Colourful Tropical Stripe Mani
June 24th Update: I replaced the video at the end of this post with YouTube version.We still have very cold days here and I'm having a hard time trying to get out of warm bed each morning. What did I do to cheer me up? I created a tropical mani. Debbie @ladyandthe_stamp has recently started a #hawaiianshirtmani hashtag on Instagram so we can create happy tropical looks, and I contributed one myself.
For this mani I started off with JOSS Will Not (white) for all my nails. Then for thumb, middle & ring fingers, I placed 6~7 sets of striping tapes horizontally and painted each part with 6 different polishes, peeling the tapes off as I painted each section. I topcoat here to smooth out the surface, and let dry. I then made stamping decals out of palm tree on Born Pretty BP-23 using Mundo de Uñas white and hibiscus from MoYou London Tropical 07 plates using Mundo de Uñas Cream. I coloured in hibiscus with pink and red polish, and placed those decals on these three nails. For pointer and pinkie, I only added hibiscus decals, and finished off with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat.
Don't you just love this colourful look? I absolutely love it, although it was time consuming to create. I realised I did another tropical mani before with colourful stripes like this one. White stamps this time gave the mani a refreshing look I reckon.
こちらは毎朝ベッドから起き上がるのも億劫な寒い日が続いていますが、インスタでDebbie @ladyandthe_stamp が #hawaiianshirtmani (アロハシャツネイル)のハッシュタグを始めたのを見て私も1つ作ってみました。出来上がりはこちら。
Finished product, with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. In the sun |
ベースは全爪JOSS Will Not(白)。親指、中指、薬指に水平にラインテープを6、7本置き、各セクションを6つのポリッシュで塗り分け。テープはセクションを塗ったそばから剥がしていきます(時間が経って乾いてから剥がすと線がガタガタになるため)。ここで表面を平坦にするためにトップコートして乾かします。次に、Born Pretty BP-23の椰子の木をMundo de Uñas Whiteで、MoYou London Tropical 07のハイビスカスをMundo de Uñas Creamでそれぞれスタンプし、decal作成。ハイビスカスはピンクと赤のポリッシュで色付けし、この3本の爪に載せる。人差し指と小指にはハイビスカスdecalのみで、仕上げはGlisten & Glow HK Girlトップコート。
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Polishes used |
JOSS Will Not
Sinful Colors Innocent
Sinful Shine Pragmatic
JOSS Dazzling
JOSS Viridian Green
Sally Hansen Blue Me Away!
Sinful Colors Hazard
Ciate hoopla
Mundo de Uñas White
Mundo de Uñas Cream
I cursed myself for deciding to use the striping tapes for this mani. lol It was a pain, but the result was totally worth it |
いつも悩んで悩んでデザインがなかなか決まらないカシスですが、これはスッと頭に浮かんですぐに作成に取り掛かることができました。それもそのはず、以前に似たようなデザインやってましたねw 脳みそ進歩してないやん(;▽;) 前回のはベースのボーダーはスタンプだったので簡単でしたが、今回はラインテープを使っています。まぁこれが大変だったこと・・・(汗。動画編集するときに手がぶれないように左手は固定したままなので、右手だけでボーダーに使うポリッシュ用意して筆をペーパータオルで拭いて・・・・ムキー!!となりながらやっておりました。
I want to wear this type of colourful happy mani all year round! |
その甲斐あって出来上がりには満足です。椰子の木スタンプはいくつか持っていますが、春の歌さんにいただいたこのBorn Prettyプレートの椰子の木が一番形状がカッコよかったので採用。MoYouのハイビスカスも2色塗りしたら本物っぽくなったし、白系スタンプにして爽やかさもアップ。ベースのボーダーがガタガタなのを除いてはよく頑張ったと自分を褒めてあげたいですね。

Write commentsAmazing design! You're very artistic :)
ReplyVery nice manicure, I like it a lot =D
ReplyNice and colorful. Perfect for summer :D
ReplyThanks Michelle! I'm so happy with this one^^
ReplyThanks hunni! Now THIS I will call 'a lot of work' LOLOLOL! XD
ReplyThanks Ninthea! Yup, I so look forward to summer to do mooore! :D
ReplyHere in my country the summer is about to start. So your nail could be a very nice inspiration for me ;)
ReplyThat's good! :) Enjoy the summer, and send us some sunshine over here too, haha :D
Replyamazing! love it!
ReplyThanks Tina! This took a while but was worth it :D
ReplyHi Cassis, I love the sunny and tropical feel and look from this design :) You have such a steady hand with the tape etc. I happen to have this plate too and I love that Hibiscus image. Great job again :) TFS
ReplyThanks hun! This took a while to create, but I'm happy with the final look^^ Glad you like it too! I felt like pulling my hair out handling those stripe tapes though, haha :D