Vintage Bird & Butterfly Mani

Monday, March 28, 2016 12 Comments A+ a-

I knew what theme I would go for when I received the Moyra plates - Vintage! So this is what I created.

Base is Elcorazon Charm & Beauty 892 (greyish blue) for all nails. I placed a piece of striping tape near the tip (or near cuticles for some fingers) and painted Elcorazon Charm & Beauty 880 (dusty purple) on the divided section. I stamped a swirly pattern on Moyra 05 Vintage using Messy Mansion Soft Gold on the purple part. Then I made some stamping decals out of bird, bird cage, and butterfly from Moyra 05 Vintage & Moyra 14 Moments using Mundo de Unas Dark Gray, and coloured in with Elcorazon Active Biogel 423/277 Cream (light pink). I placed those decals on each nail and finished off with HK Girl topcoat followed by Essie Matte About You.

I'm super happy with how this turned out. Moyra's vintage images are so gorgeous, and I think I chose the right colours for the theme. Few days before Moyra plates got here, I also received my third Elcorazon order, which contained 9 dusty cream polishes. Purple and pink I used here are part of it, and they really arrived at the right time to do this mani.

Finished product, with Essie Matte About You

ベースは全爪Elcorazon Charm & Beauty 892 (グレーがかったブルー)。 爪先(またはキューティクル付近)にラインテープを置き、爪の1/4ほどにElcorazon Charm & Beauty 880 (くすみ紫)を塗る。Moyra 05 Vintageプレートの渦巻き柄を各爪の紫の部分にMessy Mansion Soft Goldでスタンプする。次に、Moyra 05 Vintageと 14 Momentsプレートから鳥、鳥かご、チョウチョをMundo de Uñas Dark Grayでスタンプし、Elcorazon Active Biogel 423/277 Cream (薄ピンク)で色付けしてdecal作成。各爪に乗せてHK GirlトップコートとEssie Matte About Youでフィニッシュ。

Polishes used


Elcorazon Active Biogel 423/277 Cream
Elcorazon Charm & Beauty 892
Elcorazon Charm & Beauty 880
Mundo de Uñas Dark Gray
Messy Mansion Soft Gold
Of course I took some photos before mattifying. Glossy look is nice,
 but I reckon vintage goes better with soft matte look

I had my pinkie blank, thinking that it would look too busy if I put something on,
but hmmm maybe I should have!

I'm loving this blue and dusty purple by elcorazon. I know I'll be using them a lot!



Moyra Stamping Plate Review

Sunday, March 27, 2016 8 Comments A+ a-

I'm so glad I could finally have this post up. I recently purchased 5 Moyra stamping plates and today's post is a review and experience about them.

Moyra is a company based in Hungary which sells nail products. They released a bunch of stamping plates late last year, and created a big hype because their plates are out of this world beautiful. I got to know this brand in October last year, and have been searching for ways to purchase them. I contacted Moyra through facebook messaging, and they offered to sell me directly but the shipping and paypal fee was a bit steep for me, so I waited for some Australian sellers to start stocking them.

Fast forward to February this year. I found a seller in Australia who sells Moyra plates, so I contacted them, not realising this was going to be the beginning of a nightmare. This is how the order went:


Moyraはハンガリーを拠点とするネイル製品を扱うブランドです。去年の終わり頃にスタンピングプレートをリリースし、スタンピング愛好家たちの間で今かなり話題となっています。このブランドを知ったのは去年の10月で、その美しい柄に衝撃を受け、どうすれば購入できるかをずっと調べていました。最初のうちはFacebookのメッセージを通してMoyra Hungaryとやり取りしていて、直接買うこともできたのですが、送料とPaypal手数料がかなり高かったのでオーストラリアで手軽に買えるようになるまで待つことにしました。


Feb 1: I made an inquiry with Moyra Australia if they were going to sell Moyra stamping plates. I got reply about the pricing (AUD$9/plate & free shipping), so placed an order via email.

Feb 9: 8 days later, they sent me an invoice so I paid via bank transfer (not paypal) and they confirmed the payment.

Feb 18: 9 days later, I asked for an update. They told me they shipped on this day. No tracking was issued, but I didn't ask for one because my order was free shipping, and I assumed the mail would be sent as unregistered.

