Oil Slick Butterfly Stamping Mani
August 31st Update: I replaced the video at the end of this post with YouTube version.I've had few more nail mails coming in that's waiting for my review, but before I do that let me share one more mani using Hit the Bottle stamping polishes.
Thumb, middle finger & ring finger: Base is Picture Polish darcy, and I applied Simply Peel by Bliss Kiss around my cuticles for easy cleanup. I placed 4 or 5 drops of Hit the Bottle polishes ('I wish I was a Mermaid', 'Blue-tiful', 'Paint the Town Violet', and 'Poison Apple') randomly on swirly pattern on DRK XL Designer 1 plate, scraped just once and stamped on those nails. I peeled off Simply Peel, then I made a decal using butterfly pattern on the same plate and Hit the Bottle 'To Have an to Gold', coloured in with the same HTB polishes above and placed them on those nails. Finished off with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat.
Pointer & pinkie: Same process except that I didn't place butterfly decals.
I can't tell you how much I love the result! Pity the day I took the photos was pretty cloudy. The first time I saw this mani in the sun, I thought 'Oh wow, this looks like oil slick!', hence the name. I used this stamping technique long time ago for this mani, but the blend of these metallic polishes give such a mesmerising look.
As I mentioned in my Hit the Bottle review post, these polishes dry rather fast, so you might want to plan beforehand exactly what part of the design you want it on your nails. If you pick up unwanted parts on your stamper, you don't have time to remove it with your finger or sticky tape before stamping on your nails. Nothing difficult once you get used to it. I always plan and scrape to the direction where I don't pick up unwanted image anyway. I just don't want my fellow stampers to feel hesitant about getting these HTB polishes just because they dry fast, because I absolutely love them!
レビュー案件があと2件ほど控えているのですが、ちょっと一呼吸おいてHit the Bottleスタンピングポリッシュを使ったネイルをもう1つ作ってみました。出来上がりはこちら。
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Finished product, with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. Cloudy shot |
親指、中指、薬指 : ベースはPicture Polish darcy。事前にキューティクル周辺にBliss KissのSimply Peelを塗っておく(あとでクリーンアップを楽にするため)。Hit the Bottleの各ポリッシュ ('I wish I was a Mermaid'、'Blue-tiful'、'Paint the Town Violet'、'Poison Apple')をDRK XL Designer 1 プレートの渦巻き模様に4-5滴ほどランダムに垂らし、1回だけスクレイプしてこの3本の爪にスタンプ。Simply Peelを剥がしたら、今度は同じプレートのチョウチョ柄をHit the Bottle 'To Have an to Gold'でスタンプ。上記のHTBポリッシュで色付けしてdecal化し、爪に乗せる。仕上げはGlisten & Glow HK Girlトップコート。
人差し指と小指: チョウチョdecalを乗せなかっただけでプロセスは同じ。
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Polishes used |
Picture Polish darcy
Hit the Bottle I wish I was a Mermaid
Hit the Bottle Blue-tiful
Hit the Bottle Paint the Town Violet
Hit the Bottle Poison Apple
Hit the Bottle To Have and to Gold
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This is the first time in a long time I used DRK plate. I only have 2 of their plates, but I really adore them. This swirl pattern was just perfect for this oil slick look |
このネイル、個人的にものすごく気に入りました。ちょうど写真を撮った時は曇りだったので写りはイマイチですが、太陽光下で初めて見た瞬間、「わぁ~oil slickみたい!」と思いました。oil slickというのは水面や道路に浮いた油の色が混ざり合って虹みたいになっているアレです(Googleの画像検索はこちら)。なので、ネイルの名前もOil Slick Butterflyとしてみました。この「複数のポリッシュを垂らしてスクレイプ」する手法、以前1回やっていますが、メタリックだとまた混ざり具合が格別ですね(゚∀゚) ベースのPicture Polishの黒ホロのキラキラとメタリックなスタンプが相まって、この日は爪を何度も見てはその輝く様子に見とれていました。
I only recently created a butterfly mani, but couldn't resist creating another. What do you think? |
ところで今回使ったHit the Bottleスタンピングポリッシュ、レビューにも書いたようにかなり乾きが早いです。なので、柄をピックアップしてから迷わないように事前に柄のどの部分を使うかよく計画しておくのが吉です。特に今回使ったような一続き柄のプレートを使う場合、どんな感じでポリッシュを垂らし、どの方向にスクレイプすれば不要な柄をピックアップしなくて済むかをよく考えます。不要な柄をピックアップしてしまった場合、爪に転写する前に指やセロテープで取り除いている暇はありません。私は乾きの遅いMundoでも上記のことを念頭に置いて作業しているのでほとんど気にならないのですが、スタンパーさんたちの中にはHit the Bottleの乾きの早さがネックになって購入をためらっている方もいらっしゃるようで。非常にいいポリッシュなのに多くの人に使ってもらえないのは残念。工夫と使い方次第で克服できるよ、ということを声を大にして伝えたいです。
Write commentsWonderful mani Cassis, noted on the drying time. I will work on making them dry slower. :)
ReplyAww thanks Michelle! Oh my, what a great news! :D I'll have my eyes peeled for the update <3
Replyabsolutely stunning Cassie. Michelle from HTB put me onto ur blog & I'm so glad she did. I love HTB polishes aswell & have quite alot of them. Do you know where I can get DKR plates from here in OZ instead of having them shipped from OS?
ReplyThis nail art is lovely!
ReplyThanks hun! I really should have tried these HTB polishes earlier, because they are so fabulous! As for DRK plates, I got mine directly and am not sure if there's a OZ stockist. I checked their website but there's no info. Why not shoot them a message at contact@drknails.com ?
ReplyYay! Thanks Dulce!^^