In Memory of Ane Li @ane_li

Monday, July 25, 2016 4 Comments A+ a-

Last week, nail art community has received a devastating news that one of the amazing nail artists, Ane Li @ane_li passed away due to the loss of battle with depression. She was only 18 years old. I have never talked to her personally, but I've followed her Instagram and YouTube channel and was always in awe of her talent. It truly makes me sad that we will never get to see any more of her beautiful creations. I'd like to thank her for inspiring so many of us, and for showing us her amazing technique in nail arts.

After we heard the news, Ane's fans on Instagram decided to honour her memory by doing a recreation of her mani, and post it on July 25th which is Ane's funeral day. You can see the creations under the hashtag #sharingtheloveforaneli. Mary @dreamyMM will be doing a collage & slideshow of some of those recreations, so check her account also.

I'm actually away from home with only a limited nail art stuff with me, but I decided to do a tribute mani as well. So here's what I've created.

先週、フリーハンドネイルアーティストとして多くの人に愛されていたAne Li @ane_li さんが亡くなったという衝撃的なニュースが飛び込んできました。ご家族の話では、鬱病との闘いの末・・とのことでした。若干18歳。私自身Aneさんと個人的にお話したことはありませんが、だいぶ前から彼女のインスタグラムもYouTubeもフォローしていて、彼女の才能に毎回驚嘆させられていました。もう彼女のデザインが見られないのか・・・と思うと悲しいのと同時に、残されたご家族のことを思うと心が痛みます。今までその素敵なデザインで私たちにインスピレーションを与えてくれたこと、そして素晴らしい技術を惜しげもなく披露してくれたことに心からありがとうと言いたいです。

この知らせを聞いた後、インスタグラムのAneさんのファンたちが彼女の過去のネイルの再現ネイルを作成して追悼の気持ちを表そうということになりました。賛同したネイルアーティストたちは、再現ネイルをAneさんのお葬式が行われる7/25に #sharingtheloveforaneli のハッシュタグでポストする予定になっています。Mary @dreamyMM もその一部を集めてコラージュを作ってくれるそうですので、彼女のアカウントも是非チェックしてみてください。


Base is one thin coat of Picture Polish Lakodom. I stamped an ornamental pattern from Moyra Oranament 3 plate using Messy Mansion Chalk. I placed a circle tape near cuticle, then applied Cirque Reflektor. Finished off with matte topcoat.

ベースはPicture Polish Lakodomを薄く一度塗り、その上にMoyra Ornament 3プレートの柄をMessy MansionのChalkでスタンプ。キューティクル付近に円形テープを置いてCirque Reflektorを塗り、マットトップコートで仕上げています。

This is Ane's original design. You can see her post here. This is actually a nail wrap, not her freehand design but I like this simple yet beautiful look.


I wish I could use a denser stamping image close to the original look, but I only have a few stamping plates with me so not much choice here. I also haven't brought any gold polish, so replaced that with silver.


By the way, this is Cirque Reflektor on it's own. If I remember correctly, this is 3 coats with no topcoat. I bought this from Femme Fatale Cosmetics a while back, but haven't got around to post it till now. It's a super bedazzling silver flakie, and couldn't help looking at my nails all day.

ちなみにこちがらCirque Reflektor単体。記憶が正しければこれで3度塗り、トップコートなし。少し前にFemme Fatale Cosmeticsで購入したのですが、今日までポストする機会がありませんでした。本当に目も眩むようなシルバーflakieで、これを塗った日は1日中飽きずに爪を眺めていました。

Back to the tribute mani. This is what I actually posted on Instagram, my recreation side by side with Ane Li's design. She will truly be missed. Rest in peace, sweet girl.


Pueen Cosmetics - Chunky Transparent Soft Stamper Review

Tuesday, July 19, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Another exciting nail mail coming in while I was having a break from doing nails, this time from Pueen Cosmetics. The package contained 2 sets of XL size clear stamper & scraper, called 'Chunky Transparent Soft Stamper/Scraper'. Interested to know more? Please read on.

As usual, here are the links to Pueen Cosmetics store and SNS:

ネイルをお休みしていたときにまた1つnail mailが届きました。今回はPueen Cosmeticsから。小包にはXLサイズのクリアスタンパーとスクレイパーのセットが2つ入っており、「Chunky Transparent Soft Stamper/Scraper」という商品名で販売されています。どんなものか気になる方は続きをどうぞ。

いつものように、Pueen CosmeticsのショップとSNSへのリンクはこちら。

So this is what I received. I was sent 2 of those, but they are both the same so I'm only showing one set here. The product page is here and the set is priced at $8.99. The set contains 1 XL size clear stamper with a lid and a plastic scraper.


The stamper head is 3.5cm in diameter (bottom right). My nail is about 2.0cm long, and look how huge it is compared to my nail (bottom left). LOVE IT. 

Scraper is a pentagon-shaped, and each side is 3.0cm. Seeing that the stamper head is 3.5cm, I wish the scraper was a bit bigger than that. I'm not used to a small scraper anyway, so I'll stick to my credit-card size scraper.



