Australia Day Mani

Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2 Comments A+ a-

I've been super uninspired for the last couple of weeks, and really couldn't think of anything fun to create. Everyone gets that moment, right? I think this is the longest I experienced though, and still really don't know what designs I want to create. But seeing that January 26th was the Australia Day, I decided to go for Aussie themed mani.

I started off with JOSS Will Not (white), and protected my skin with Simply Peel. Then I did sponge gradient using 4 different colours of acrylic paints (white, yellow, red, and orange [mixture of yellow & red]) for all my nails. I topcoated to smooth out the surface, then made several stamping decals out of MoYou London Tourist 19 plate using Ya Qin An Chocolate from Harunouta, and placed on each nail. Gecko on ring finger is direct stamping. Finished off with HK Girl topcoat.

After I started on the right hand, I said to my husband (who is part Aboriginal), 'I'm thinking of doing Australia Day mani. See the gradient using Aboriginal colours?' He sort of frowned and said, 'Doing Aboriginal nail art to celebrate Australia Day? Um... I don't think it's a very good idea'. Of course, silly me! Australia Day, the day Captain Cook and other Europeans landed and started settling in Australia, isn't a happy day for Aboriginal people. After seeing my finished mani though, hubby gave me a 'go' because it doesn't have much 'Aboriginality' in this mani.

As for gradient, this is the first time I used acrylic paints to do gradient, and I really love how easy and effective it turns out. They don't dry as fast as regular polish, so you can do the whole 5 (or 10) fingers in one go, without cutting the sponge surface. The big downside though is that it's a HUGE pain to cleanup! My usual cleanup is 5 minutes job, but it took me good half an hour for this mani, and still had few paints stuck to cuticle. Grrr... By the way, I used the flat brush received from Harunouta (review post here) to paint on the sponge. It's really a nice sturdy brush and I love it.

Finished product, with HK Girl topcoat

ベースはJOSS Will Not(白)。爪の周りをSimply Peelで保護し、 4色のアクリル絵の具(白、黄色、赤、オレンジ[→黄色と赤を混ぜたもの])を使ってグラデーションを作成。トップコートして表面をならし、MoYou London Tourist 19プレートのさまざまな柄をYa Qin An Chocolateでスタンプしてdecal作成、爪に配置。薬指のトカゲは直接スタンプ。仕上げはHK Girlトップコート。

Polishes used


JOSS Will Not
KIKO Melon
Sally Hansen Teeny Bikini
BC Co. shade #24
Elcorazon Charm & Beauty No.892
Ya Qin An Chocolate
These are the acrylic paints I used. I didn't have orange, so I just mixed yellow and scarlet red

グラデーションはポリッシュでやるのが一般的ですが、今回初めてアクリル絵の具を使用してみました。オレンジがなかったので、黄色と赤(右から2本目)を混ぜて作成。色の変化もスムーズに仕上がるしなかなか簡単でいいですね。ポリッシュより乾きが遅いので、スポンジの表面を切って新たに塗らなくても、同じ表面で10本の指全部できると思います。ただし、クリーンアップが本っっ当大変だった・・!いつもは5分ほどで終わるクリーンアップが、Simply Peelで保護してるにもかかわらずたっぷり30分ほどかかったよ(-_-) チーン 乾く前なら水で落とせるとは思いますが、全爪終わるころには乾いてしまうのでアセトンでやりました。ちなみに、スポンジに絵の具を塗るときに使ったのは春の歌の平筆です(レビューはこちら)。なかなか使いやすい良い筆です。
I hardly do gradient because I suck at it. Acrylic paint is my gradient saviour!

I love the little boomerangs and couldn't resist repeating on my pinkie as well!


New Year's Gift from Harunouta

Wednesday, January 20, 2016 13 Comments A+ a-

Harunouta contacted me late last year that they would like to send me some thank-you gifts, so I picked few items from their shop and they arrived this week. Let's see what I got.


Here are my picks. Brushes, stamping plate, stamping polish, 3D decorations, and clear stamper.


I'll show you the brushes first. Product number is #21719 and #21734 (No.1). Black one is double-sided, and the white one is single-sided.

まずはブラシから。製品番号は#21719 と #21734 (No.1)。黒い方は両サイドが違うブラシになっていて、白い方は片側のみです。

One side of #21719 is a flat brush that's perfect for one-stroke nail art. The other side is a very thin brush. #21734 is also very thin.


