Purple Polka Dots x Lace Mani

Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2 Comments A+ a-

Nov 29 Update: I made a YouTube tutorial and replaced the Insta tutorial at the end of this post.

I'm sporting another purple mani for pancreatic cancer awareness before November ends.

For this mani, I started off with Ciate sugar plum for middle finger, ring finger and thumb and stamped polka dots from MoYou London Pro 01 XL with Mundo de Uñas White. I then made a stamping decal using a lace pattern from MoYou London Bridal 07, painted MoYou London Palatinate Purple and Essence clear polish over the decal on stamper, peeled it off, cut it, and placed on my nails. For pointer and pinkie, I painted MoYou London Palatinate Purple and stamped polka dots with Mundo de Uñas Lilac.

I did a monochrome lace mani only recently, but this one is quite soft and girly. I love this look and makes me wanna wear polka dots more :)

By the way, my YouTube channel has over 2100 subscribers now. I don't make YouTube tutorials for all my manis, but I will try to make more as much as time allows!



Finished product, with Seche Vite

中指、薬指、親指のベースはCiate sugar plum。MoYou London Pro 01 XLのドット柄をMundo de Uñas Whiteでスタンプした後、MoYou London Bridal 07のレース柄を使ってdecal作成。decalの上にMoYou London Palatinate PurpleといつものEssenceクリアを塗って乾いたら剥がし、小さく切って爪に乗せます。人差し指と小指のベースはMoYou London Palatinate Purple。その上にMundo de Uñas Lilacでドット柄をスタンプ。


polishes used


MoYou London Palatinate Purple
Ciate sugar plum
Mundo de Uñas Lilac
Mundo de Uñas White


I looove this MoYou Palatinate Purple. It's a one-coater and applies like a dream

手に持っているのがPalatinate Purpleなんですが、one-coaterなので分厚く塗りたくないときに重宝します。今回はdecalのベースにも使っています。ただし、今回はこのPalatinate Purpleの上にEssenceクリアポリッシュを塗っているのでいつものdecalよりやや厚め。指で触るとかなり段差があります。次回はクリアポリッシュなしでやってみよう。

This time I painted two layers for decals - MoYou Palatinate Purple and Essence clear polish.
It's a bit thicker than usual, so I might try skipping clear polish next time

今回はdecalの厚みがあるためSeche Viteで仕上げています。段差隠しはやっぱりSecheが一番みたい。ベースのCiateはSecheの縮み耐性があるので安心して使いました。


にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 自爪ネイルへ


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27 November 2014 at 21:35 delete

This is so cute and sweet!! A little bit like a Goth style I love how you used the reverse colours for the polka dots

Cassis P
28 November 2014 at 08:40 delete

Thanks Minnie!^^ I looove using reverse colours! It's fun yet gives a uniform look I think Polka dots and lace make a good combo, don't they? I need to wear polka dots more often