March 2: 2 weeks have passed and still no parcel, so I asked if they could track the parcel on their end. No reply for 5 days.

March 4: I talked to Moyra Headquarters (Hungary) via facebook. They told me that shipment of stamping plates from HQ to Australia hasn't arrived yet. I'm starting to have a bad feeling.

March 7: Moyra Australia replied that the parcel returned for some reason. (Oh really?) They said to send again and would let me know about the shipping details. This turned out to be the last email I received from them.

March 14: 7 days later, still no update so I emailed them to find out what was going on. No response.

March 23: The order arrived without warning. I tried reading the shipped date on the package, and I could read it as '21 March', although I could be wrong as it was faded. That means they kept the 'alleged return parcel' for 14 days without resending me.

2/1 : Moyra Australiaに「Moyraスタンピングプレートを売っているか」問い合わせ。価格について返信があり(1プレート9豪ドル、送料無料)、メールを通じて注文。

2/9 : 8日経過してインボイスが送られてくる。銀行振り込み(Paypalではなく)で支払い、支払確認ができたとの連絡を受ける。

2/18 : 9日間音沙汰がないため、問い合わせ。すると、この日に発送したとの返事。追跡番号はもらわず。送料無料なので追跡なしだと思い、特に番号を請求することもせず。

3/2 : 2週間が経過、オーダーはまだ届かず。そこで、「そちらから追跡できますか?」と問い合わせ。その後5日ほど音沙汰なし。

3/4 : 不安になってMoyra本部(ハンガリー)にfacebookで問い合わせ。すぐに返信あり。なんでも、本部からこのセラーに送ったプレートはまだ届いていないはず、とのこと。嫌な予感がしてくる。

3/7 : Moyra Australiaから「小包がなぜか戻ってきてしまった」との返信あり。「へぇ~~そうなの?」と心の声。後で再送して発送情報(つまり追跡番号?)を教えてくれるとのこと。この連絡が彼らから来た最後のメールになる。

3/14: 7日経過。発送情報が送られてこないため問い合わせ。返事なし。

3/23 : 前触れもなくオーダー到着。小包の発送日を見てみるとかすれていて読みづらいが「3月21日」と読める。つまり、「エラーで戻ってきたので送るね」と言ってから14日後に再発送したということに。

So to recap, I received my order 6 weeks after I paid. Sigh. I chose this seller because it's located in the same state as I live, and I thought I should get my order fastest through them. Based on what Moyra HQ told me, it looks as if this distributor started to take orders when they have nothing in stock. If that's the case, they should take pre-orders and tell us the estimated time of arrival. They didn't give me any shipping details they promised, and I never got apology for delay and all the troubles. Their communication is super slow, unclear, and the customer service is so unprofessional. (UPDATE: I left a feedback on their facebook page describing what happened, but I checked back today to find it deleted.) I would not recommend this seller to anyone, and I would not buy from them again.

Moyra HQ (Hungary), on the other hand, responded very quickly and with sincerity to every inquiry I made. I really wanted to buy from them directly, but the shipping fee from Hungary was a bit steep for me. If you live in Europe, definitely order from them.

まとめると、支払いから6週間後にオーダーが到着したということになります。このセラーは私の家と同じビクトリア州にあるので、1週間もかからず届くだろうとワクワクしていたのですが、こんなことになるとは思いませんでした。Moyra本部の話から推測すると、Moyra Australiaは在庫がない状態でオーダーを取り始めたようです。そうであれば「プレオーダー」という形にして「いつ頃入荷するか」を明記するのが正しいあり方です。発送情報を伝えるという約束も結局果たされず、遅れたことに対する謝罪もなし。メールのやり取りは非常にスローかつ不明確、カスタマーサービスも最低レベル。(追記:先日このセラーのfacebookページに対応のまずさを指摘するフィードバックを残したのですが、今日確認したら削除されていました。(-_-)) というわけで、このセラーはどなたにもお勧めしませんし、今後私も利用しません。


OK, enough prelude. Let's see what I've got.


These are what I received. I bought 5 plates, and each comes with a beautiful packaging.


Moyra plate size (middle) is 14.5cm x 9.5cm, which is exactly the same size with Fab Ur Nails plate (left) and bigger than MoYou London plate (right).