Comparison with the brushes I have. The top two is Pure Color 10 and Pure Color Glamour 1. You can see these two brushes from Harunouta are longer and thinner.

手持ちのブラシとの比較。上の2本はPure Color 10とPure Color Glamour 1です。春の歌のブラシ2本はより細く長いことが分かるかと思います。

The other three brushes. These are sold as a set and the product number is #3296


They look different, but I believe they are all the same. I'm thinking of using these to colour stamping decals. 


3D nail art decorations. Product number is #22961


There are mermaid, cupid, cross, flower, crown, mustache, butterfly, diamond, stars, etc. For size reference, the cross is about 0.7cm high. They are easily bendable to accommodate the curve on your nails.


Ya Qin An Chocolate stamping polish and BP-77 plate. Product number is #20702 and #21808. My YQA Chocolate is getting low (review post here), so this is a backup.

Ya Qin An ChocolateスタンピングポリッシュとBP-77プレート。製品番号は#20702 と #21808ここでレビューしたYQA Chocolateが大分減ってきたので、バックアップとして1本頼みました。

Here's a paper swatch of BP-77. I love geometrics!


Lastly (and highlight of this post), clear jelly stamper. Product number is #24021. I've been interested in this stamper for a long time! The original clear jelly stamper was first released from a Canadian stamping supply shop, but I read a mixed review of it and the price point was above what I was willing to pay (over $20 including shipping), so I waited for other brands to start selling it. Sure enough, Harunouta (and Born Pretty) started to sell for a fraction of a price.


So the idea of this stamper is that you can see through from the other end of the stamper, so you see exactly where the stamped image goes. Stamper head is about 2.8cm in diameter, slightly bigger than a standard stamper head.


Before I received this stamper, I bought two of these stampers from AliExpress. This is the product page. These and the one from Harunouta are exactly the same, except for the squishiness of the stamper head. Harunouta is slightly softer than my AliExpress ones. Harunouta clear jelly stamper can probably be categorised as 'squishy firm'. 

実はこのスタンパーを受け取る前に、AliExpressから同様のスタンパーを2つオーダーしていました。製品ページはこちら。春の歌とAliExpressのものはほぼ同じですが、違う点が1つ。それはスタンパーヘッドの柔らかさ。画像では分かりにくいですが、春の歌の方が少しだけ柔らかいです。カテゴリ的に言うとマシュマロスタンパーが流行る前に主流だった「squishy firm」に当たると思います。

So the most important part - how does it pick up image? There are the 4 stamping polishes I tried for this test. From left: Ya Qin An Chocolate, Pueen Randolph Teal, Mundo de Unas Reddish, and Messy Mansion Chalk. Test is done without priming the stamper. Actually, you aren't supposed to prime this stamper with Magic Eraser or acetone as it would cloud the stamper head (UPDATE: I was informed by Julia of Messy Mansion and other stamping addicts that use of acetone will not affect silicone stampers including clear ones). In case it doesn't pick up image, all you can do is either wash it with soapy water or wipe with alcohol.

では一番肝心な点、柄をピックアップするかを見てみましょう。ピックアップテストに使用したスタンピングポリッシュは上の4本。左から、Ya Qin An Chocolate、Pueen Randolph Teal、Mundo de Unas Reddish、Messy Mansion Chalk。テストはprimeなしで行っています。ちなみに、このスタンパーをメラミンスポンジやアセトンでprimeすると表面が曇ってしまうため、primeはやらない方がいいと言われています(追記:Messy MansionのJuliaさんや他のスタンピング上級者の皆さんによると、アセトンをシリコンスタンパーに使っても問題ないそうです)。柄がピックアップしない場合の対策は、お湯と石鹸で洗うかアルコールで拭くぐらいしかありません。

First test is done with Pueen Fairytale Lover 01 plate. Although not perfect, it picks up image much better than I expected. 

最初のテストに使ったプレートはPueen Fairytale Lover 01。完ぺきではありませんが、思っていたよりもずっと綺麗にピックアップしました。

Next up is Messy Mansion MM64. Again, similar result. I can see bald spots, but it's not that obvious.

お次はMessy Mansion MM64。こちらも似たような結果です。少し線がかすれているところは見えますが、さほど目立ちません。

Last one is Born Pretty BPL-024. All look pretty good. I first grabbed a different BP plate, but the result on that was disastrous. This BPL-024 is quite nicely etched, but many BP plates are shallow-etched and you would probably not get a crisp stamp using those plates. 

