Purple x Gold Laurel Crown Mani

Wednesday, December 30, 2015 6 Comments A+ a-

I've spent the last couple of weeks tidying up the house and the yard to invite people for Christmas party. Our yard was quite a state after being neglected for nearly a month while we were in Japan, and with this hot weather, weeds grew so tall. Mowing isn't really my thing, and I'm so glad everything is over! I can finally sit down and do my nails. I also spent some time changing the look on my blog. Not completely done yet, but so far I'm liking the simple look.

Onto today's nails. I decided to create a mani using some A-England shades I recently bought.

Middle finger & ring finger: I started off with base coat then placed a piece of circle tape from What's Up Nail Art Store near cuticle, and painted A-England Avalon over the tape. Then I made a stamping decal out of laurel-crown-looking pattern on Pueen Fancy Lover 01 plate (review post here) using Hit the Bottle 'To Have and To Gold', coloured in with A-England Rose Bower and Cathy. I placed those decals on middle & ring finger, and finished off with HK Girl topcoat.

Thumb, pointer & pinkie: Base is A-England Cathy. I placed 4 sets of striping tapes vertically on those nails, and painted Rose Bower over the tapes. Added a gold stud and topcoat.

Out of all the beautiful images on this Pueen plate, this stamp really caught my eyes, and I thought it would look gorgeous with purple x gold combo. Glad it turned out the way I wanted!


Finished product, with HK Girl topcoat

中指、薬指 : ベースコートの状態で開始。What's Up Nail Art Storeの円形テープをキューティクル付近に置き、上からA-England Avalonを塗ってテープを剥がす。Pueen Fancy Lover 01プレート(レビューはこちら)の月桂樹の冠のような柄をHit the Bottle 'To Have and To Gold'でスタンプし、A-England Rose BowerとCathyで色付けしてdecal作成。decalが乾いたら中指と薬指に配置してHK Girlトップコートで仕上げ。

親指、人差し指、小指 : ベースはA-England Cathy。ラインテープを4本垂直に置いて上からRose Bowerを塗って剥がす。金のスタッズを追加してトップコートで仕上げ。

Polishes used


A-England Avalon
A-England Cathy
A-England Rose Bower
Hit the Bottle To Have and To Gold
I had a hard time naming this mani (as always). This stamp reminds me of laurel crown,
hence the name

PueenのFancy Loverプレートを見たときに一番最初に目に飛び込んできたのがこの柄でした。月桂樹の冠を思わせるカッコいい柄なので、紫と金を使って高貴な感じに仕上げてみました。それにしても、最近ゴールドスタンプ多くないか?自分。
This A-England Cathy is perfect as a base for nail arts, and I'm so glad I got this one

この間買ったばかりのA-England Cathy、ネイルアートのベースに使いやすい色ですね。ちょっともったりしているのが気になりますが、こういう薄い色系統もっと出してほしい。A-Englandはちょこちょこ集めて今16本ほどですが、今回みたいにAEだけ使ったネイルアートができるようになって嬉しい限り。


Color4nails Haul - A-England & Dance Legend Swatches

Monday, December 21, 2015 2 Comments A+ a-

Color4nails was having a 25% off sale for Black Friday, and I decided to make my 3rd order. Because of the holiday season, delivery was slower than usual, and it took about 3 weeks to get here. Let's see what I got.

Color4nailsがBlack Fridayに25%オフのセールをやっていましたが、そのときに3回目のオーダーをしました。ホリデーシーズンに入って配送はいつもより遅く、約3週間ほどで到着。買ったものはこちら。

4 A-England polishes from To Emily Bronte collection, and 1 Dance Legend polish from Wow Prism collection. Color4nails is based in U.S. but the shipping for 5 items to Australia is only $11. That's one reason I keep buying from this shop.

A-EnglandのTo Emily Bronteコレクションから4本と、Dance Legend Wow Prismコレクションから1本。Color4nailsは米国のショップですが、オーストラリアへの送料は5点でたったの11ドル。セールもそれなりの頻度でやっているので、かなり買いやすいお店です。

Now onto swatches. All the swatches below are 2 coats each with topcoat, and were taken in the sun. Bottle shots were taken under artificial light.


