Purple x Gold Laurel Crown Mani
I've spent the last couple of weeks tidying up the house and the yard to invite people for Christmas party. Our yard was quite a state after being neglected for nearly a month while we were in Japan, and with this hot weather, weeds grew so tall. Mowing isn't really my thing, and I'm so glad everything is over! I can finally sit down and do my nails. I also spent some time changing the look on my blog. Not completely done yet, but so far I'm liking the simple look.Onto today's nails. I decided to create a mani using some A-England shades I recently bought.
Middle finger & ring finger: I started off with base coat then placed a piece of circle tape from What's Up Nail Art Store near cuticle, and painted A-England Avalon over the tape. Then I made a stamping decal out of laurel-crown-looking pattern on Pueen Fancy Lover 01 plate (review post here) using Hit the Bottle 'To Have and To Gold', coloured in with A-England Rose Bower and Cathy. I placed those decals on middle & ring finger, and finished off with HK Girl topcoat.
Thumb, pointer & pinkie: Base is A-England Cathy. I placed 4 sets of striping tapes vertically on those nails, and painted Rose Bower over the tapes. Added a gold stud and topcoat.
Out of all the beautiful images on this Pueen plate, this stamp really caught my eyes, and I thought it would look gorgeous with purple x gold combo. Glad it turned out the way I wanted!
Finished product, with HK Girl topcoat |
中指、薬指 : ベースコートの状態で開始。What's Up Nail Art Storeの円形テープをキューティクル付近に置き、上からA-England Avalonを塗ってテープを剥がす。Pueen Fancy Lover 01プレート(レビューはこちら)の月桂樹の冠のような柄をHit the Bottle 'To Have and To Gold'でスタンプし、A-England Rose BowerとCathyで色付けしてdecal作成。decalが乾いたら中指と薬指に配置してHK Girlトップコートで仕上げ。
親指、人差し指、小指 : ベースはA-England Cathy。ラインテープを4本垂直に置いて上からRose Bowerを塗って剥がす。金のスタッズを追加してトップコートで仕上げ。
Polishes used |
A-England Avalon
A-England Cathy
A-England Rose Bower
Hit the Bottle To Have and To Gold
I had a hard time naming this mani (as always). This stamp reminds me of laurel crown, hence the name |
PueenのFancy Loverプレートを見たときに一番最初に目に飛び込んできたのがこの柄でした。月桂樹の冠を思わせるカッコいい柄なので、紫と金を使って高貴な感じに仕上げてみました。それにしても、最近ゴールドスタンプ多くないか?自分。
This A-England Cathy is perfect as a base for nail arts, and I'm so glad I got this one |
この間買ったばかりのA-England Cathy、ネイルアートのベースに使いやすい色ですね。ちょっともったりしているのが気になりますが、こういう薄い色系統もっと出してほしい。A-Englandはちょこちょこ集めて今16本ほどですが、今回みたいにAEだけ使ったネイルアートができるようになって嬉しい限り。