最後にBorn Pretty BPL-024プレート。どれもかなり綺麗にピックアップしています。実は、これの前に試したBPプレートが1つあるのですが、結果は散々でした。このBPL-024プレートはかなり彫りがきちんとしていますが、BPプレートは総じて彫りが浅めです。彫りの浅いプレートではきちんとピックアップしない可能性がある点にご注意を。

One tip I found during this test is that, you need to work a little bit faster than usual when pickup image. I first tried with my usual speed (after scrape and before pickup), but as polish on the plate started to dry, I could only pick up part of the image. Then when I worked slightly  (few milliseconds) faster, I could pickup the whole image. Mundo de Unas and Messy Mansion stamping polishes are obvious winners on this test, as they dry slower than others. 

ピックアップテスト中に気付いた点が1つ。スクレイプしてから柄をピックアップするまでのスピードをいつもより早めにした方が柄を綺麗にピックアップできます。いつものスピードで柄をピックアップしてみたところ、プレート上のポリッシュが乾き始めるとうまくピックアップできないことが分かりました。いつもより数ミリ秒単位でも早く作業することを心掛けたところ、柄全体をピックアップできました。このテストではMundo de UnasとMessy Mansionのスタンピングポリッシュの2つの結果が特によかったですが、両方とも乾きが遅いタイプのポリッシュです。

After the pickup test, I also tried on my nail. I like how this stamper performs, but I found this long holder a bit hard to use. So I decided to temporarily stick the stamper head into a masking tape and use it like that (left), till I find something better. 


This is what it looks like from the other end. Much shorter and easier to see. This also makes easier to get focus while taking video as well.


So here is a quick test. Stamping plate is MoYou London Fashionista 07, and stamping polish is Mundo de Unas Black. It's super easy to see where the image goes on your nail, so you don't have to worry about images getting crooked. Wow, love it love it love it! I think this is going to be my new fav stamper, but I just wish they come up with a better holder.

そしてこちらがテスト結果。プレートはMoYou London Fashionista 07、スタンピングポリッシュはMundo de Unas Black。柄が爪のどの部分に載るかが一目瞭然なので柄が曲がる心配なし。いいねいいね~、これからかなり活躍していく予感がします。しかし、ホルダーだけはもっと短い&見やすいやつをお願いします。

There you have it. Hope you enjoy my review. I know this stamper is going to be a game changer for me, and I can't wait to start using it!


Love Birds Mani For Valentine's Day

Friday, January 15, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

It's still a month till Valentine's Day, but I decided to create a Valentine's Day appropriate mani before I start to see lots of pink and heart manis.

Middle and ring finger: Base is Picture Polish cherish. I applied Simply Peel around cuticle area, then stamped a heart pattern from Pueen Fairytale Lover 01 with Pueen Pure White. Then I made a stamping decal out of love bird stamp on Pueen 106 (from Make Your Day set) with Pueen Tropical Dusk, coloured in with Picture Polish rebelle and cyan. I placed the decal on these nails and added a heart using red acrylic paint. Finished off with HK Girl topcoat.

Thumb, pointer & pinkie: Base is Picture Polish rebelle for pointer and cyan for other two. I made a stamping decal out of the same heart stamp on Fairytale Lover 01 plate, coloured in with 3 different Picture Polish shades.

Isn't this love bird stamp just the cutest?! I wanted to use this year's Pantone colours for the birds, but these are the closest I got. These three Picture Polish shades work quite well together.

Finished product. It was a cloudy day, so the colours look a bit fuzzy here

中指と薬指 : ベースはPicture Polish cherish。キューティクル周辺にSimply Peelを塗り、Pueen Fairytale Lover 01プレートのハート柄をPueen Pure Whiteでスタンプ。次に、Pueen 106(Make Your Dayセットより)のラブバードをPueen Tropical Duskでスタンプしてdecalを作成し、Picture Polish rebelleとcyanで色付け。この2本の爪にdecalを置き、赤のアクリル絵の具でハートを追加。HK Girlトップコートで仕上げ。

親指、人差し指、小指 : 人差し指のベースはPicture Polish rebelle、他の指はcyan。Fairytale Lover 01プレートの同じハート柄をPueen Pure Whiteでスタンプし、Picture Polishの3色で色付け。

Polishes used


Picture Polish cyan
Picture Polish rebelle
Picture Polish cherish
Pueen Pure White
Pueen Tropical Dusk
These 3 Picture Polish shades are all holo, but pity you can't really see that in the pic.
It was cloudy all day and couldn't capture holos 

I love all my Picture Polish shades, but this cyan is a total stunner!