Christmas Decoration Mani Featuring Ejiubas Stamping Plate

Tuesday, December 15, 2015 5 Comments A+ a-

10 days till Christmas, and I finally created my first (and probably the only) Christmas mani this year. 

I started off with A-England Bridal Veil for all my nails. Then I stamped a festive swirly pattern on Ejiubas EJB-03 plate using Hit the Bottle Paint the Town Violet (purple) or Poison Apple (red). I turned the plate over, as this plate is double-sided, and made stamping decals out of few different small images using Hit the Bottle To Have and to Gold, coloured in with red and green. For pinkie and thumb, I decided to stamp snowflake pattern using Urban Nail Art White. I added gold bullions to represent hanging chains, and finished off with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat.

I did a review on this Ejiubas plate before on this post, and here are the links to the shop:
  1. Amazon US: Ejiubas EJB-01 & EJB-02Ejiubas EJB-03 & EJB-04 (Discount code: 2LP994YV; valid for limited time)
  2. Wish: Ejiubas EJB-01 & EJB-02Ejiubas EJB-03 & EJB-04 (Worldwide shipping; Need Wish account, no discount code)
  3. Ejiubas Website: www.ejiubas.com (Worldwide shipping; No discount code)
I've had this 'hanging decoration' mani idea for quite a while, and glad I finally got to do this. I should probably have used green instead of purple, but all in all I'm happy with the look.


Finished product, with HK Girl topcoat

ベースは全爪 A-England Bridal Veil。Ejiubas EJB-03プレートから渦巻き模様をHit the Bottle Paint the Town Violet (紫) または Poison Apple (赤)でスタンプ。プレートを裏返して、別の面のさまざまな小さい柄をHit the Bottle To Have and to Goldでスタンプして赤と緑で色付けし、decal作成。親指と小指には雪の結晶の柄をUrban Nail Art Whiteでスタンプ。デコレーションが上から吊り下がっているような感じでゴールドのブリオンを置き、仕上げはGlisten & Glow HK Girlトップコート。


Polishes used


A-England Bridal Veil
JOSS Chrissie's Brass
JOSS Forest Moon
Hit the Bottle Paint the Town Violet
Hit the Bottle Poison Apple
Hit the Bottle To Have and to Gold
Urban Nail Art White

Here are the parts I used. You can see there are plenty of cute smaller images on side B.
I had a hard time choosing which to use


I wonder what's in the sock... it looks heavy :D


I'm so relieved I got to create a Xmas mani. I'm not very good at doing holiday theme mani to be honest


Oil Painting Blue Rose Mani

Friday, December 11, 2015 2 Comments A+ a-

I created the first mani using the Pueen Cosmetics Lover collection plate I was sent for review (review post here), and I tried something new.

Thumb, middle finger & ring finger: Base is JOSS Chrissie's Brass. I stamped a big rose pattern from Pueen Nature Lover 01 plate with Pure White from Pueen Super Intense collection. Then I coloured in rose stamp using white, blue, and purple acrylic paints instead of regular polish. I only slightly mixed those paints so the colours look more random and 3D instead of flat. I applied Daiso topcoat to decalise the stamp, then peeled of and placed on those nails. I added some white dots using dotting tool, and finished off with topcoat.

Pointer & pinkie: Base is JOSS Chrissie's Brass. I stamped a leaf pattern from the same plate with Pueen Pure White, then coloured in with white, citrus, and green acrylic paints. I made a decal the same way and placed on those nails.

This impressively big and gorgeous rose stamp made me want to go for oil painting look, and I thought acrylic paints will make it easier than regular polish. I was right - despite the fact that this is my first try, everything went so smooth and without hassle. I can't be happier with how this turned out.

I also used DRK Stamping mat to work on this time. I mixed those paints directly on the mat, and when the work is done, I simply wiped the paints with wet paper towel, and it looks good as new. I love all my new toys!