Moyraプレート(写真中央)のサイズは14.5cm x 9.5cmで、Fab Ur Nails(左)とまったく同じサイズです。MoYou London(右)よりも大きめサイズ。

Each plate has a plastic backing with logo printed. Make sure you don't use acetone on the printing as it will be faded.


Both the plate and the backing is quite thin and slightly warped, and as you can see, one end of plate lifts up from the table (not lying flat) when I hold down the other end. I'm not a big fan of flimsy plate like this, as I know from experience that it makes it hard to get a consistent scrape on some of the images; meaning one part of the image tends to get more polish while other part gets scraped too much. To workaround it, make sure you hold down the plate tight when you scrape.

Now, I'll show you each plate pic (after removing blue film off), followed by paper swatch. Paper swatch is done with Messy Mansion pink soft stamper, and regular metallic polishes.


それでは、プレートの写真(青いフィルムを取り除いた状態)と紙swatchを続けてお見せします。紙swatchはMessy Mansionピンクスタンパーと通常のメタリックポリッシュを使って行っています。

First up is 01 Globetrotter, a country themed plate. One thing to note about Moyra plates is that the images are huge. The full size images, like those on the top row of this plate, are 2.5cm x 2.0cm. And the quality? I'm quite impressed. Some of the images come out quite dense such as Big Ben and the Japanese fan, but that's how the images are engraved.

最初のプレートはさまざまな国をモチーフにした01 Globetrotter。Moyraプレートに共通して言えることは、柄がかなり大きいということ。このプレートの最上段のようなフルサイズの柄は2.5cm x 2.0cmです。クオリティに関して言うと、これがなかなかいいです。ビッグベンや扇のようにかなり濃く(線が密集して)スタンプされる柄もありますが、彫り自体がそういう感じです。

Next up is 03 Ornaments. Swirl heaven! Am I the only one who just can't get enough of swirl stamps? Really love this plate. I didn't like how some of the images came out, so I restamped with Mundo de Unas polish (3rd pic). All looking good.

お次は03 Ornaments。渦巻きいっぱい♡ 渦巻きって何個持っていてもついつい買ってしまうのは私だけ?本当に好きです、こういうプレート。 スタンプ具合がイマイチな柄が数点あったので、Mundo de Unasに切り替えて再swatchしました(写真3枚目)。どれもいい感じですね。

Next up is 05 Vintage. This is hands down the most beautiful plate I have in my collection. These vintage/retro images are what sets Moyra apart from other brand plates. And the great part is, they all stamp beautifully.

お次は05 Vintage。このプレート、私の手持ちの中で最も美しいプレートと言っても過言ではありません。このレトロ / ビンテージなスタイルがMoyraの最大の特徴と言えるのではないでしょうか。しかもどの柄も綺麗にスタンプしています。

Next up is 10 Florality 2. Their flowers are also beautiful. I wish some of the single-flower images (like on the bottom 2 rows) were a bit smaller though.

それから、10 Florality 2。Moyraはお花も美しいです。下の2行なんかはもう少し小さいとなお良かったですね。

Last but not least, 14 Moments. Another Moyra signature plate. Love love love it! The images on this plate is on the smaller side, which is great. Again, all stamps beautifully.

最後に14 Moments。これもMoyraの特徴的なビンテージ風の柄が満載なプレート。いいですね~。このプレートの柄は他よりも小さめなので使いやすそうです。そしてどの柄も綺麗にスタンプしました。

So my thoughts on Moyra plates? Simply amazing. Images are beautiful, innovative, and unique. I've heard some girls receive faulty plates with mis-etching, but my plates seem to be all fine. I do recommend testing yours though as soon as you receive them. 


Moyra plates are available from several shops, but unfortunately I don't have an comprehensive list of sellers. Below is a rough guide of where you can buy these plates (as of this writing): 

  • Hungary:
  • Europe:
  • UK: (world wide shipping)
  • US: 
  • US: (world wide shipping)
I've already created one mani using these plates, so stay tuned!


  • ハンガリー :
  • ヨーロッパ :
  • 英国 : (全世界発送)
  • 米国 : 
  • 米国 : (全世界発送)

Blue Stripe & Triangle Mani

Monday, March 21, 2016 2 Comments A+ a-

I created another design using the fabulous Pueen Love Box 02 I was sent for review. Last mani was green, but this time I went for blue.

