Pueen Cosmetics Halloween Party & Double Fun Plate Review

Monday, October 17, 2016 2 Comments A+ a-

I have 2 new plates to show you today. They are newest release from Pueen Cosmetics, and one is Halloween plate and the other is a layering plate called Double Fun. 

As usual, here are the links to Pueen Cosmetics store and SNS:

今日はまたPueen Cosmeticsの新作スタンピングプレート2枚のご紹介。1枚目はハロウィンプレートで、もう1枚はDouble Funというレイヤリングプレートです。

いつものように、Pueen CosmeticsのショップとSNSへのリンクはこちら。

These are what I received. Product page is here and here. Price is $4.99 each.


This is what the plates look like after taking the blue film off. Plate measures 12.5cm x 6.5cm.

ブルーフィルムを剥がすとこんな感じ。プレートのサイズは12.5cm x 6.5cm。

As with other rectangle plates from Pueen, they have pretty plastic backing as shown above. It's quite thick and makes the plate sturdy. Below, I'll show you each plate pic followed by paper swatch. Swatches are done with a regular polish (Sinful Colors Savage). As the images vary in size, I included measurement of some of the images for reference.

Pueenの他の長方形プレートと同様、上のような可愛らしいプラスチックの台座が付いています。かなり厚めの台座なのでプレートが安定します。以下、プレートの画像と紙swatchを続けてお見せします。Swatchには通常ポリッシュ(Sinful Colors Savage)を使用。柄のサイズはまちまちなので、一部の柄についてサイズも明記しました。

First up is Halloween Party 01 plate. Great variety of Halloween images perfect for this season. Full size images are all 2.4cm x 1.7cm, so they are great for long nail gals. Smaller image are not too small, not to big, just the right size. Everything stamps wonderfully.

最初のプレートはHalloween Party 01プレート。この季節に最適なハロウィン柄が満載のプレートです。フルサイズの柄は2.4cm x 1.7cmなので、長い爪の方に最適です。小さ目の柄は大きすぎず小さすぎず、ちょうどいい大きさ。どの柄も綺麗にスタンプしました。

And this is Double Fun 01 plate. As you can see, this is a 'layering plate'. If you don't know what a layering plate is, I recently reviewed one on this post with some example so you can get an idea. You can get tree+leaves, feathers, strawberry, globe, rose, flowers etc out of this little plate. It sure is a fun plate, and again everything stamps beautifully.

そしてこちらがレイヤリングプレートのDouble Fun 01プレート。レイヤリングプレートって何?という方は、こちらのポストで最近レビューしたときに使用例をご紹介しているのでご参考まで。このプレートから木と葉っぱ、羽、イチゴ、地球、薔薇、花などの重ねスタンプが可能です。こちらも楽しげなプレートですね。そしてどの柄も綺麗にスタンプしました。

So what do you think about these plates? I only have a few Halloween plates and layering plates, so I'm excited to have these in my collection. I haven't done any Halloween manis yet this year, and am hoping to create one soon.


*Products sent for honest review


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18 October 2016 at 08:19 delete

Cassis!! I heard you were ill and I hope you are feeling better these days! I hadn't ordered from Pueen in 2 years, as there images got a bit small for my nails, and then I saw these. They came last week and I am really impressed, both with the larger image size and the deep etching. I'll be on the lookout for more Pueens. Great review!!

Cassis P
18 October 2016 at 20:53 delete

Thank you for your kind words, Karolyn! And yes, Pueen's recent rectangle plates have quite big images (except for their Love Elements collection which were once in round plates), and the quality is great also! Definitely worth checking out They're releasing new plates quite often, and it's getting hard to catch up, haha.