Pueen Cosmeticsから送られてきたLoverコレクションのプレート(レビューはこちら)を使ったネイルを1つ作ってみました。出来上がりはこちら。

Finished product, with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat

親指、中指、薬指 : ベースはJOSS Chrissie's Brass。Pueen Nature Lover 01プレートの大きな薔薇をPueen Super IntenseコレクションのPure Whiteでスタンプ。次に、ポリッシュではなく白、青、紫のアクリル絵の具で薔薇を色付け。絵の具は完全に混ぜるのではなく、色に濃淡が出るように少しだけ混ぜています。ダイソートップコートをスタンプ柄に塗ってdecalを作成し、剥がして爪に乗せる。ドット棒で白いドットを描き足してHK Girlトップコートで仕上げ。

人差し指と小指 : ベースはJOSS Chrissie's Brass。同じプレートの葉っぱ柄をPueen Pure Whiteでスタンプし、白、シトラス、緑のアクリル絵の具で色付け。同じ方法でdecalを作成して爪に乗せる。


Polishes used. Yes only 2 polishes!


JOSS Chrissie's Brass
Pueen Pure White

And these are the acrylic paints I used. They are 'Liquitex' soft type acrylic paints and work with and without water. I wet my brush once and patted dry on paper towel, then mixed those paints. If you use too much water, then the paints repel on stamper, so you need to make sure you use as less water as possible. I'm not sure how the hard type acrylic paints (ones that need water) work, so be sure to grab soft ones for this technique.

そしてこちらが使ったアクリル絵の具。日本のネイルアーティストさんたち御用達のリキテックスソフトタイプです。Minnie @nailbeesに勧められて日本帰国時に買ってみたのですが、なんと使いやすいことか!(゚∀゚) 今まで安物のアクリル絵の具を買っては「結局どのぐらい水混ぜればいいのよ?」と悩んでいましたが、このソフトタイプは水なしでも使えるのがいいですね。今回はブラシを一度濡らしてペーパータオルでよく拭き、それから絵の具を軽く混ぜて柄に色付けしています。ここで水をあまり使いすぎるとスタンパー上で絵の具がはじいてしまうので、その点だけ注意です。よく見ると中指の薔薇の中央部分、ベースの赤が透けて見えていると思いますが、ここがはじいてしまった箇所です。

When it comes to rose, I love blue roses. This turned out more purple than blue, but hey,
I still like it!


I think I found love for acrylic paints. I sure will be using them more often!


ちなみに今回DRKマットを使ってみました。絵の具を直接マットに垂らして混ぜて色を塗り、作業が終わったら水を含んだペーパータオルでさっと拭けばまた元通り。いや~楽チンでいいですね。それと今回久々にダイソートップコートでdecalを作ってみましたが、相変わらず使いやすくて嬉しい\(^o^)/ フォーミュラが変わって乾きが早くなったEssenceクリアポリッシュに比べるとだいぶ乾きは遅いですが、decalの柔らかさ・扱いやすさは健在。5本買っておいたのでしばらくもってくれるでしょう。

Pueen Cosmetics Lover Collection Stamping Set Review

Thursday, December 10, 2015 4 Comments A+ a-

Another exciting mail from Pueen Cosmetics has arrived. They recently released a stamping plate set called 'Lover Collection', and this is the set I received for review this time.

Before I go into review, here are the links to Pueen Cosmetics store and SNS:

先日、Pueen Cosmeticsより3度目のレビュー商品が到着。今回は、つい最近リリースされたLover Collectionというスタンピングプレートのセットです。

いつものように、Pueen CosmeticsのショップとSNSへのリンクはこちら。

This is the set I received. I'm always impressed with how nice the packaging is for each Pueen collection, and this is no exception. 


Back of the box has the description of how to use this stamping set, which is great for stamping beginners.


Inside of the box is like this. 


These are the contents of the set. 4 rectangle plates, stamper and a scraper. Price for the set is only $18.99, and you can buy from this page. You can also buy each individual plate for $4.99. Before I went to the website to check the price, I was expecting this set to be around $30. What a reasonable price!