I started off with A-England Cathy for all nails. Then I stamped a fancy looking pattern on Fancy Lover 02 plate using Pueen Baby Blue from Super Intense collection. I coloured in decals with JOSS Boldest Blue and Face of Australia Don't Judge Me, cut them in rectangle and triangle shape, and placed them on each nail. For pointer and pinkie, I added a black triangle stud as well. Finished off with HK Girl topcoat.

Did I say I love this JOSS blue? I really do, and it works well with the pastel blue and black. It's quite easily done (except for the long drying time) but I'm happy with the result.

Pueen Love Box 02を使ったデザインをもう1つ作ってみました。出来上がりはこちら。
Finished product, with HK Girl topcoat

ベースは全爪A-England Cathy。Fancy Lover 02プレートのファンシーな柄をPueen Baby Blue(Super Intenseコレクション)でスタンプし、スタンパー上でJOSS Boldest BlueとFace of Australia Don't Judge Meで色付け。乾いたら長方形と三角形に切ってそれぞれの爪に乗せる。人差し指と小指には黒の三角スタッズを追加。仕上げはHK Girlトップコート。

Polishes used


A-England Cathy
JOSS Boldest Blue
Face of Australia Don't Judge Me!
Pueen Baby Blue
To cut decals in perfect shape, I made sure I painted few thick coats of black and dried thoroughly.
Not easy to cut straight if the decal is thin and half-dry

前回のネイルは緑でしたが、なんだか無性に青ネイルがしたくなって今回は青メインにしてみました。JOSSのブルーの輝きがすごすぎ(゚∀゚) パステルブルーと黒との組み合わせも悪くないんじゃないでしょうか。
A-England Cathy I used for base is perfect when I don't want to use plain old white.
I'll be sure to get backup when it gets low!

色が先に決まると、あれよあれよという間に仕上がりますね。いつものdecalネイルなので「見飽きたよ!」と言う声が聞こえてきそうですが^_^; しかし個人的に好きなのです、こういうタイプのdecal切って遊ぶネイル。真っ直ぐ切れるように黒を厚めに塗ることときちんと乾かすのがポイント。

Green x Gold Sunray Mani

Thursday, March 17, 2016 4 Comments A+ a-

I created my first design using Pueen Love Box 02 set I did a review on my previous post.

Middle & ring finger: I started off with base coat. I placed a circle tape from What's Up Nails near cuticle area, then painted the bottom part of the nails with Barry M Christmas Gold. I peeled off the tape and applied topcoat on the gold part. When that's dry, I placed 5 pieces of striping tape on the gold, painted black over them and peeled them off immediately. Then I made a stamping decal out of arched lacy pattern on Pueen Fairytale Lover 02 plate using Hit the Bottle I Wish I were a Mermaid, and coloured in with black polish. I placed the decals on these nails, added a triangle stud I bought in Japan, then finished off with HK Girl topcoat.

Thumb, pointer & pinkie: I started off with elcorazon Matte & Shine 163. I placed 3 sets of striping tape diagonally on these nails and painted black over them. I peeled the tapes immediately and finished off with topcoat.

I'm really loving this arched lacey stamp on Pueen plate, and I knew it would make an elegant mani. Stamp, tapes, and studs - This mani has everything I adore.

前回のポストでご紹介したPueen Love Box 02セットを使って早速1つネイルを作成してみました。出来上がりはこちら。
Finished product, with HK Girl topcoat

中指と薬指: ベースコートが乾いたらWhat's Up Nailsの円形テープをキューティクル付近に置き、Barry M Christmas Goldで爪の下半分を塗る。テープを剥がし、ゴールド部分にトップコートを塗る。乾いたらゴールド部分に5本のラインテープを置き、上から黒を塗ってすぐ剥がす。Pueen Fairytale Lover 02のアーチ型のレース模様をHit the Bottle I Wish I were a Mermaidでスタンプし、スタンパー上で黒を塗ってdecal作成。この2本の爪に乗せ、三角スタッズを配置してHK Girlトップコートでフィニッシュ。

親指、人差し指、小指: ベースはelcorazon Matte & Shine 163。ラインテープを3本斜めに置き、上から黒を塗る。テープを剥がしてトップコートでフィニッシュ。

