Back from Japan with Nail Goodies!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015 6 Comments A+ a-

I'm back! My stay in Japan was such a refreshing one, and I had a great time with my family, our 16 cats & my friends, eating lots of sushi, visiting Daiso, and buying lots and lots from Rakuten shops and Amazon. I'm not yet ready to do some nail arts as I have a bad nail break at the moment, but I'll show you the nail goodies I got in Japan.

ご無沙汰しております、日本から戻りました。 日本では家族と猫16匹とのんびり過ごしたり、旧友に会ったり寿司をたらふく食べたり、ダイソーや楽天やアマゾンで大量の買い物をしたりと楽しく過ごしました。OZに戻ったその日に早速爪を折ってしまい、補修はしたけれどもちょっとイマイチな状態なので、とりあえずネイルアートは置いておいてネイル関係の戦利品だけご紹介したいと思います。

These are the goodies I got, minus nail polishes. Too few? :P


Nail studs and decorations, mostly from this Rakuten shop.


Swarovski crystals of different colours and sizes. From this and this Rakuten shops.


Masking tapes aka washi tapes. These are from Daiso and CanDo (100 yen shop like Daiso). I'm glad to find ones with different width. 


Daiso topcoats and thinners, although I believe I bought these from CanDo. Not in the pic but I bought 5 each. Daiso topcoat is great for making decals, so I wanted to get lots to last me long.


Rhinestone picker from LOFT. My old pencil type rhinestone picker from Harunouta is no longer working properly, so I was looking for an alternative. Let's see how it works.


Liquitex acryllic paints. Bought from this Rakuten shop. My super talented friend Minnie @nailbees recommended this brand, so I decided to get it for freehand purpose. I REALLY need to get into freehand!

リキテックス社のアクリル絵の具。ネイルサプライより。フリーハンドの達人、Minnie @nailbeesがここのアクリル絵の具をお勧めしてくれたので買ってみました。「日本にいるときにちょっとフリーハンド練習してみようかな~♪」なんて思ったのですが、まったくそんな時間はなかったw これ使えばMinnieみたいに上手く描けるかな?(んなわけない)

Angular brush from this shop. I bought 5 of these as I use them lots for cleanup purpose. Cost me only 100 yen ($1) each. 


Finally, nail polishes. From left: OPI Mad as a Hatter, OPI DS Couture (Japanese version), OPI Designer de Better, and Barry M 2012 Limited Edition polishes. These are the ones I bought from Yahoo Auctions (like Japanese eBay) two years ago! I bought them while I was in OZ and finally got to see them. Obviously I was after some hard-to-find polishes back then. I know OPI Mad as a Hatter & DS Couture are pretty rare, but I got them for a regular polish price.

最後にポリッシュ。左から、OPI Mad as a Hatter、OPI DS Couture(日本版)、OPI Designer de Better、それからBarry M 2012年限定版の2本。いずれも2年前(!)にヤフオクで買ったものです。帰国は2年ぶりなので、ようやくお目にかかることができました。当時はレアものや限定版を収集していたようですね(笑。OPI Mad as a Hatterや日本版OPI DSシリーズは海外ではレア扱いですが、大枚はたかずにゲット。

Hits Speciallita Olimpo nail polishes. I bought these from a Rakuten shop but they are no longer available. I bought them brand new but already tried them on, so they are not full.

Hits SpeciallitaのOlimpoシリーズのポリッシュ4本。楽天のサナスというお店からですが、今はもう売っていません。これも2年前に買ったもの。日本にいる間試し塗りしたので少し減っています。

So there you have it. Hope you enjoy my nail haul. I'm slowly going back to my blogging routine, so stay tuned :)

というわけで復帰第1弾記事として日本で購入したネイル関連の品々をご紹介しました。爪の割れもあってなかなかやる気スイッチが入らないですが、カシスの生死を心配してくださる声が聞こえてきたので、生存報告も含めていっちょ記事をアップしてみましたw しばらくはスローペース更新になるかと思いますがご了承を♪

にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 自爪ネイルへ


Write comments
25 November 2015 at 09:06 delete

I was wondering where you had gone to... glad to know that you had a greate time while visiting your family and friends in Japan (it's always good to stay close to your love ones as much as possible) now back to your goodies.. oh my goodness looks like you had a good time buying all these fun items and too bad to hear you have a broken nail, I also have one but its now growing and I hope to have a good nail length before Christmas and New Years. Welcome back and looking forward to your next manicure greations. =)

Cassis P
25 November 2015 at 21:41 delete

Thank you so much, lovely! I had such a great time in Japan and also good to be back to OZ as well. I could just keep buying and buying, but I had to stop because my suitcase was sooo full with all the things I bought! :D I trimmed back my nails a bit so it won't take long to grow that damaged bit. Thank you for your sweet words as always^^

25 November 2015 at 21:53 delete

お爪の状態が良くなりスイッチかわ入ったら直ぐに素敵なポストをお願いします!( ̄- ̄)ゞ

25 November 2015 at 21:59 delete

スイッチかわ→スイッチが です(;o;)

Cassis P
26 November 2015 at 12:30 delete

わ~い、こっぴさん、ただいまです!!\(^o^)/ \(^o^)/ あまりにのんびりしすぎて、このまま復帰できないかも・・とちょっと思ってしまいましたが、なんとか勘を取り戻してボチボチやっていきたいと思います♪ 早速レビューが1点来ているので、まずはそれを近々ポストしますね♪( ´▽`)
