Dots & Roses Stamping Mani

Friday, April 24, 2015 21 Comments A+ a-

May 15th Update: I replaced the video at the end of this post with YouTube version.

It's good to be home! I'm back from trip just in time for moving into our new house. This evening we will start to move some stuff over there, so I thought I'd finish writing this post before I forget.

This mani is inspired by a Hakama (Japanese outfit that you wear on graduation ceremony) pic I found on Google. I'll show you the inspiration pic later.

For this mani, I started off with JOSS Will Not (white) for all nails, and placed a straight tape bought from What's Up Nails Art Store diagonally on thumb, middle finger, and ring finger, then painted JOSS Little Black Dress (black) on half of each nail. I peeled off the tape, and added white dots on black base and black dots on white base using a dotting tool. Then, I stamped a rose pattern from Pueen Encore SE03A with Mundo de Uñas Gold and coloured in with black and red. I placed the rose decal on those nails and finished off with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. For pointer, I only added rose decal and for pinkie, I added 2 black studs.

I was going through my plate collection to look for the best rose stamp for this mani, and I'm glad I used this rose pattern from Pueen Encore plate. The size is perfect and I love that I could colour in. Hope my lovely readers like it as much as I do!




Finished product, with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. In the sun

ベースは全爪 JOSS Will Not (白)。親指、中指、薬指の上にWhat's Up Nails Art Storeで買ったストレートテープを斜めに置いて爪半分に JOSS Little Black Dress (黒)を塗り、テープをすばやく剥がす。黒ベースの上には白ポリッシュで、白ベースの上には黒ポリッシュでドットを描く(ドット棒使用)。乾いたらPueen Encore SE03Aの薔薇柄をMundo de Uñas Goldでスタンプし、黒と赤の2色で色付けしてdecal作成。この3本にdecalを乗せてGlisten & Glow HK Girlトップコートで仕上げ。人差し指は薔薇のdecalのみ、小指は黒のスタッズ2つ追加。


Polishes used


JOSS Will Not
JOSS Little Black Dress
JOSS Dazzling
Mundo de Uñas Gold

Here is the inspiration pic. When I first looked at it, I couldn't resist trying this on my nails! <3
Photo Credit


I tried to place 2 roses (black rose & red rose) on one nail, but didn't work out quite well,
so I decided to place just one 2-toned rose :) 


Simple and classic colour combo, but I'm quite happy with the result :D

薔薇スタンプはいくつか持っていますが、このPueen Encoreの柄は色付けできるのと大きさがちょうどよかったので今回採用。背景の白黒&ドットと馴染んで分かりにくいかな~と思って、人差し指は薔薇のdecalだけにしてみました。シンプルな色合わせですが、なかなかクラシックに仕上がって気に入りました。インスタでもたくさんのコメントと「いいね」をいただきありがとうございます。

にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 自爪ネイルへ

Gold x Silver Strip Stamping Mani

Sunday, April 19, 2015 10 Comments A+ a-

May 8th Update: I replaced the video at the end of this post with YouTube version.

I'm still on (hubby's) business trip, but only one more day before I go back home. Yay! When hubby told me all the meals are supplied during the trip, I actually thought, 'hmmm, that means I may have plenty of time to do my nails seeing that I don't have to cook meals', but I was wrong. We spent so many hours socialising with his work colleagues, and I didn't have time for my nails at all. It has been fun though, and I will miss them once we leave here.

It was also great coming on this trip, because I found a place that sells butter LONDON polishes. I got so excited as I have never seen them sold anywhere before, and they were on special ($8.75). I picked up 2, one of which is called 'Thames' and I decided to use this polish for today's nail art.

For this mani I started off with butter LONDON Thames for all nails. Then I stamped a long strip pattern from Born Pretty BP-35 with Mundo de Uñas Silver and painted JOSS More Nail Gold over it relatively thick. When that's completely dry, I peeled it off the stamper, cut it as a strip, and placed 2 sets of them on my thumb, middle finger, and ring finger. I placed a gold round stud at the centre of these nails and finished off with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. For other nails, I simply added 2 gold studs.