ラブバードには今年のPantoneカラーを使おうかと思ったのですが、Picture Polishで一番近いこの2本を使用。この手に持っているcyan、いい色ですね。こういう明るくパッキリした色大好きです。今年はもっとPP揃えるぞ~!

Creative Shop Stamper Space Collection Review

Saturday, January 09, 2016 10 Comments A+ a-

My first review in 2016, and this is going to be a long one. I was recently contacted by the owner of Creative Shop stamper, Oksana if I would like to review her new stamper called Space Collection. At that time, there was zero information on the internet about the new collection and I had no idea what it would look like. Of course I agreed to do the review and waited half excited and half anxious. Why anxious you ask? Because I was one of those girls who couldn't get the original Creative Shop stamper to work perfectly. You can read my review on this post and the follow-up post. Information started to come out and I felt more relaxed and excited than anxious. Then after few weeks' wait, the stamper arrived.

今日のポストは今年初のレビューです。ちょっと長くなりますがご了承を。去年の暮れにCreative Shopのオーナー、Oksanaさんより、「新しいCreative Shopスタンパーのレビューをしてみませんか?」とご連絡をいただきました。連絡をいただいた当時はネット上に情報が一切出ておらず、どんなスタンパーなのか見当も付きませんでしたが、もちろん了承して期待半分・不安半分で待ちました。何故不安だったかというと、自分は初代のCSスタンパーをあまり活用できなかった1人だからです。初代スタンパーのレビューはこちらこちらの補足記事でご覧いただけます。情報が少しずつ出始めて不安よりも期待の方が高まってきたときに、スタンパーがようやく到着。

Before I go into review, here are the links to the resellers of this stamper (as of this writing). Oksana doesn't sell them directly, so you need to go through one of those resellers. Pricing is different with each shop.
Also, the most up-to-date information about this stamper will be found on this facebook page. Oksana posts useful information there, so it's a good idea to join the group. 


So this is what I received. Two stamper heads, a stamper holder and a scraper.


I'll show you the stamper heads first. There are 8 stamper heads to choose from; 4 darker colours (called 'Dark Side') and 4 lighter colours (called 'Light Side'). They have green, bronze, purple and blue shimmerly & sparkly look to them, and I was sent purple Dark Side and (probably) bronze Light Side. They are about 4.2cm in diameter. The original CS stamper is about 3.5cm, so these are even bigger.

まずはスタンパーヘッドから。選択できるスタンパーヘッドは8つ。'Dark Side'と呼ばれる濃い色のヘッドが4つと'Light Side'と呼ばれる白っぽいヘッドが4つです。それぞれ、緑、ブロンズ、紫、青のシマーが入ってキラキラしています。私が受け取ったのは紫のDark SideとおそらくブロンズのLight Side。直径は約4.2cm。初代CSスタンパーが約3.5cmだったので、さらに大きいです。

Here's a closeup shot. I've never seen a stamper like this. They are out-of-this-world beautiful!


Other than the size and the beautiful look, one big feature of this stamper is that the back of the head is a hollow. This lets your nail 'sink' in the stamper when transferring image onto your nail. I'll talk about that in detail later.


This is what they look like from the side. CSS logo is engraved, and also note that it has a lip that stops itself from sinking right into the holder.


Stickiness and squishiness. Both stamper heads are rather sticky, but more so on my Light Side than Dark Side. Not sure if this is the case with others. They are both very squishy, and because of the hollow at the back, you can bury your nail without much force. Don't dig your nail into it as I did above though, as it will make scar on the surface. Silly me :(

ベタつきと柔らかさについて。両方ともベタつきはありますが、Light Sideの方がDark Sideよりもだいぶベタつきます。他のも同様かは分かりません。両方ともかなり柔らかく、裏が空洞になっているおかげで力を込めなくても爪を埋め込むことができます。ただし、上でやっているように爪を立てないようくれぐれも注意してください。表面に傷が付くのでね・・・(-_-)

Let's look at the holder next. This stainless steel holder is exactly the same size with the one that comes with original CS stamper, but the difference is that it has double ridges running across it. With the original one, many people had trouble with their fingers slipping while stamping, and this improvement is to stop that from happening. 


