Fab Ur Nails Stamping Plates & Stamper Review
I recently received another amazing products from Fab Ur Nails for review. This is actually the second time Johanne, owner of Fab Ur Nails, kindly sent me her products, and you can read my first review on this post. Since that first post, Johanne has released 5 more beautiful plates which I'll be showing on this post.
Before I go into the review, here are the links to Fab Ur Nails shop and SNS:
By the way, Lou from Urban Nail Art helped Johanne send these products to me this time, and she kindly added a black stamping polish from her shop for me to try out. Lou's shop is under maintenance at the moment, but hopefully she reopens it soon.
Fab Ur NailsのJohanneさんから有難いことにまたもや製品レビューの打診をいただき、先日小包を受け取りました。第1弾レビューは
レビューに入る前に、Fab Ur NailsのショップとSNSへのリンクはこちら。
Urban Nail ArtのオーナーLouさんが配送の仲介をしてくださり、ご自身のショップから黒のスタンピングポリッシュを1本含めてくださったようです。こちらも後ほどご紹介します。Louさんのショップは現在メンテナンス中で私も覗いたことがないのですが、近いうちに再オープンされることと思います。
This is what I received. The parcel contained 5 FUN stamping plates, stamper & scraper set, and 1 black stamping polish which comes from Urban Nail Art shop. So many goodies!
こちらが今回受け取った品々。FUNプレート5枚、スタンパー&スクレイパーセット、それからUrban Nail Artからの黒のスタンピングポリッシュ1本。
I'll show you the stamper set first. The set consists of 2 stampers, 1 scraper & 1 sponge buffer (which I forgot to include in this pic). Product page is here.
This is what the sponge buffer looks like. You can use this item to prime (lightly buff) the stamper if it doesn't pick up images. It's double-sided and both very fine, but the white side has finer grit than the turquoise side.
Scraper is 5cm x 6cm and is smaller than a normal credit card size scraper. The cute printing won't degrade with acetone as it's printed inside. This one is hardly bendable and the stiffness is close to that of a credit card. I actually really like this! I'm not a big fan of very flexible scraper, but this one is for me. Size is not too big and not too small, and it's perfect.
スクレイパーは5cm x 6cmで通常のクレジットカードよりも小さいです。可愛らしい印刷が施されていますが、内側に印刷されているのでアセトンを使っても消えることはありません。硬さはクレジットカードなどと同じぐらいで、ほとんど曲がりません。このタイプの硬いスクレイパー、大好きです。大きさも大きすぎず小さすぎずパーフェクト。今後はこれを愛用していくと思います。
Onto stampers. Stampers come with gold stamper holder (shown on this post) which I totally adore. 2 stampers in the top row are what I received, and the bottom left is also a Fab Ur Nail stamper I received in March. Bottom right is Messy Mansion soft pink head for comparison. Johanne told me this black one is just a sample and is not on her shop at the moment.
前回のレビューでも紹介したゴールドホルダーが付いています。上の2つが今回送っていただいたもの。下の段の左は3月にいただいたFab Ur Nailsのスタンパー、右がMessy Mansion Softセットのピンク。Johanneさんいわく、この黒のスタンパーはサンプルなのでまだショップで扱っていないとのこと。
Squishiness. These neon pink and black stamper heads are very squishy, even more squishier than translucent one or Messy Mansion Soft. Probably safe to say they are true marshmallow.
柔らかさについて。このネオンピンクと黒のスタンパーヘッドは非常に柔らかいです。半透明のヘッドとMessy Mansionの一番柔らかいSoftセットのヘッドよりも柔らかく、「マシュマロ」タイプと呼んでいいと思います。
And the performance? Yes, they do pick up images so fabulously, just like the translucent one. This is WITHOUT priming by the way. Stamping plate is Dashica Infinity 70 and stamping polish is Mundo de Uñas Cream.
