Subtle fairy stamping with MoYou London Fairytale 02

Monday, May 05, 2014 0 Comments A+ a-

Another MoYou stamping today. Here is a subtle stamping mani using MoYou London Fairytale 02 plate, which is inspired by a mani I saw on Pinterest.

I started off with Sinful Snow Me White as a base, then used 4 colours to do sponge gradient. For the pegasus on the middle finger, I scraped off the unwanted lines around the pegasus before stamping onto my nail. The rest of the fingers are stamped with swirly patterns from the plate. I finished off with clear glitter topper.

This is so subtle, it's not very noticeable from the distance but super cute close-up. Before the sponged gradient, I put PVA glue around my cuticles to make the cleanup easier, but I think I had it on too long - my cuticles are looking all wrinkly and dry :( They look great again after putting cuticle cream on though. Phew!

BTW, if you have some MoYou plates and an instagram account, head over to MoYou's account. They are hosting nail art challenge throughout the month: I opened an account to join this ( For those of you who will participate, good luck!! For those who will just look, have fun :D

5月に入ってMoYou LondonがInstagram上でコンテスト始めましたね。1万フォロワーを記念したネイルチャレンジみたいです。詳細はこちら→



そんなわけけで今日もスタンピングネイルです。使用したプレートはMoYou London Fairytale 02。 このプレート、一見して「柄が少ないな~」という印象だったんですが、逆に柄が少ない=1つ1つの柄が大きめ=不要な部分がスタンパーに入り込みにくい、ということで割と使いやすいんじゃないかと思い直し、購入を決定。


Finished product - excuse my weird camera setting.
I'm still struggling with my new camera

ベースはSinful Colors Snow Me White。その上に4色の色でスポンジグラデーション。最後にクリアのグリッターポリッシュで仕上げました。

Macro shot - Love the pegusus <3

マクロショット。タイトルの「Subtle stamping」というのは「繊細なスタンピング」みたいな意味で、ベースの色と近い色のスタンピングポリッシュを使ってほのかな色合いを楽しむというもの。今回はパステル系4色の上に白なので近くで見ないとあまり柄がよく見えません。

I'm holding the Dior glitter topper here



Polish used - Blue one is my franken 'Sumire' (detail here)


Sinful Colors Snow Me White
Sinful Colors Unicorn
Ulta3 Corsican Rose
フランケン '菫' (スミレ) → 詳細はこちら
Sinful Colors Hazard
Dior Addict 403

This is before cleanup after sponged gradient.
Don't have the PVA glue too long on your fingers! lol


Looks pretty simple, but took 3 attempts to have the pegasus centered ^^;



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