Franken with TKB 'Travel to Neptune'

Monday, September 29, 2014 0 Comments A+ a-

30th Sep UPDATE: I got a tutorial request for this mani, so I included an IG tutorial at the end of this post.

It doesn't look like I can come up with anything worthwhile posting any time soon, so I decided to simply slap on my last of the franken I made from TKB Trading 'Travel to' pigments. This is the 7th and the last post of TKB 'Travel to' pigment franken series. Here are the links to previous posts:

Travel to Earth
Travel to Mars
Travel to Venus
Travel to Jupiter
Travel to Pluto
Travel to Mercury

I'm showing you 'Travel to Neptune' franken today. TKB's description says this pigment 'shifts from turquoise to blue to violet'. All my other 'Travel to' frankens are simply a mixture of suspension base plus 2 tiny scoops of Travel to pigment, but this time I added some black polishes too see how it goes. The swatch is one coat over one-coat black I made previously.

Unfortunately, I can't see the colour shift on this franken very well. It could be because I mixed with some black polishes in an effort to be able to use on its own, rather than layering over black. The blue colour is pretty and striking none the less.

After I took some photos on it's own, I made a galaxy mani out of it. When I feel uninspired, galaxy mani is good because it's easy to create and yet effective.

This concludes my Travel-to franken series. My first post was back in March. Geez, it took that long!?


まだなかなかネイルアイデアが降りてきません。ということで今日はフランケンのご紹介。TKB Travel toフランケンシリーズの第7弾にして最後、Travel to Neptuneピグメントを使ったフランケンのご紹介です。

第1弾:Travel to Earth
第2弾:Travel to Mars
第3弾:Travel to Venus
第4弾:Travel to Jupiter
第5弾:Travel to Pluto
第6弾:Travel to Mercury


One thick coat over one-coat black, with Revlon top coat

one coatブラックを1度塗り、その上にフランケンを1度塗り。トップコートあり(Revlon)、室内撮り。ピグメントとボトルショットはこちら。

Bottle shot of the Franken and the pigment

作り方はこれだけ今までとは少し変えました。Suspension baseをボトル半分注ぎ、ピグメントをお手製ストローの先っちょに乗せて2杯投入してから黒のポリッシュを適量追加(分量失念)。カラーシフトはこんな感じ。

Humm.. where's the colour shift?? I can only slightly see the violet


Outdoor shot


Macro shot. It was already evening when I took this photo, so no gorgeous shimmers showing here



Final product, galaxy mani!

久々の銀河ネイル。かな~り初期のころにやって以来でした。まず三角スポンジに白を取ってポンポンと乗せ、その上に黄色、コーラル、紫、オレンジ(少々)を乗せていき、最後にCiate Party Shoesをひと塗り。

Sponged white, yellow, coral, purple, and a bit of orange, then finished off with Ciate Party Shoes

手に持っているのがCiate Part Shoes。グリッタートッパーです。

Very quick mani, but I like the effect


というわけでめでたくTravel toフランケンシリーズの全Swatch終了!\(^o^)/ ということはDance LegendのGalaxyシリーズ、ようやく解禁できます(゚∀゚) てか、このネイルしてたときに右手には既にGalaxy塗ってたんだけどねw

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