さてパフォーマンスは如何に?前回いただいた半透明のスタンパー同様、ばっちりピックアップしました。ちなみにPrimeはしていません。プレートはいつものDashica Infinity 70、スタンピングポリッシュはMundo de Uñas Cream。
And here's the result on paper. The top row is done with neon pink stamper, and the bottom row is done with black. If you are looking for a quality stamper, you can't go wrong with Fab Ur Nails stampers.
そして紙でテスト。上の段はネオンピンク、下の段は黒のスタンパーでそれぞれSwatchしたもの。いいスタンパーがなかなか見つからない・・という方たちはFab Ur Nailsのスタンパーを買っておけば間違いないです。
Moving onto stamping polish. As I said before, this is not from Fab Ur Nails, but from Urban Nail Art. UNA stamping polishes are all 5-free, and come in 12ml (9 AUD) and 8ml (7 AUD). No abnormal smell to it, and it's very nice and opaque.
お次はスタンピングポリッシュ。先ほど書いたように、これはFab Ur Nailsのものではなく
Urban Nail Artの製品です。UNAスタンピングポリッシュは5フリーであり、12ml(9豪ドル)または8ml(7豪ドル)で売られています。においは普通のポリッシュと同じで、テキスチャーは非常に濃いのにもったりしていません。
As you can see, it stamps very bold on white. I found it dries fairly slow (meaning you have more time lining up the images before you stamp), and is easy to work with. I'm very happy with this one!
Finally, stamping plates. These are FUN16, FUN17, FUN18, FUN19, and FUN20. I wish I had more fingers to swatch them all!
This is FUN16. Love love love this one! It has everything from geometrics, flowers, damask, etc. Plate itself is 14.5cm x 9.5cm, and full size images are 2.2cm x 1.6cm, as with the rest of the plates I show here.
まずはFUN16。幾何学模様や花柄やダマスク柄など、何でも揃っています。いいねいいね~こういうプレート大好き(゚∀゚)。プレート自体のサイズは14.5cm x 9.5cm。フルサイズの柄は2.2cm x 1.6cmで、以降のプレートでも同様です。
Swatch on paper using Mundo de Uñas stamping polishes and Fab Ur Nails stamper. This MdU Cafe was a bit thick, so I added some thinners to make it work. All images stamp superb.
紙へのSwatch。Mundo de Uñas Cafe と Fab Ur Nailsスタンパーを使用。このMdUがややもったり気味だったので薄め液を投入して使えるようにしました。柄はすべて綺麗にスタンプ。
Next up is FUN17. Hypnotic stamps, geometrics, and some landscapes. I don't have many hypnotic stamps and I'm so glad I got this plate!
Again, swatching was a breeze on this one also. Look at those fine lines in the middle row!
FUN18, heaps of characters. I can see One Piece, Hello Kitty, Sailor Moon, etc. I don't do much character manis, but for those who do, this one is just perfect.
Again, all stamp superb. Are there any characters that interest you? :D
こう見ると本当に多彩ですね(゚∀゚) プーさんかわええ。
FUN19. Combination of small, big and jumbo size stamps. So mesmerised by the bottom right images.
Another unique plate with great quality. Those skulls on the top row scream haloween to me.
Last but not least, FUN20. Mixture of cute, fun and elegant. I really love the variety these FUN plates offer.
With FUN plates, you don't see much of a dupe from other plates on the market and this plate is no exception. Hats off to Johanne for these fabulously unique plates.
There you have it! My hands were quite a state after all the swatching, but it was totally worth it. I'm so in awe with the quality of each and every single one of Fab Ur Nails products. I have never had or heard about the trouble with Johanne's products, and they are one of the best on market. I really can't wait to start playing with them!
そんな感じで、紙swatchが終わる頃には手がすごいことになってしまいましたが、今回も頑張りました。Fab Ur Nailsの製品は1つ1つがどれも完成度が高く、品質に問題があったという経験もそういう話を見聞きしたことも一度もありません。スタンピング市場で最上位クラスの品質と言っていいと思います。これから少しずつ使っていくのが楽しみです。
*Products sent for honest review