a few colors regardless. My reseller only has the large bottles, which is a bummer. I'd buy a few more if I could get the mini's. I think I need to resign myself to stamping with the M Polish I have and the few Hit The Bottle's I'm planning to order for a month or 2 so I can re-learn how to stamp quickly! I should make a video of how slow I've become thanks to my MdU's...you would crack up! I miss you and hope you are doing great!! <3

Cassis P
8 August 2015 at 18:47 delete

Thank you so much for the follow! Don't forget to use #look_cassis hashtag when you recreate, so I don't miss out!^^

Cassis P
8 August 2015 at 18:58 delete

No problem, my friend! Yeah, it's a pity that your reseller carries only full size bottles. (>_<) I think I can get a lot out of these 4ml bottles. Sounds like MdU are spoiling you! My first stamping polish was Konad Black which dries super fast, and even after I switched to MdU, I still keep the habit of working fairly quick I suppose. I haven't heard of M Polish. Geez, we really have a lot of options for stamping polishes, don't we!?
Hope you're doing great too, Karolyn! Missing you and your posts so much! <3 <3

9 August 2015 at 20:14 delete

Great nail polishes! I love the colors.
The contrast on the black base is very cute ^__^

Cassis P
10 August 2015 at 12:43 delete

Thanks Ninthea! I'm still amazed by how vibrant these polishes are!

10 August 2015 at 18:30 delete


Cassis P
10 August 2015 at 19:29 delete

わ~い、Minnieありがとうございます!またまた長いポストになってしまいましたが読みに来てくださって嬉しいです♡♡ \(^o^)/ もうクリーム系のスタンピングポリッシュは使い切れないほど持っているので、この鮮やかなメタリックが本当に新鮮で *^^* 4mlのやつは3ドルなので、「もう全部揃えちゃよ」と悪魔のささやきがずっと止まりません(笑。今月は靴買って、ポリッシュは来月にするのもありかと~(≧▽≦)

Maria Taylor
24 August 2015 at 01:07 delete

Thank you so much for this post! I just recently found HTB polish and YOU on Insta!! I too am inspired by your nail art. I love that you blog honestly including your great photos. I'm getting ready to order my very first HTB polishes to see what a novice can accomplish with them.

Cassis P
24 August 2015 at 08:05 delete

Thank you for your sweet comment, Maria!^^ I put my honest opinion on my posts as I don't want my readers to buy something based on my review and get disappointed. You'll love HTB polishes! I'm already quite addicted to them