Polishes used


Elcorazon Matte & Shine 163
Barry M Christmas Gold
Face of Australia Don't Judge Me!
Hit the Bottle I Wish I Were a Mermaid
I've forgotten I had this fabulous elcorazon green. It's a satin finish and shines incredibly even without topcoat

こういうアーチ型のスタンプってあまり持っていないのですが、何かと使いやすくて好きです。前にも似たようなネイルをやっていますが、このときもnegative spaceネイルでしたね。聖パトリック・デーを意識したわけではないですが、今回は緑をチョイス。
Striping tape manis can be messy sometimes, but I'm quite impressed that those lines came out nice and crisp

Hit the BottleのI Wish I Were a Mermaidとelcorazonの緑、なかなかよくマッチしていると思いませんか?完全一致ではないですが、キラキラ具合といい色味といいだいぶ良く似ているので違和感なく仕上がったと思います。スタッズといいテープ使いといい、非常に「カシスっぽい」ネイルだなぁと自分で思う。いつもはデザインや色の選択でひとしきり悩むところを、このネイルに関してはほぼ即興で仕上げました。いつもこんなだといいんだけど。

Pueen Cosmetics Love Box Stamping Set 02 Review

Sunday, March 13, 2016 2 Comments A+ a-

Have you seen the news that Pueen Cosmetics has released Love Box 02 set? I have, and am really excited because their first Love Box (review post here) was fantastic. After having a rather stressful week, it was a treat to receive this new Love Box in the mail.

Before I go into review, here are the links to Pueen Cosmetics store and SNS:

PueenがLove Box 02をリリースしたというニュースはもうご覧になりましたでしょうか?私はインスタで見ました。最初のLove Box(レビューはこちら)が非常に良かったこともあり、今回も期待値マックス。忙しい1週間が終わってホッとしていたときにタイミング良くこちらの新製品が届いたので、早速レビューいってみます。

いつものように、Pueen CosmeticsのショップとSNSへのリンクはこちら。

This is the Love Box Stamping Set 02 I received. All packed nicely in a cute compact box.

こちらが受け取ったLove Boxスタンピングセット02。コンパクトな可愛いボックスにまとめられています。

And this is what's inside the box. 4 rectangle plates, a stamper and a scraper. You can buy this set from this page.


I'll show you the stamper and scraper first. The stamper has a white head and is about 2.6cm in diameter so it's rather small. Scraper I believe is made of cardboard paper, but is coated with plastic film which makes it durable. Size is 5.5cm x 4.5cm.

まずはスタンパーとスクレイパーのご紹介。スタンパーヘッドの色は白で直径約2.6cm。標準のスタンパーと比べるとやや小さめサイズです。スクレイパーは厚紙でできており、プラスチックのフィルムでコーティングされているのでアセトンを使っても問題ありません。サイズは5.5cm x 4.5cm。

I have 3 different kinds of stampers from Pueen, and here's the comparison. Left is the stamper from the first Love Box (referred to as Love Box 01) I did a review on this post. Middle is the stamper from Love Box 02, and the right is Crystal Stamper I did a review on this post.

Is there a difference between Love Box 01 stamper and Love Box 02 stamper? Yes there is. As you can see on the bottom pic, Love Box 02 stamper is slightly bigger than 01 stamper. 02 stamper is about 2.6cm in diameter, where 01 stamper is about 2.5cm in diameter. Pink holder is exactly the same with both sets.

Pueenのスタンパーは3種類持っているので比較してみます。一番左が最初のLove Box(以降Love Box 01と呼びます)のスタンパー(レビューはこちら)。真ん中がLove Box 02のスタンパーで、右がクリスタル スタンパー(レビューはこちら)です。

Love Box 01とLove Box 02のスタンパーに違いがあるかどうかですが、多少の違いがあります。画像を見ていただくと分かるように、Love Box 02のスタンパーは01のおよりも若干大きめです。02スタンパーは直径2.6cmで01スタンパーは直径2.5cm。ピンクのホルダー自体は同じです。

Another difference is the squishiness. Love Box 01 stamper was quite soft, but Love Box 02 stamper is on the firm side. As a marshmallow lover, this change is a bit sad. As I did before, I'll try to categorise the squishiness of each of these stampers below:

Squishiness Level : 1 (Very squishy) to 10 (Very hard)

