DRK Nails Haul and Plate Review
On the same day I received my colourful stamper heads from AliExpress, I also received my first order from DRK Nails. DRK Nails is a Brazillian based stamping plate company which also sells polishes and stamping accessories. I have been keeping my eyes on this brand for quite a while now, but as soon as they showed the sneak peek of the new XL Designer plates late January, I was completely sold and decided to order.Before I made an order, I asked a question on their Instagram account. Because this was my first purchase, I wanted to have an idea of what the image size is like on their XL plates. I asked "what is the size of the dragon at the top right corner of XL Designer 2 plate?" on their IG account. No reply. So I asked the same question again. Yet no reply. OK, I'm seriously considering purchasing and asking a genuine question, but no reply?? You may say "Relax, they don't monitor every comment on IG", but what confused me was that they replied to everyone on that post, but completely ignored mine.
AliExpressからのカラフルなスタンパーヘッドが届いた日に、もう1つDRK Nailsからの初オーダーも届きました。DRK Nailsはブラジルベースのプレート会社でポリッシュやスタンピングツール類も販売しています。かなり前から目を付けていた会社なのですが、1月末にリリースされたXLデザイナープレートを見た瞬間「これは買わねば」と思い、初オーダーに至ります。
So I went to their website and contacted from there, asking the same question. I also added that I wasn't happy that my questions were ignored on IG. I got prompt reply from the owner Katia with the answer to my question (the dragon is 1 x 1 inch) and an apology. She told me she would make sure that no questions are left unanswered on their account. I was so relieved to get a reply! I was so desperate to get their plates, but wouldn't want to if customer service is not great. As I said before, I get lots of comments from my readers and YouTube subscribers that they bought those plates I use after watching my videos. I certainly don't want to use a plate when the plate company doesn't care about their customers.
Anyway, this is how the order went:
- Jan 29th : Paid
- Feb 6th : Dispatched with tracking
- Feb 20th : Arrived
そこでWebサイトに行ってそこからメールを送り、同じ質問をしました。同時に、IGで質問を無視されたんですがいただけないですね、という点も付け加えました。するとオーナーのKatiaさんからすばやい返信があり、ドラゴンは1x1インチであることとお詫びの言葉が付け加えられていました。IGを管理しているのは見習いの人だそうで、質問は見逃さないよう指導するとおっしゃっていました。 返事が来て本当にホッとしましたよ。。。プレートはどうしても欲しい、でもカスタマーサービスが悪ければ買いたくないと思っていたので。前にも言ったと思いますが、「動画見て同じプレート買ったよ!」と言われることが多いので、お客さんを大事にしない会社のプレートは使いたくないですからね。
- 1/29 : 支払い
- 2/6 : 追跡番号付きで発送
- 2/20 : 到着
This is how the order came in. Actual plates wrapped in decorative wrapping, business cards and invoice.
Inside the decorative wrapping, my plates were sandwiched between thin cardboard papers.
I bought 2 XL Designer plates, Designer 1 and 2. Each has plastic backing, and the plate size (not including the plastic part) is 20.9cm x 16.5cm.
今回、XL Designerプレート2枚(Designer 1と2)を買いました。プレートはプラスチックの台が付いており、台を含まないプレートのみのサイズは20.9cm x 16.5cm。
I heard some girls saying their plates came bent. I looked at mine carefully and noticed that the bottom corner of one plate is slightly bent and lifted from plastic backing. It doesn't affect the stamp so I wouldn't worry, but I feel they should protect the plates with thicker cardboard papers.
This is XL Designer 1. Sorry the photo is on a bit of an angle. I love this buffet type plate that gives you endless possibilities.
これがXL Designer 1。写真撮るのが難しくてちょっと斜めっててすみません。こういう無限の可能性が広がるバフェットタイプのプレート好きです。
And here is XL Designer 2. See the dragon at the right corner? You can see bigger stamps and smaller stamps in between - the plate is so full of images and no vacant space. LOVE!
そしてこちらが新発売のXL Designer 2。右上にあるのが例のドラゴン。大き目の柄の間に隙間なく敷き詰められた小さめの柄。所狭しと柄が盛り込まれているこのプレート。いいよいいよ~(゚∀゚)
Test stamp on XL Designer 1. Polishes are Mundo de Uñas Orange, Mexican Pink, Purple, and Blue. I used my beloved discontinued MoYou London XL round stamper, but with MdU Mexican Pink I switched to my pink stamper head from AliExpress because it's a stamper stainer.
You can see that I did the top left image twice. It looks patchy, so I'll come back to that image and two bottom left images later.
XL Designer 1のテストスタンプ。使用ポリッシュはMundo de Uñas Orange、Mexican Pink、Purple、Blue。スタンパーはMoYou London XL丸スタンパー(廃盤)ですが、Mexican Pinkだけはスタンパーに染みが付くのでAliExpressのピンクスタンパーヘッドを使用。
Look at the fine line flowers near the centre! Impressive.
So the bottom row is the repetition of some of the images that didn't stamp well at my first attempt. They look great now except for the far left and far right (same image). Not the fault on the plate, I just have to adjust the way I scrape on this one.
Onto XL Designer 2. Yeeees! Look at the ornamental images on the first row. And the dragon...such detail!
お次はXL Designer 2。上段の柄とかもう鼻血出るわ(*´д`*)ドラゴンのディテールも凄いよ~!
Those aztec images are unique in my collection, and I'm so excited about those hypnotic stamps.
Another winners at the bottom row! Those birds, flowers, and the ornamental image are just so beautiful.
Their geometric stamps are simply superb. I don't know why but my MdU Mexical Pink doesn't stamp very well compared to other colours, so I repeated the same image with Purple (far right at the bottom row).
このブランドの幾何学模様系のスタンプは本当に秀逸。なぜかMundoのMexican Pinkが他のと比べてかすれやすいので、一番右下の柄はPurpleでやり直しています。
My thought on these plates? I'm so glad I got these. The quality is superb and they have beautiful images including both basic and unique. One plate cost me $22, and the shipping for 2 XL plates is $13.60. So all up the order cost me $57.60. My Paypal account is Japanese and the conversion rate between US dollar and Japanese yen wasn't great for me at that time, so it ended up with a bit expensive purchase. But I know I will make good use out of these plates. I can't wait to use them!
Write commentsカシスさん☆はじめましてm(__)m
話が変わりますが以前 jadeのhologlafikoを使われていましたが使い心地はどうでしょう?
ナミママさん、はじめまして!コメントありがとうございます^^ かなり以前からブログを読んでくださっているとのこと、ありがとうございます♪
Jadeのholograficoは私もプレートと一緒に買おうと思ったのですが、目を付けていた色が売り切れだったので今回は見送りました。だいぶ前に1度しか使っていませんが、塗りやすいですよー!ホロによくありがちな塗りにくさ(何度も同じ箇所を行き来すると剥がれてくる感じ)がなくて、するっと塗れます。色も他にはない斬新ではっきりした色が多いので、私は好きですね^^ 参考になれば嬉しいです♡
少しでも円が高くなれば購入しやすいんですが・・・なかなか購入に踏み切れません( ´д`)
DRKのプレート、本当に素敵だと思います^^ 確か専属のデザイナーさんがいるとかで、他では見ない柄が多いですよね。
; その価値は十分あったとは思いますが、少し円高に振れてから買うに越したことはないかと思います☆