Stamper head is a bit bigger than the holder, so you tuck the side of the head into the holder and rotate around until it fits in completely.

This is what it looks like in the holder (left), compared with original Creative Shop stamper (right). You can see the stamper head is slightly domed, in comparison to the original one that's relatively flat. On my follow-up review post of original stamper, I suggested pushing the edge of the head right into the holder to make a rounder head in order to ensure better pickup. With the Space Collection however, it forms a natural dome shape once it's in the holder.

こちらがホルダーに収納されたところ(左)。右は初代Creative Shopスタンパーです。右のスタンパーはヘッドがやや平たいのに対して、左のスタンパーは緩やかなドーム型になっているのが分かるかと思います。初代スタンパーの補足レビューの中で、「ヘッドの端をホルダーに押し込んで丸みを帯びるようにすると柄を拾いやりやすいのでは」と書きましたが、この新しいスタンパーはホルダーに入れた時点で自然にドーム型になるのでその必要はありません。

What about scraper? Size is 8.6cm x 5.4cm, exactly the same size with the original CS scraper. Design will be different depending on what reseller you buy it from, but the lettering is printed inside so it won't fade with acetone. It's very flexible as you can see, and it's about the same flexibility as the original one.

スクレイパーについて。サイズは8.6cm x 5.4cm で初代CSスクレイパーと同じです。デザインは購入先のショップによって異なりますが、文字は内側に印刷されているためアセトンを使っても消えません。ご覧のようにかなり柔軟で、こちらも初代CSスクレイパーと同程度です。

OK, let's move onto the most important part - How does the stamper pick up image? Stamper pickup test was done in the following way:
  • Stamping polishes are either Mundo de Unas, Ya Qin An, Pueen Super Intense, Messy Mansion, and some regular metallic polishes. These are the ones I use on a regular basis, and I know they all work great.
  • Stamping plates are Dashica Infinity, MoYou London, Pueen Cosmetics, Born Pretty, Fab Ur Nails, and Messy Mansion. I picked those plates with no etching problem.
  • Scraper I used is the one that comes with the stamper.
  • Both stamper heads were used as is, without priming. Top row of each collage is the stamping result on Light Side head, and bottom row on Dark Side head.
  • 使用したスタンピングポリッシュはMundo de UnasYa Qin AnPueen Super IntenseMessy Mansion、それから通常のメタリックポリッシュ。これらは普段からよく使用しているものであり、品質に問題がないことを確認済みです。
  • 使用したスタンピングプレートはDashica Infinity、MoYou London、Pueen Cosmetics、Born Pretty、Fab Ur Nails、そしてMessy Mansionの5つのブランドから選択。彫りの問題がないと分かっているものを選びました。
  • スクレイパーはスタンパーに付属のものを使用。
  • スタンパーヘッドはどちらもprimeしない状態で使用。以下の写真の上の段がLight Sideヘッド、下の段がDark Sideヘッドの結果です。

First up is Dashica Infinity plate 70. I just had to use this plate because this is the one I tested with my original CS stamper. Result? Some are not perfect, but much better than my experience with the original one. I'm quite thrilled with bottom right and middle though. And I'll repeat, this is done without priming.

まずはDashica Infinityプレート70.初代CSスタンパーのテストに使ったのがこのプレートなので、まずこれを試してみることにしました。結果は如何に?完璧とはいいがたいですが、初代よりだいぶ良好と言えると思います。特に右下と真ん中下のピックアップなんてかなりいいんじゃないでしょうか。ちなみに繰り返しますが、primeはしていません。

Next up is MoYou London. These are Punk 07, Mother Nature 02, and Fashionista 11. Looks perfect to me on these ones. I certainly started to get the hang of it as I did this test. The big stamper head on this Space Collection is great for buffet type plates.