DRK Stamping Mat Review

Tuesday, December 08, 2015 4 Comments A+ a-

On the week I was back from Japan, the much waited DRK Stamping Mat restock happened, so I quickly placed an order. Stamping Mat is getting very popular among stamping addicts, and few stamping brands have released their own mat already. I don't have any other mats to compare, but I'll show you what this DRK Stamping Mat can do.

I bought 2 mats, clear and black, and they arrived a week and a half after they were shipped. Let's have a look.



These are what I bought. DRK has 4 colours to choose from, clear, pink, turquoise, and black. One mat is sold for $9.70, which I think is reasonable.


I'll focus on the clear mat for the purpose of this review, as the functionality is the same with both mats. DRK Mat is made of silicone, and is roughly 40cm x 30cm. Top part of the mat has coloured splashes where you can test different colour combos, and the right part has drawing of hands and nails. Left part has DRK logo and some patterns.

2枚とも機能は同じなので、このレビューではクリアのマットを中心にご紹介します。DRKマットはシリコンでできており、大きさは約40cm x 30cm。マットの上部は絵の具がはねたような形のカラーチャートとなっており、色の組み合わせをテストできるようになっています。右側は人の手と爪の絵、左側はDRKのロゴと花柄の模様が描かれています。

Better view of each part. As of this writing, DRK Stamping Mat is the only mat which has colour chart like this. I really love the idea, and one big reason that I went for this mat.


Comparison with my real fingers. Those nails are much bigger than mine.


Atlantean Goddess Mani Featuring Messy Mansion MM67

Sunday, December 06, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

December is the first month of summer in Australia, and guess what? It's already 40 degrees where I live. Sun doesn't go down till 8 in the evening, leaving us super hot even at night. Good thing is that we have plenty of sunshine that's necessary for taking nail photos (lol), but yeah I'm not really a fan of this stifling season!

Anyway onto the mani. I decided to use my Messy Mansion plate that was sent for review, this time MM67.

The base for all nails is JOSS Boldest Blue, super saturated electric blue. Then I stamped different patterns from Messy Mansion MM67 plate with Messy Mansion Soft Gold, applied black polish over the stamp, and let them dry for 30 mins. I peeled them off of stamper, cut to nail size and placed them on each nail. I also added swarovski crystal on middle finger.

I always have difficulty naming a mani, so I asked hubby for opinion and he named it 'Atlantean Goddess'. I wasn't sure why he chose the word 'Atlantean' so I googled and found lots of images with blue colour. Great, it's decided! Having such a beautiful cool colour on my nails on this hot day is such a treat :)


さて今日のネイル。今回はMessy Mansion MM67プレートを使ってみました(Messy Mansionのプレートレビューはこちら)。出来上がりはこちら。

Finished product, with Glisten & GLow HK Girl topcoat

ベースは全爪JOSS Boldest Blue。目の覚めるようなエレクトリックブルーです。MM67プレートのさまざまな柄をMessy Mansion Soft Goldでスタンプし、黒のポリッシュを上から塗って30分ほど乾かす。乾いたらスタンパーから剥がして爪の大きさに切って各爪に乗せる。中指にはスワロを追加。


Polishes used


JOSS Boldest Blue
Face of Australia Don't Judge Me!
Messy Mansion Soft Gold

This is the MM67 plate. It has the beautiful goddess image in the middle,
and has mythical feel to it


I got some bubbles on some of my nails because of the heat. That's why the goddess stamp
looks a bit textured. Grrrr... 

いつもネイルに名前を付けるのに苦労するのですが、旦那殿に意見を求めたら「Atlantean Goddess(アトランティスの女神)はどう?」という提案が。なぜアトランティス?と思ってこの用語をググったら海底都市など青い画像が大量に出てきました。なるほど、賢いね!いい名前をありがとう、旦那殿。あまりの暑さでベースに気泡ができてしまい、上に乗せた女神スタンプが少しボコっとしてしまったのが玉に瑕 ^_^;

When I applied black polish, I drew wavy line instead of straight.
Ring finger turned out the way I wanted :)


Turquoise Stripe Mani Featuring Pueen Super Intense Polishes

Wednesday, December 02, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

My nails are still a bit short from breakage the other day, but I decided to go ahead and create a mani. This is the first time I use Super Intense polishes sent by Pueen Cosmetics (review post here).