Thames was sheerer than I thought but it built up nicely with 3 coats. It's such a beautiful colour, and I think pairing up with silver and gold was a good idea. I love this colour combo that gives some exotic look.



さて出張も今日が最終日、ようやく明日家に帰れます。出張中は「食事全部出るよ」と旦那殿に言われていたので、「食事を作らなくていいってことは、ネイルの時間たくさん取れるんじゃね?」と思ったのですが・・甘かった(;▽;) 旦那殿の同僚たちと食事に行ったりいろんな付き合いがあったりで、まったく時間が取れず。

しかし1つ大きな収穫が。宿泊ホテルの近くで偶然butter LONDONを売ってる店を発見!初のbLを目の前にテンション上がりまくり。しかも安かった(1本8.75ドル)♪ 品揃えはあまりよくなかったので、とりあえず2本購入。そして週末も仕事がある旦那を送り出して昨日1週間ぶりのネイルチェンジ。出来上がりはこちら。

Finished product with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. I took this photo outside, but
it was shame that it was cloudy to get a good pic

ベースは全爪butter LONDON Thames。Born Pretty BP-35の帯状の柄をMundo de Uñas Silverでスタンプし、スタンパー上でJOSS More Nail Goldを厚めに塗る。完全に乾いたらスタンパーから剥がして柄より太めの帯状に切り取り、そのdecalを2つ親指、中指、薬指に配置。爪の真ん中に金の丸スタッズを置いてGlisten & Glow HK Girlトップコートで仕上げ。他の指はスタッズ2つ&トップコート。


Polishes used


butter LONDON Thames
JOSS More Nail Gold
Mundo de Uñas Silver

Did you notice I use this JOSS gold quite often lately? I just LOVE it. It's such a rich colour,
and it complements this bL Thames quite well I think

この日は曇りだったので写真がイマイチで残念です。金・銀、そしてベースのエメラルドのようなカラーが相まって実際はもっとまばゆいです。このbL Thamesは思ったより薄付きでしたが、3度塗りで綺麗に仕上がりました。シマー系塗ったのものすごく久しぶりですが、クリーム系と比べて3度塗りでも分厚い感じが出ないのがいいですね。

I also filmed the process as usual, but I didn't bring my studio light with me, so the lighting on
the video isn't great. Apologies for that!



にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 自爪ネイルへ

Gold x Blue Ornate Stamping Mani

Monday, April 13, 2015 4 Comments A+ a-

May 3rd Update: I replaced the video at the end of this post with YouTube version.

I'm having a break from cleaning and packing for the house move next week, because I'm 600km away from home at the moment. My husband is going away on his business trip, and he asked if I would like to come with him. Hummm, not really, but he convinced me that all the meals are supplied and the accommodation is nice, and also he assured that I could take my nail art stuff with me. Ummm, OK then! LOL. Lucky me, I can still do my work wherever I am, as long as I have internet. 

I brought about 3 bags worth of nail art essentials with me. I left half of my stamping plates and most of my polishes behind, but at least I can create some simple manis while I'm away. So we checked in the hotel and I set up my nail station at the hotel balcony and created this mani.

For this mani, I started off with JOSS More Nail Gold for thumb, middle finger, and ring finger. I stamped a ornate circular pattern from DRK XL Designer 2 using Mundo de Uñas Gold, painted Revlon Royal over it to make a stamping decal. I peeled it off from stamper, cut to nail size and placed on those nails. I added some dots with same Revlon Royal around the semi-circle and finished off with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. For other nails, I simply painted Revlon Royal and added some gold rounds studs I bought from eBay.

