Review on W Series Plate Set from AliExpress
Today's post focuses on reviewing W series plate set I bought from AliExpress. I used one plate from this set on this mani. You can see the product listing here. This was on sale for $13.52 when I bought it. I kept stalling to write about this plate set because it was such a painful process to get it. I have never bought from AliExpress but when I saw this plate set, I felt I needed it in my life. BTW, this site doesn't offer Paypal payment, so you need a credit card to buy products here. This is how the order process went:May 27th : Placed order and paid
June 5th: Order dispatched and tracking number issued
July 8th: I checked the tracking and noticed my order was sent back to the seller and inquired about it.
July 16th: The seller replied that the parcel was returned back to them and they would resend it.
August 27th: After few more emails back and forth, order arrived.
Yes, I received my order three months after I paid. Not impressed, but China Post is to blame for this, not the seller. The seller was quite responsive to my inquires.
5/27 : 注文と支払
6/5 : 発送。追跡番号発行
7/8 : なかなか届かないので追跡を確認。なぜかセラーに戻ってしまっていることが分かり問い合わせ
7/16 : 小包が戻ってきた旨と、再送するとの返事あり
8/27 : さらに何回かのメールのやり取りの末、商品到着
注文してから到着まで丸3か月。しかしセラーは問い合わせには真摯に対応してくれました。郵便事情はセラーのせいではなく、China Postのせいですし。
Then, more disappointing thing happened. While I did test stamp, I found obvious defects on 4 of the plates, 2 of which (W205 and W218) are quite bad. I contacted the seller with the pics of the defects (shown later), asking for replacements.
The seller replied, 'Because the plates are produced in mass, some images may not be very clear. Next time you place the order again, I will resend you those ones. The first package is still not found and I don't know where it is. Wish you understand.'
Wait....WHAT!?!? Didn't they say the first packaged was returned back? Also, why do I have to make another order when we both know it's the fault on their side??
I sent another message, almost BEGGING to get replacements even just for W205. This particular plate is the reason I bought this set and I was so sad that it has defects.
The seller replied, 'How about such and such plate set, do you like it? It's better than W series' (Pushing me to buy another plate set).
NO! I'M NOT GOING TO BUY ANY MORE PLATES! All I want is a replacement for W205!!! My mind shouted but this was the actual message I sent 'I would just like one W205 plate. I'm not asking for any other plate, because that's what I paid for. Resending me one W205 will be greatly appreciated.'
The seller replied, 'Do you have friends buying plates so I can send together? Only one plate really can't ship.'
...................I gave up. You win. I will not buy from this seller EVER AGAIN. I don't even want to look at AliExpress. This is the full story of what happened. I will show you the pics now.
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This set includes 20 plates, individually wrapped. I'm not going to waste my time going through each plate, sorry. Eleonora has a great review post here. Mine are from W201 to W220. |
注文から3か月して届いたプレートがこちら。全20枚。1枚ずつ包装されています。すみません、1枚ずつここで紹介する気力はありません。写真はEleonora @Nail Art Stamping Maniaのこちらの記事をどうぞ。私が買ったセットはW201からW220です。
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Size comparison. W series plate is the same size with Messy Mansion plate (7cm in diameter). Bigger than Bundle Monster plate (bottom). Individual images vary in size |
大きさ比較。Wシリーズのプレートの大きさは7cm。Messy Mansionと同じ大きさです。下のBundle Monsterよりも大きいことが分かります。柄の大きさはプレートによってまちまち。
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And here's W218. You see what I mean? :( At least with this one, I can use the left image which is mirrored |
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W205. This is the plate I desperately wanted replacement for. Compare this with this pic by Eleonora. Her set is obviously a good batch |
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Close shot of the defect. The lines are obviously thinner than what they should be and they don't transfer well when I stamp. BTW, black circle is my camera lense |
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Poor Micky :( At least I wouldn't use this stamp. But I'm so sad 2 images have defects on my favourite plate |
These 2 plates have obvious defects you can notice even before you stamp, and I had 2 more plates that I had trouble stamping. I half expected that the quality wouldn't be that superb like big name plate companies, but didn't expect that I would never get replacements for these obvious defective plates.
I have been so reluctant to use this set because whenever I make a mani tutorial, I get comments like 'I bought such and such plate because you used it'. I don't want to feature a plate that I'm not happy with. But I paid for it, you know... I gotta make the most of it. Oh the dilemma...
Write commentsAliexpressは……あそこはAlibabaの個人向けなので……基本的にWhole saleには慣れてるけど個人のには慣れていないという「工場」ばっかなんですよね……orz パクりが多いのもそのせいというか。そして大量発注だけでは食っていけない工場が結構Aliexpressに来てるので品質も下がりがちという。
Aliexpress -> ebay移行も確かに見たことあります!MoYouのFairyコレが丸ごとパクられているのをAEで見かけたときは呆気にとられましたが、さらにebayに進出してて、よくやるよなと・・。MoYouには2回ほど警告したんですが、まだ載っているということはあまり気にしていないんだろうか(。-_-。)
Ugh how aggravating! I'm pretty sure you can open a dispute on Aliexpress though. Hope you get some resolution!
ReplyI had the same problem but with different set and seller. They forgot to put one plate in the package (the one I wanted most of course) and refused to ship it without me placing another order. They gave me the refund, sure, but I wanted that plate.
ReplyPs. I do have W series too.. Mine were ok. Just one image does not work perfectly, but the rest of them is ok.
I think there was a protection period in case there was a problem, but at least mine arrived so I didn't dispute...I was so exhausted after all this and didn't really bother to be honest (-_-).
ReplyOh yeah, it always has to be the favourite plate, doesn't it!? So many shady business going on in AE, I really want to stay away now (-_-). I liked this W series because it's original and not copied from other plate company. How pity!
what a horrible experience! I'm glad you shared this information because I HATE poor customer service. I'm so sorry this happened to you :(
春の歌のプレゼント、担当者さんがフル回転で頑張ってくださっているようですね♪ 20名様分に加えて、他のブログさんでも似たような企画があるので大変だと思いますが、皆さんのところに早く届けばいいなと思っています^^
I know right!? The seller responded quite well till I asked for replacement, so I was ready to provide good review about this purchase. How pity! I won't be looking at AE again. Lesson learned!
ReplyOmg. Same thing happened to me with the seller on aliexpress. I order a stamper and 2 extra stamper heads. They send me only one stamper and no extra heads. So I contacted them and they said "we will send the 2 extra heads with your next order.". I said " you didn't get my order right and expect me to order more so that you can send another incorrect order, then I would have to order 3rd order and so on.". You know what they said? I'm sorry but my colleague said he packed the envelope with 2 extra heads and he remember you specially. So.. Please show us the weight of the package as it should be 64 g. But on the envelope, it said 0.2kg and how can his or her colleague remember packing my envelope specifically when they package thousand or hundreds a day? And first they said sorry about the missing 2 heads. Make another order and we will send them together. Now they say they did send the 2 extra heads when I refused to place another order. Wtf? I was so pissed. But now I felt better knowing I'm not the only one who is facing ridiculous lying seller on aliexpress. I'm still in the middle of dispute. So I will let you know how it turns out. Finger cross.. :))
ReplyYeah unfortunately there are some sellers on Aliexpress that don't have any morals at all. I hear similar bad experience from other buyers as well, and I'm not in a big hurry to shop there again. Hope you case is settled soon. Good luck, hun!