My prize for the MoYou London nail art challenge has arrived!
Quick post today. My prize for the MoYou London nail art challenge on Instagram has arrived! This is the same set they are soon going to sell as their stamping sets. It contains 5 plates & 3 polishes of your choice plus stamper/scraper in a cute box of your choice.I got to choose plates and polishes, but MoYou chose the box for me. The reason is that I was away for holiday when they contacted me that I could get to choose the box as well, but I had absolutely no internet connection during the trip and found out after I got back home that they already picked the box for me and sent out.
I thought WHAT A BUMMER!!! I MISSED OUT...! Don't you hate it when this happens? Good thing is though, they picked the right one for me! ^^ I'm absolutely happy with their choice. Well, enough talk. Let's take a look at the prize.
今日は短めに。MoYou Londonのインスタグラム上のネイルアートチャレンジの賞品が届いたのでご紹介♪このセットはもうすぐ売り出し予定のスタンピングキットと同じ内容です。構成はプレート5枚とポリッシュ3つ(どちらも自分で選択可)、スタンパー/スクレイパーで、可愛い箱(これも選択可)に収められています。
Winnerの発表後、プレートとポリッシュは自分で選んでMoYouに連絡したのですが、箱も選べることを知らないまま旅行に出かけてしまいました。旅行中ネットに繋げなかったので帰ってきてメールを開いて顔面蒼白。「箱はどうする?」の催促メールが3通も・・orz 私は銀賞だったので2番目に箱を選べることになっていたのですが、私が選ばないと3位と4位の人が選べないよ~とのことでした。嗚呼もうやだ・・・・(爆死)
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My prize in cute Festive box! :D |
MoYouが選んでくれたのはFestiveの箱でした\(^o^)/ ありがとうMoYou、たぶん私もこれ選んでたよ(;▽;) MoYouガールが3人も載ってるんだもん。
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These are what is in the box |
私が選んだものがこちら(スタンパー以外)。Tourist x2、Suki x2、Pro x1というラインアップ。
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Fairy new Tourist 19 & 20 |
プレートの写真撮るの難しい(汗。比較的新しいTourist 19(シドニー)と20(ニューデリー)。
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Good ole Suki 02 & 07 |
Suki 02 と 07。コンテスト中、このプレート使った素晴らしいネイルをたくさん見てちょっと触発されました。テーマネイルはもういいや~と思ってたのに何このやる気満々のラインアップw
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Versatile Pro 06 XL and 3 polishes |
汎用性の高いPro 06 XL。とりあえずスタンプしとけばかっこよく決まる系も1枚選んどこうと思いまして。そして3本のスタンピングポリッシュ。
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Test stamp of polishes - Stamps perfect on the white base, but not on the black base |
箱に関してですが、現時点でBridalコレクション以外の箱は全部揃っているそうです。他の箱もちらっと見せてもらいましたが、全部ください!って感じですw これからスタンピング始めてみようという方に最適かと思います。
Write commentsI am still so thrilled that you won Cassis! I love how they've packaged the new sets so neatly in their own custom box and I can't wait for the details to be released about how everyone can order them. So I have to ask, what did you think of MoYou London's stamping polish in comparison to your new Mundo de Unas polishes?
ReplyAwww, thanks a lot Karolyn!! I still can't believe that I won :D Isn't the set gorgeous? I saw what other winners chose for their box and they look great as well. I love the look of the Greek Mythology one ^^
ReplyAs for their stamping polish, they are similar in texture with regular nail polish. They're quite watery and I didn't think they would stamp well at first sight but they actually do on the white base. Definitely not for the dark base though. Mundos are much better for that. I will use them for lighter base for sure :)
I actually went to MoYou's site to see if they are good to be used as a regular polish. It doesn't say any but I'm tempted coz the colours are gorgeous!