It's a simple 2 colour mani, but because of this gorgeous pattern and this glowy gold x Revlon Royal combo, it has such a lush look. I'm so glad I brought Revlon Royal with me, I think it surely added some 'royal' look to the mani :)




Finished product, with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. In the sun

親指、中指、薬指のベースはJOSS More Nail GoldDRK XL Designer 2から豪奢な円状の柄をMundo de Uñas Goldでスタンプし、スタンパー上でRevlon Royalを塗ってdecal作成。よく乾かしてからスタンパーから剥がし、爪のサイズに切ってこの3本の爪に乗せる。その後、同じくRevlon Royalで半円部分にドットを追加し、Glisten & Glow HK Girlトップコートで仕上げ。他のネイルはRevlon Royalを塗ってeBayで買った金の丸スタッズを追加。


Polishes used


Revlon Royal
JOSS More Nail Gold
Mundo de Uñas Gold

This lush pattern doesn't really need difficult technique.
Just stamp away and it will come out gorgeous!


I wish I could have dotted more consistently, but oh well.
Doesn't look bad in real life but at a closeup shot like this, it looks meh :'(


にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 自爪ネイルへ

Pastel Tribal Mani Using FUN 15

Monday, April 06, 2015 6 Comments A+ a-

April 24th Update: I replaced the video at the end of this post with YouTube version.

Happy Easter! Easter is one of the holidays that we don't celebrate in Japan, and as I work for a company in Japan, I worked during Easter as usual. With work along with cleaning and packing to be ready for the move (plus, I'm going away from home for a week and a half this week and next week), I'm a super busy bee. I haven't checked Instagram since I posted my last mani, and missed out on all the cute Easter manis by other nail artists. 

For this mani, I started off with BC Co. shade #26 for middle finger, ring finger & thumb. Then I made a stamping decal out of tribal pattern from FUN 15 plate using Mundo de Uñas White. I used 4 Ciate colours (listed below) to colour the decals and placed on those nails. For other fingers, I painted JOSS Will Not and topped with square pastel studs I bought from eBay, and finished off with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat.

This sort of reminds me of Easter eggs and I didn't even try to go for Easter inspired mani!  I've been keeping my eyes on this tribal pattern on FUN 15 and been wanting to try pastel tribal mani. Pretty simple and basic decal mani, but I'm happy with the result.


4月だというのに1人師走状態のカシスです、こんにちわ。こちらは先週金曜からイースター休暇だったのですが、日本のオフィスに「イースターなので休みます」とか申告するのも面倒で普通に仕事してました。仕事の後は引っ越しに向けた掃除と梱包もあるし、早く落ち着きたい(。-_-。) さて、暇がなくて5日ほどインスタを覗いていなかったのですが、さっき見に行ったらイースターネイルが花盛りって感じですね。同時に、色んな人のデザインと被ったなと思ってしまったのが今日のネイル。出来上がりはこちら。

Finished product with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. In the sun

中指、薬指、親指のベースはBC Co. shade #26(ベージュ)。FUN 15のトライバル柄をMundo de Uñas Whiteでスタンプし、4本のCiateを使って色付けしてdecal作成。ベージュの爪の上に乗せる。他の指はJOSS Will Notの上にeBayで買った四角いパステルスタッズを乗せてGlisten & Glow HK Girlトップコートでフィニッシュ。使用ポリッシュはこちら。

Polishes used


JOSS Will Not
BC Co. shade #26
Mundo de Uñas White


Ciate apple & custard
Ciate hoopla
Ciate sugar plum
Ciate chinchilla

I think this is the first time in a very long time that I did full decal like this.
Technical wise, it's too simple for me and I was so itching to add something else, but
left it as that as this is quite cute on it's own

「被っちまったな~」と思ったのはこのデザインと色。何となくイースターエッグに似てませんか?こんな感じのパステル系のネイル、インスタでたくさん見ましたよ。このトライバル柄はFUN 15プレートで一番気に入ってる柄で、「絶対白スタンプでパステル系にする!」と決めていたのですが、もうちょい早くやればよかったなぁ。