  1. MoYou London rectangle stamper (review)
  2. Pueen Love Box 01 stamper (review) & Fab Ur Nails bright pink (review)
  3. Messy Mansion Soft (pink) (review)
  4. Messy Mansion Medium Soft (yellow) (review) & Pueen Crystal Stamper (review)
  5. Messy Mansion Crystal Stamper 1.0 (review)
  6. Pueen Love Box 02 stamper & Harunouta clear jelly stamper (review)
  7. Messy Mansion Crystal Stamper 2.0 (review)
  8. AliExpress clear jelly stamper
  9. MoYou London XL *discontinued
  10. Konad rubber stamper

もう1つ違う点は柔らかさ。Love Box 01のスタンパーはかなり柔らかかったですが、Love Box 02のスタンパーはやや硬めです。マシュマロ好きとしてはこの変更はちょっと残念です。以前やったように、これらの3種のスタンパーについて柔らかさレベルを表現すると以下のようになります。

柔らかさレベル : 1 (非常に柔らかい) - 10 (非常に硬い)

  1. MoYou London 長方形 (レビュー)
  2. Pueen Love Box 01スタンパー (レビュー) & Fab Ur Nailsネオンピンク  (レビュー)
  3. Messy Mansion Soft (ピンク) (レビュー)
  4. Messy Mansion Medium Soft (黄色) (レビュー) & Pueenクリスタルスタンパー (レビュー) 
  5. Messy Mansionクリスタルスタンパー1.0 (レビュー)
  6. Pueen Love Box 02スタンパー & 春の歌クリアジェリースタンパー (レビュー)
  7. Messy Mansionクリスタルスタンパー 2.0 (レビュー)
  8. AliExpressクリアジェリースタンパー
  9. MoYou London XL *廃盤
  10. Konadゴム製スタンパー

Let's look at how the stamper picks up next. The head is a bit oily, so I went ahead and washed it with soapy water. No other priming. Stamping plates are from Love Box 01 and stamping polishes are Pueen Super Intense polishes.

それでは一番肝心な柄のピックアップ具合について見てみましょう。スタンパーヘッドはやや油っぽいので石鹸水で洗いましたが、その他のprimeはしていません。使用したプレートはLove Box 01のもの、ポリッシュはPueen Super Intenseポリッシュです。

Oh wow, what an awesome pickup! The stamper head has a shine to it, yet it picks up images beautifully. Could they make a jumbo size of this, pretty please?

これは素晴らしいピックアップ!\(^o^)/ Primeしていないのでスタンパーヘッドはテカテカですが、よくここまで柄を拾うなぁと感心するぐらい。できればこの素材でジャンボサイズも作って欲しいですね。

Moving onto the plates. This is after taking the blue film off.


This is what back of each plate looks like. Each plate has its own collection name, pueen logo and the website printed, same as Love Box 01 set. This plastic backing is quite thick, making the plate nice and sturdy. I also love that the backing is exactly the same size with the plate itself unlike many other brand plates, because cleaning the polish off the plastic part that's sticking out of the plate is quite a pain.

プレートの裏がこちら。Love Box 01セットと同様、コレクションの名前、PueenのロゴとWebサイトが印字されています。このプラスチックの台座はやや厚めなので、プレート自体も折れ曲がったり反ったりせずしっかりとした作りという印象です。また、台座がプレートとまったく同じサイズというのも地味にポイントが高いです。他のブランドのプレートのように台座がプレートよりも大きいと、プレートから台座にはみ出たポリッシュの掃除が大変なのです。

OK, let's move onto the swatches. As some of my stamping polishes are getting low, I'll use a regular non-stamping metallic polish this time. I'll show you each plate pic followed by paper swatch.


First up is Nature Lover 02, full of flowers, leaves and butterflies. As with Love Box 01, full size image on this set is about 2.4cm x 1.8cm. Plate is nicely etched and every image stamps beautifully, despite the fact that I'm using a regular polish.

まずはNature Lover 02。花や葉っぱやチョウチョがいっぱいのプレート。Love Box 01と同様、このセットのフルサイズ柄も2.4cm x 1.8cmという大きめサイズです。彫りも良好で、通常ポリッシュを使っているにもかかわらずどの柄も綺麗にスタンプしました。

Next up is Fancy Lover 02. Ohhh gorgeous! <3 I see some elegant patterns here. Again, superb etching.

