Aboriginal nail art using MoYou London Tourist plates
After the MoYou London nail art challenge on Instagram, I keep thinking about missing out on Day 1. The theme was 'Art'. I wanted to do this theme just to satisfy my sense of achievement, but had no idea until recently.With the arrival of my prize, I finally got inspiration. I actually wanted to do this mani for a long long time - Aboriginal nail art.
This mani is special for both me and my husband because he has some Aboriginal blood in him. Not many people recognises him as an Aboriginal (his skin tone isn't very dark), but he absolutely takes pride in being Aboriginal.
I started off with Sally Hansen Silk Onyx, a black satin from Satin Glam collection, and stamped lizards from Tourist 19 with Sinful Colors Snow Me White. I then added dots using various colours of Mundo de Uñas polishes. I did Aboriginal flag for my thumb. I wasn't confident enough to handpaint perfect circle, so this yellow circle comes from a pattern on Tourist 20 and I coloured inside.
Let me tell you. I was so thrilled with the result. I couldn't wait for hubby to come home and show this mani. He was so happy with it and that made me really proud!
MoYouのチャレンジ終了後、Day 1の「アート」ができなかったことがずっと気にかかっていました。いつかやってやろうと思いつつ何も思い浮かばないまま時間が経過したのですが、賞品が届いてようやくインスピレーションが沸いてきました。
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Finished product - with OPI matte topcoat |
これが最終形態。ベースはSally Hansen Silk Onyxという黒サテン。MoYou LondonのTourist 19からトカゲをSinful Colors Snow Me Whiteでスタンプ。ドットはMundo de Uñasを使ってドット棒で描きました。アクリル絵の具を使ってもよかったのですが、Mundoの方が発色がよかったのでそちらを使用。Seche Viteの後にOPIマットトップコートで仕上げ。
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I combined some pics just as I did for other contest entries. The image on the left is from the gallery hubby's cousin owns. She is an Aboriginal artist herself |
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This pic and the one before this is without topcoat. I actually like this better because it looks more like a real Aboriginal artwork with textured feel |
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I first added Seche Vite before OPI matte topcoat, because OPI can smear the design |
手に持っているのがSally Hansen Silk Onyx。これ自体セミマット(=サテン)なので光りは控えめ。マットトップコートを塗ったらドットのでこぼこ感がなくなってぺったりしちゃいましたね。ちなみにOPIマットトップコートの前にSeche Viteを挟んだのは、直接OPIを塗ると引きずりが生じることがあるからです。これもコンテスト中に学んだことの1つ。
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The thumb is Aboriginal flag. The circle comes from Tourist 20 |
親指なに?って思いましたか?アボリジニーの民族旗です。黒はアボリジニー自身、赤は赤土の大地、黄色は太陽を象徴しています。黄色い円ですが、正円を手書きする自信がなかったのでTourist 20の丸い柄を使っています。
個人的に出来上がりに非常に満足しています(゚∀゚) こういう自分の身近なテーマをネイルで表現するのが楽しくて嬉しくてしょうがないです。同じ理由から、もう少し日本の美を表現するネイルも今後たくさんやっていきたいなと思っています。そのためには新しいテクニックも学んでいかねば!とちょっとやる気満々なカシスでした。
Write commentsLove this!!!! Beautiful colours! *___*
ReplyAww, thanks Eleonora! :D All the bright colours cheer me up ^^
ReplyThese turned out absolutely beautiful! Everything is so precise and colored beautifully! Well done :)
ReplyWow! That gecko is amazing! Did you freehand or was it part of stamp? Great manicure!
ReplyOh no! Sorry, I just saw which plate you used!
ReplyThanks dear! I wanted to make this vibrant, and am so proud of the outcome! :D
ReplyThanks Monica! Yep, it's a stamp ;) It's an Australian themed plate, and am glad I got that! :D
ReplyThis is just so amazingly beautiful. I love this look. You are so very talented.
ReplyThanks Helen! You're so sweet saying that <3