お次はMoYou London。プレートはPunk 07、Mother Nature 02、Fashionista 11。いいねいいね、これは完璧と言っていいんじゃないでしょうか?(゚∀゚) テストをやっていくうちにコツを掴んできた気がします。Space Collectionの大きなヘッドはバフェットタイプ(一続き柄)のプレートに最適ですね。

Next is Pueen Cosmetics. These are Lace Blossom plate and Fairytale Lover 01 plate. I picked thin lines, thick lines, and symmetric patterns to test on. Again all look great to me! If you look closely though, you can see Dark Side result is slightly better than Light Side. It was like that throughout this test, and I'm not sure why. As I said before, my Light Side head is stickier than Dark Side, and that could be affecting the result.

次はPueen Cosmetics。プレートはLace BlossomとFairytale Lover 01。細い線、太い線、それから左右対称柄を選んでテストしてみました。どれもいい結果ではないでしょうか。ただ、よくよく見てみるとDark Sideの方がLight Sideよりもやや綺麗なのが分かると思います。これはテスト全体を通して言えることで、理由はよくわかりません。上に書いたようにLight Sideの方がDark Sideよりもベタつきがあるのが関係しているのかもしれません。

Next up is Born Pretty, these are BP-L010, L018, and L002. I have most trouble with these plates. You can see some details are lost, especially on the Light Side. Although they have no etching problem, the etching is definitely on the shallow side. You might want to adjust how much to scrape when you use these plates.

次はBorn Pretty。プレートはBP-L010、L018、L002。一番手こずったのがこのブランド。特にLight Sideの方で細かい部分がきちんとスタンプできていないのが分かると思います。他のブランドと比べてやや彫りが浅いのが原因かもしれません。軽めにスクレイプしてプレートにポリッシュが少し多めに残るようにしてスタンプするなどの工夫が必要です。

Next is Fab Ur Nails. These are FUN-17, 14, and 19. All look good to me. I would happily transfer these to my nails. 

お次はFab Ur Nails。プレートはFUN-17、14、19。どれも綺麗にピックアップできており、爪に転写してもいいと思えるレベルです。

Lastly, Messy Mansion. These are MM65, 64 & 06. I decided to include straight lines here, because they are the hardest to stamp without getting skewed. I'm super happy that the lines came out super straight! With the smaller stamper heads, line can get distorted near the edge of the head, but bigger head on this Space Collection stamper works around that problem.

最後にMessy Mansion。プレートはMM65、64、06。このテストでは直線を入れてみました。直線は歪みやすいため、スタンプするのが一番難しいタイプの柄です。直線がそのまま直線としてピックアップされていて少し感動しました。小さ目のスタンパーヘッドだと、ヘッドの端に行くにつれて線が歪みやすいですが、このSpace Collectionのスタンパーのヘッドはかなり大きいのでその問題を回避できます。

So my thoughts on this stamper? I'm quite impressed. It took me days and weeks to figure out how to get the original stamper to working, but this Space Collection CS stamper is much easier to work with and the result comes out great. Few tips I've learned during this pickup test:

  • For best result, lightly roll the stamper head on plate when pickup. Important part is 'LIGHTLY' 'ROLL'. No pressing down, just roll. No rolling with force, just lightly.
  • Adjust how much to scrape depending on plates. As I said before, not all stamping plates have the same level of etching. Some are shallow, some are deep. If you scrape too much polish on a shallow-etched plate, you won't get a crisp stamp. This is a general stamping tip, but same goes to this Space stamper.
  • If you don't get crisp image, try switching to different brand stamping polish if you have any. I tried one stamping polish and only got half of the image, but when I switched to a different one and used on the same pattern, it came out perfect. There seems to be some combination of polish, plate, and stamper that just doesn't want to work. With my pickup test above, somehow my Ya Qin An stamping polishes worked better than the others. 
ピックアップテストを終えた後の感想としては、かなり好印象を持ちました。初代スタンパーのときは何日もかけてあらゆる方法を試しても最後まで完璧にピックアップすることはできませんでしたが、このSpace Collection CSスタンパーは扱いやすく、結果も良好。テスト中に気付いた点がいくつかあるので、以下に挙げてみます。