お次はFancy Lover 02。いいねいいね~、いくつか見えるエレガント系の柄が好きです♡ 彫りも素晴らしいです。

Here's Fairytale Lover 02. Those cherries are super adorable! I'm also excited about the Kremlin & windmill stamp.

Fairytale Lover 02。フェアリーな要素は少ないですがそれはさておき、サクランボが可愛すぎー!クレムリンと風車スタンプもよさげですね。

Last but not least, Geo Lover 02. All super neat and beautiful. I'm in love with the kaleidoscope-looking stamp and the stars!

最後にGeo Lover 02。色々楽しいことができそうな幾何学模様がいっぱい。万華鏡のような柄と左下の星スタンプカッコイイ(゚∀゚)

So there you have it! As with Love Box 01 set, this set is of amazing quality. Big thumbs up for those big images also. I love everything about this set. Now the problem is, which plate to use first?

というわけでLove Box 02のご紹介でした。Love Box 01と同様、素晴らしいクオリティの文句なしのセットです。柄が大きいのも二重丸。さて、どのプレートを最初に使おうかな??

*Products sent for honest review

Ancient Celtic Book Mani

Saturday, March 12, 2016 2 Comments A+ a-

With St. Patrick Day approaching, I thought I might create some Celtic mani. This is actually my first ever St. Pats/Celtic design.

I started off with Dior Brown Sugar for all my nails. I stamped a script pattern from Messy Mansion MM24 using Hit the Bottle Copper Haired Girl and Messy Mansion Crystal Stamper 1.0. Then I took few drops of A-England Virgin Queen & Fotheringhay Castle on makeup sponge, and dabbled randomly on my nails. Then I made stamping decals out of Celtic designs on Messy Mansion Symetrika 06 plate using Mundo de Uñas Military Green & Blue Gray, and coloured in with red, green, camel, and blue. I placed the decals on pointer, middle & ring finger, and finished off with HK Girl topcoat followed by Essie Matte About You.

Honestly I don't know much about anything Celtic, so I had a bit of googling to find out what sort of designs and colour scheme is appropriate. Then I remembered I had a fabulous script plate (Messy Mansion MM24), so I combined the script with Celtic designs to create this mani. I did a sponging with A-England shades and used rusty colours to create an antique effect. I really had fun creating this mani.

Finished product. Mattified with Essie Matte About You

ベースは全爪Dior Brown Sugar。Messy Mansion MM24プレートの活字柄をHit the Bottle Copper Haired GirlとMessy Mansion Crystal Stamper 1.0でスタンプ。スポンジにA-England Virgin QueenとFotheringhay Castleを少量取り、爪にランダムに軽く乗せる。次に、Messy Mansion Symetrika 06プレートのケルト柄をMundo de Uñas Military GreenとBlue Grayでスタンプし、赤・緑・キャメル・青で色付けしてdecal化。decalを人差し指、中指、薬指に配置してHK Girlトップコートを塗り、さらにEssie Matte About Youでマット化。

Polishes used


Dior Brown Sugar
Elcorazon Charm & Beauty No.892
Elcorazon No.423/261 Cream
A-England Virgin Queen
A-England Fotheringhay Castle
Sinful Colors Innocent
BC & Co. shade #24

Stamping polishes used


Hit the Bottle Copper Haired Girl
Mundo de Unas Military Green
Mundo de Unas Blue Gray
This is the base before placing decals. I found out this particular script stamp on MM24
looks similar to Celtic script so I decided to go for it

I also took a pic before mattifying. Which do you like? I think colours are more vivid on this one,
but seeing that the theme is 'ancient book', I think matte looks better


I always thought A-England shades are perfect for antique look, and I was right.
Although they are not the main colours, they add a nice rusty touch to this mani

手に持っているA-EnglandのVirgin Queen、実は使うの初めてです。しかもこんなチョイ役で申し訳ない・・(滝汗。でもアンティーク感を出したいと思ったときに真っ先に頭に浮かんだのがこのポリッシュ。ほとんどdecalの後ろに隠れちゃってますが、かなりいい味を出してくれていると思います。
I left my thumb and pinkie simple by not placing any decals, because I wanted to show the base as well 