Thumb, middle finger & ring finger: I started off with one coat of Essie Tie the Knot, which is a very sheer nude. This polish is perfect if you're going for negative space mani without being completely naked (the nails, that is). Then I applied Simply Peel around my nails, stamped a floral pattern from Pueen Celebration Lace Blossom plate using Pueen 806 Pure White from Super Intense collection, and peeled off Simply Peel. I applied topcoat, then placed 2 sets of striping tapes near the tip of those nails and near cuticle. I painted 813 Mermaid Green on those 2 sections, and peeled off tapes. Then I placed another 2 sets of tapes and painted 805 Black Jack between them. I topcoated and applied a ss9 magenta colour swarovski crystal and a gold stud I bought in Japan.

Pointer & pinkie: I painted 805 Black Jack and applied a diamond shape stud.

Don't you just love the negative space & turquoise & black stripe combo? I saw a picture of a turquoise dress with a see-through bit with floral pattern on, and saved it in my 'inspo' folder a long time ago, and that's where the inspiration of this mani comes from. Black stripe and the decorations are my addition though.

I used the Super Intense polishes both as a stamping polish and a regular polish for this mani. They applied so nicely on my nails, and I didn't need multiple coats as they are very opaque. I'll be saving them for stamping purpose though, as I don't want to use up a good stamping polish when I have lots of regular polishes.

前回の記事でご紹介したPueen CosmeticsのSuper Intenseポリッシュを使ったネイルを1つ作成してみました。出来上がりはこちら。

Finished product, with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat

親指、中指、薬指 : ベースはEssie Tie the Knotを1度塗り。このポリッシュは非常にシアーでかなり透け感があります。完全に素爪だと抵抗があるけど、素爪感を出したいnegative spaceネイルをやるときなんかに活用しています。爪の周りにSimply Peelを塗っておき、Pueen Celebration Lace Blossomプレートの花柄をSuper Intenseコレクションの806 Pure WhiteでスタンプしてSimply Peelを剥がす。トップコートしたらラインテープを爪先とキューティクル周辺に2本置き、813 Mermaid Greenを塗ってテープを剥がす。さらに2本のラインテープを置いて今度は805 Black Jackを塗る。最後にトップコートして、日本で買ったss9サイズのマジェンタ色のスワロと金の楕円形スタッズを配置。

人差し指と小指 : 805 Black Jackを塗ってダイアモンド型のスタッズを配置。


Polishes used


Essie Tie the Knot
Pueen 813 Mermaid Green
Pueen 805 Black Jack
Pueen 806 Pure White

I have adifferent colour swarovski crystals on my right hand, but I thought this magenta crystal complements
turquoise x black combo nicely 

このネイルではSuper Intenseのポリッシュを3本使っていますが、スタンピング&通常のポリッシュの両方の目的で使ってみました。人差し指と小指に塗った黒ですが、1 coaterとして気持ちよく塗れました。ただ、スタンピングポリッシュをわざわざ通常ポリッシュとして使うのはちと惜しいので、今後は普通にスタンピング専用として使っていくと思います。

I'm so happy with how these Super Intense polishes work. I can't wait to use other colours!

今回negative spaceネイル風にしてみましたが、一応インスピレーション元があります。だいぶ前にどこかのサイトで見た洋服で、ずっと「inspo」(←インスピレーションの略)フォルダーに保存してありました。シースルーの部分に花柄の模様があるのと、ターコイズカラーを使っているのはそこから来ています。黒を合わせたことで元のドレスからだいぶ雰囲気が変わっているため、画像は載せません。


にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 自爪ネイルへ

Pueen Cosmetics Super Intense Stamping Polish Review

Saturday, November 28, 2015 10 Comments A+ a-

Just before I flew back to Japan, I received an amazing package from Pueen Cosmetics for review which contained 14 polishes. I had a bit of a play with them before going into holiday but I'm so glad I could finally get to share my review.