  • 柄をピックアップする際に、スタンパーヘッドを軽く転がすとうまく拾うことができます。重要な部分は「軽く」「転がす」ということです。スタンパーを柄に押し付けるのではなく、転がすこと。そして、力を込めるのではなく軽く転がします。
  • プレートによってスクレイプの加減を調整するとよいです。上に書いたように、スタンピングプレートはブランドによって彫りが異なります。浅いものもあれば深いものもあります。彫りの浅いプレートで力を込めてポリッシュをスクレイプすると、柄がきちんと拾えないことがあります。これはスタンピング全般に言える点ですが、このCSスタンパーにも当てはまります。
  • 柄がきちんと拾えない場合、別のブランドのスタンピングポリッシュがあればそちらに切り替えてみます。あるポリッシュでピックアップを試したところ柄の半分しか拾えなかったのに、別のブランドのポリッシュに変えたら同じ柄を完璧にピックアップできたということが何度かありました。スタンパーに加えて、ポリッシュとプレートの相性というのが存在するようです。ちなみに上のピックアップテストでは、なぜかYa Qin Anスタンピングポリッシュが一番いい結果を残してくれました。
To conclude this post, I'll show you how the picked-up image transfer to nails. I hear some girls experience images getting smudged or distorted once they transfer them on nails with this stamper. So I tried two different methods - transfer by pressing down the stamper on your nail vs. rolling it on your nail.


So here's the result. Top image is done by pressing your nails on stamper, and the bottom image is done by rolling the stamper on nails. As far as I can see, there's no distortion or smudging. I hardly do press-down transfer, but it was quite easy with this CS stamper. Because of the hollow at the back, the head sinks down with only a little bit of pressure.


So there you have it! I hope this post is useful to someone. I'm super excited to have these in my stamper collection, and I know I'll get a lot of uses out of them. Feel free to leave comment if you have any questions.


*Products sent for honest review

Chinese Lanterns Mani

Thursday, January 07, 2016 11 Comments A+ a-

I usually feel like doing some kimono inspired manis around new year's day (the reason behind this is explained on this post), but this year I'm totally uninspired and can't think of any designs. So I went and look for new year mani inspirations, and somehow came across a beautiful Chinese lantern picture. I'll show you the pic later, but today's mani was inspired by it.

Middle finger & ring finger: I started off with JOSS Will Not (white) and stamped a floral pattern from Bundle Monster BM-XL151 using Mundo de Uñas Gold. I topcoated, then placed a piece of masking tape near the tip and painted black. Then I made a stamping decal out of lantern images on the same plate using MdU Black, coloured in with JOSS Chrissie's Brass and placed on those nails. Finished off with G & G HK Girl topcoat.

Thumb, pointer & pinkie: Base is JOSS Chrissie's Brass. I placed masking tape near cuticle and painted black over it.

I don't like the photo quality and it's quite a simple look (to my standard anyway) but I'm overwhelmed by the reaction I got on Instagram. Wow, Asian themed manis are popular, eh? But yes, it turned out quite nice although it's not perfectly true to the original inspo pic.

Finished product, outdoor shot. Geez, the gold stamp on white base is so hard to photograph!

中指と薬指 : ベースはJOSS Will Not(白)。その上にBundle Monster BM-XL151の花柄をMundo de Uñas Goldでスタンプ。一度トップコートしてから爪先付近にマスキングテープを置き、上から黒を塗る。同じプレートの提灯柄をMdU Blackでスタンプし、JOSS Chrissie's Brassで色付けしてdecalを作成。爪に配置したらG & G HK Girlトップコートで仕上げ。

親指、人差し指、小指 : ベースはJOSS Chrissie's Brass。キューティクル付近にマスキングテープを置いて上から黒を塗る。

Polishes used


JOSS Chrissie's Brass
JOSS Will Not
Face of Australia Don't Judge Me!
Mundo de Uñas Black
Mundo de Uñas Gold
This is the inspo pic. Source is here. Gold flower on white base with black bit and black lanterns.
I really love this simple look, but decided to add red to have my own twist

I bought this Bundle Monster Around the World stamping set 4-5 months ago,
and finally got to use it. There are some nice images there 

このBundle MonsterのAround the Worldスタンピングセットは4-5か月前に購入したものですが、今回初使用です。なかなかいい柄が揃ってますね。特にこの中華プレートは細かい柄がたくさんあって使い甲斐がありそうです。
I love the glows on this red metallic polish. It gives exotic feel to the whole look

白にゴールドスタンプって爽やかで好きです。しかし光が当たってゴールドスタンプが見えづらくなってしまい、写真撮るのが大変だった、このネイルorz  50枚ぐらい撮影した中から奇跡の1枚を選んでもこんなもんか~と思いつつアップしたんですが、インスタでは結構反響あってびっくり。和ネイル・中華ネイルって本当に人気あるのねぇ。