I broke corners of some of my nails during cleaning & packing, so I thought putting full decals
is a great way to hide it. lol

引っ越し準備のごたごたで早くも数本、爪の角を折ってしまいました(。-_-。) しかも動画でいつもデモしている中指・・(。-_-。) とりあえずdecal被せたら隠せるかな?と思って作ったネイルでもあります(笑。しばらく薬指でデモすることになりそうです。

にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 自爪ネイルへ

Swirly Holo Flowers Stamping Mani

Thursday, April 02, 2015 3 Comments A+ a-

April 19th Update: I replaced the video at the end of this post with YouTube version.

Hectic March has passed and we've gone into April. This month is going to be even busier as we're moving into a new house toward the end of April. Cleaning, packing, unpacking, buying new furniture, building fence, etc... I don't look forward to actual moving but I really can't wait to settle in our new house!

Anyway, here's the first mani created using Fab Ur Nails products (review post here). For this mani, I started off with JOSS Little Black Dress and drew three strip lines using Pure Color 9 and Dance Legend polishes from Wow Prism collection. Then I stamped a swirly flower stamp from Fab Ur Nails FUN 14 plate with Mundo de Uñas Cream, and coloured in with Wow Prism polishes using the same Pure Color 9 brush. I placed the decal on each nail, topped with a clear rhinestone (bought in Japan) and finished off with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. 

We still have some sunny days, and I wanted to wear holos as much as possible before going into winter with miserable weather. I like this pretty flower stamp, and can't wait to use this FUN plate again!


先日の春の歌主催のプレゼント企画の件、皆様ご協力をどうもありがとうございました。いただいたコメント1つ1つに返信しようと思っていたのですが・・・・すみません、最近バタバタしていて気力がどうも・・orz コメントはすべて拝見していますし、皆様からの暖かいお言葉に感謝します。

さて、ようやくFab Ur Nailsの製品を使ったネイルを1つ仕上げました(レビューはこちら)。出来上がりはこちら。

Finished product, with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. In the sun

ベースはJOSS Little Black Dress。Fab Ur NailsのPure Color 9ブラシとDance Legend Wow Prismコレクションのポリッシュを使用して3本線をストライプ状に引く。Fab Ur Nails FUN 14の渦巻き花柄をMundo de Uñas Creamでスタンプし、Wow PrismポリッシュとPure Color 9ブラシを使用して色付けしてdecal作成。decalを爪に配置して花の真ん中にラインストーン(楽天で購入)を置き、Glisten & Glow HK Girlトップコートで仕上げ。


Polishes used


Dance Legend Last Serenade
Dance Legend Beautiful Lie
Dance Legend Inhale
Dance Legend Just Another Star
Dance Legend Holy Diver


JOSS Little Black Dress
Mundo de Uñas Cream

Plate, brush, stamper head, and stamper holder I used in the tutorial are all from
Fab Ur Nails.

まだまだ太陽が出ているうちにWow Prism塗っとけ!ということで、カッコいいネイルを仕上げたいな~というときはついついこのキラキラポリッシュたちに手が伸びてしまいますね。特に凝ったことしなくても満足感高め。

I hope it's not obvious, but I made a mistake and applied the decal on the middle finger
at the wrong side up. Arg! I outlined the petals with the brush and added a rhinestone
to obscure it. lol 

ちなみにあまり目立たないとは思いますが、また1つ失敗をしてしまいました。中指のdecal、いつもとは違う方の表面を爪に貼り付けてしまった・・・。色付けした方が表に来てしまったので、慌てて花びらの輪郭をブラシで描き足しましたですよ(。-_-。)チーン ラインストーンを載せたのはこの失敗を隠すためです(笑。もうちょっと落ち着いてやらないとダメですね(反省)。

それでは動画をどうぞ。動画で使ったプレート、ブラシ、スタンパーヘッド、スタンパーキャップはすべてFab Ur Nailsのものです。

にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 自爪ネイルへ