As usual, here are the links to Pueen Cosmetics store and SNS:

日本に一時帰国する直前、Pueen Cosmeticsよりレビュー用に14本のスタンピングポリッシュを受け取りました。帰国前に紙swatchは済ませていたのですが、ようやくレビュー記事の用意ができたのでご紹介します。

いつものように、Pueen CosmeticsのショップとSNSへのリンクはこちら。

These are the 14 polishes I received. I couldn't contain my excitement when I opened the package to see these! These are all from their Super Intense collection that were released in August 2015.

こちらが受け取った14本。包みを開けながら止まらないニヤニヤ(笑。 これらはすべて2015年8月にリリースされたSuper Intenseコレクションのポリッシュです。

Each polish is contained in a cute box like this. Each polish is 12ml, and priced at $3.99. They are also 5-free, and work both as a stamping polish & regular polish. Sounds great, doesn't it?


And this is what the bottle looks like. Each bottle comes with a cute bow.


Below are the better pics of each bottle. Each polish has a number and a name. What I have here is from 801 to 814.


Back from Japan with Nail Goodies!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015 6 Comments A+ a-

I'm back! My stay in Japan was such a refreshing one, and I had a great time with my family, our 16 cats & my friends, eating lots of sushi, visiting Daiso, and buying lots and lots from Rakuten shops and Amazon. I'm not yet ready to do some nail arts as I have a bad nail break at the moment, but I'll show you the nail goodies I got in Japan.

ご無沙汰しております、日本から戻りました。 日本では家族と猫16匹とのんびり過ごしたり、旧友に会ったり寿司をたらふく食べたり、ダイソーや楽天やアマゾンで大量の買い物をしたりと楽しく過ごしました。OZに戻ったその日に早速爪を折ってしまい、補修はしたけれどもちょっとイマイチな状態なので、とりあえずネイルアートは置いておいてネイル関係の戦利品だけご紹介したいと思います。

These are the goodies I got, minus nail polishes. Too few? :P


Nail studs and decorations, mostly from this Rakuten shop.


Swarovski crystals of different colours and sizes. From this and this Rakuten shops.


Masking tapes aka washi tapes. These are from Daiso and CanDo (100 yen shop like Daiso). I'm glad to find ones with different width. 


Daiso topcoats and thinners, although I believe I bought these from CanDo. Not in the pic but I bought 5 each. Daiso topcoat is great for making decals, so I wanted to get lots to last me long.


Rhinestone picker from LOFT. My old pencil type rhinestone picker from Harunouta is no longer working properly, so I was looking for an alternative. Let's see how it works.


Liquitex acryllic paints. Bought from this Rakuten shop. My super talented friend Minnie @nailbees recommended this brand, so I decided to get it for freehand purpose. I REALLY need to get into freehand!

リキテックス社のアクリル絵の具。ネイルサプライより。フリーハンドの達人、Minnie @nailbeesがここのアクリル絵の具をお勧めしてくれたので買ってみました。「日本にいるときにちょっとフリーハンド練習してみようかな~♪」なんて思ったのですが、まったくそんな時間はなかったw これ使えばMinnieみたいに上手く描けるかな?(んなわけない)

Angular brush from this shop. I bought 5 of these as I use them lots for cleanup purpose. Cost me only 100 yen ($1) each. 


Finally, nail polishes. From left: OPI Mad as a Hatter, OPI DS Couture (Japanese version), OPI Designer de Better, and Barry M 2012 Limited Edition polishes. These are the ones I bought from Yahoo Auctions (like Japanese eBay) two years ago! I bought them while I was in OZ and finally got to see them. Obviously I was after some hard-to-find polishes back then. I know OPI Mad as a Hatter & DS Couture are pretty rare, but I got them for a regular polish price.

最後にポリッシュ。左から、OPI Mad as a Hatter、OPI DS Couture(日本版)、OPI Designer de Better、それからBarry M 2012年限定版の2本。いずれも2年前(!)にヤフオクで買ったものです。帰国は2年ぶりなので、ようやくお目にかかることができました。当時はレアものや限定版を収集していたようですね(笑。OPI Mad as a Hatterや日本版OPI DSシリーズは海外ではレア扱いですが、大枚はたかずにゲット。

Hits Speciallita Olimpo nail polishes. I bought these from a Rakuten shop but they are no longer available. I bought them brand new but already tried them on, so they are not full.

Hits SpeciallitaのOlimpoシリーズのポリッシュ4本。楽天のサナスというお店からですが、今はもう売っていません。これも2年前に買ったもの。日本にいる間試し塗りしたので少し減っています。

So there you have it. Hope you enjoy my nail haul. I'm slowly going back to my blogging routine, so stay tuned :)

というわけで復帰第1弾記事として日本で購入したネイル関連の品々をご紹介しました。爪の割れもあってなかなかやる気スイッチが入らないですが、カシスの生死を心配してくださる声が聞こえてきたので、生存報告も含めていっちょ記事をアップしてみましたw しばらくはスローペース更新になるかと思いますがご了承を♪

にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 自爪ネイルへ

Magenta Brocade Mani Using Marianne Nails Plate

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 5 Comments A+ a-

The incredibly busy October is almost coming to an end, and in a couple of days I'll be flying back to Japan for 3 weeks. I really can't wait! I haven't seen my family for 2 years, and I miss them so much. Here's one last mani before I'm off to holiday.

Thumb, middle finger & ring finger: I started off with base coat. I stamped a floral pattern on Marianne Nails No.97 (review post here) with Hit the Bottle Hello Buttercup (review post here), and coloured in with Madam Glam Blue is the One (review post here). I painted Madam Glam Temptation over the stamp and let it dry for 30 mins. I peeled the decal off, cut it and placed on my nails. I added some pearls I bought from Bundle Monster, and finished off with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat.

Pointer & pinkie: I painted Madam Glam Temptation and added a pearl and gold bullions around it.

I just love this magenta colour so much. It looks pink in the photo but it's more purple in real life. Such a pleasant colour to wear! I couldn't help pairing it up with this bright yellow stamping polish which is Hit the Bottle Hello Buttercup. This mani reminds me of some oriental dress, and I'm super happy with the result.

日本への帰国日があと数日に迫ってきました。待ち遠しい、本当に待ち遠しい(;▽;) 帰国は2年ぶり。約3週間ほど、仕事もネイルも忘れて思いっきり羽を伸ばしてきます。

さて、帰国前にMarianne Nailsのプレートを使ったネイルをもう1つ作っておこうということで考えたのがこちら。

Finished product, with Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat

親指、中指、薬指: ベースコートでスタート。Marianne Nails No.97(レビューはこちら)の花柄をHit the Bottle Hello Buttercup(レビューはこちら)でスタンプし、Madam Glam Blue is the One(レビューはこちら)で色付け。Madam Glam Temptationをスタンプ柄の上に塗り、30分ほど乾かす。decalをスタンパーから剥がして切って爪に乗せる。Bundle Monsterで買ったパールを乗せ、仕上げはGlisten & Glow HK Girlトップコート。

人差し指と小指: Madam Glam Temptationを塗り、パールとブリオンを追加。


Polishes used


Madam Glam Blue is the One
Madam Glam Temptation
Hit the Bottle Hello Buttercup

Everything went smoothly except for the gold bullions. Those little things are hard to apply!

このベースのマジェンタなんですが、前も言ったように写真はだいぶピンク寄りです。実際はもっと深いセクシーな紫なんです。塗っていて本当に気持ちのいい色。Hit the Bottle Hello Buttercupとの色の相性も抜群ですね(゚∀゚)。

I was debating whether to use swarovski crytals or pearls.
I don't use pearls often so it was nice for a change

タイトルの「Brocade」なんですが、「錦織」という意味だそうです。インスタに「素敵なBrocadeデザインね!」とコメントしてくださった方がいて、Brocadeってなんぞ?と辞書で調べたのですw いつもネイルの命名に苦労するんですが、Brocadeいいじゃん!と思ってMagenta Brocadeと命名。それまでは何も思いつかなかったので危うく「パールと花ネイル」とかいう名前になるところでしたよ(笑。ちょっと中華風のドレスっぽい感じがなかなか気に入っています。


にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 自爪ネイルへ