You know what I find most exciting about this stamper is? The fact that how short the holder is! Long holders make it a bit difficult to see through the image when stamping, so I've been using my masking tape holder (second from the right) to help see the placement of the image better. If you don't know what I mean, just check this post (scroll all the way down to the bottom).


The back of the holder is closed-in instead of open, and as you can see in the pic above, it's not crystal-clear but rather foggy. You can also see very fine lines that sort of hinder visibility (both of my stampers are like that). Sure, you can see the image okay thanks to the short holder, but this is one thing I would like to see improvement. The weak point of this closed-in holder when it comes to clear stamper is that if you accidentally spill acetone on it (which I hear happen with so many girls), it will make that part cloudy and makes it unable to see through. I would rather have the back open and potentially have some dust coming in, than have a closed-in back like this and struggle to see through.


How about the squishiness? It's not marshmallow but it's not hard either. If you read this post, this Pueen Chunky Stamper probably falls into 'Squishiness Level 6', about the same squishiness as Harunouta clear stamper.

柔らかさについて。マシュマロではないですが、硬くもなくその中間ぐらい。こちらの記事の「柔らかさレベル」判定でいうと、Pueen Chunky Stamperは「柔らかさレベル6」と言ったところ。つまり、春の歌のクリアスタンパーと同程度の柔らかさです。

So the most important part - quality. The image pickup test below was done with various stamping polishes and plates. I didn't wash or prime the stamper head, it was straight out of the box.


First test was done with Pueen Super Intense polishes & Pueen Love Box 2 stamping plates. Looks pretty good to me! I remember a normal size stamper couldn't pick up the whole image on the left because the image is quite big, but look how nicely it fits on this big stamper.

最初のテストはPueen Super IntenseポリッシュPueen Love Box 2スタンピングプレートで。なかなかいいんじゃないでしょうか?左の柄なんかやや大きめなので、通常サイズのスタンパーだと全体を拾いきれないのですが、このスタンパーだときれいに収まってますね。

Next up is Messy Mansion stamping polishes & Messy Mansion stamping plates combo. Another good result. I would happily transfer these images onto my nails.

お次はMessy MansionのスタンピングポリッシュとMessy Mansionのプレートの組み合わせ。こちらも良好ですね。間違いなく爪に転写してもいいピックアップ具合。

Then, Fab Ur Nails stamping plates & Mundo de Unas stamping polishes combo. I picked this swirly image because this type of image can be hard to pick up. Pretty impressive I reckon.

そしてお次はFab Ur NailsプレートとMundo de Unasスタンピングポリッシュの組み合わせ。左の渦巻き柄なんかはピックアップが難しかったりするんですが、なかなかよく拾えてるんじゃないでしょうか。

Lastly, Born Pretty stamping plates and Ya Qin An stamping polishes combo. I picked the dense image like the left one to see how it's picked up. What do you think? I'm pretty impressed.

最後にBorn PrettyプレートとYa Qin Anポリッシュの組み合わせ。左のようにポリッシュが埋まる部分が多い柄をわざと選んで試してみましたが、どうでしょうか?個人的にはなかなか素晴らしいと思います。

As you see, the stamper worked like a charm and I'm quite happy with the result. As I said before, I didn't need to wash/prime or anything. This is my first jumbo sized clear stamper, and I'm so glad it works great. I already used this stamper with my previous mani and I know I'll be using this a lot in the future.


*Products sent for honest review

Red x Gold Kaleidoscope Mani

Friday, July 15, 2016 4 Comments A+ a-

Here's the first design I created using Cici & Sisi Acrylic Plate 'Wedding Season'

Middle & ring finger: I started off with 2 coats of Picture Polish Vegas. Then I made a stamping decal out of kaleidoscope-looking image on Cici & Sisi 'Wedding Season' using Messy Mansion Soft Gold, and coloured in with black polish. I cut the decal to fit nail size then applied it on these 2 nails. I drew black lines near nail tip, topcoated, and finished off with tear drop stud. 

Thumb, pointer & pinkie: I started off with 3 coats of Picture Polish Lakodom. I made stamping decal with an ornamental image on the same plate with Messy Mansion Soft Gold, coloured in with Picture Polish Vegas. Applied decal, topcoated, and added stud (only on pointer).

As you can see in my video, 2 designs from this acrylic plate stamp amazingly. The stamper I used for this mani is a clear stamper from Pueen Cosmetics, which was also sent for review. I haven't done the review yet but I'll show you very soon.

It's really nice to have some colours on my nails! This is the first stamping mani in 3 months and I thoroughly enjoyed creating it. I haven't been active on my YouTube either, so when I posted a video after a long absence, I received a lot of 'Welcome back! You're missed' messages. I couldn't help being emotional really. I just want to thank everyone who stick around!

前回の記事でご紹介したCici & Sisiの'Wedding Season'プレートを使った第1弾ネイル、出来上がりはこちら。
Finished product. We're having gloomy winter weather at the moment, so I couldn't get a nice sun shot 

中指と薬指 : ベースはPicture Polish Vegasを2度塗り。Cici & Sisi 'Wedding Season'プレートの万華鏡のような柄をMessy Mansion Soft Goldでスタンプし、黒で色付けしてdecal化。decalを爪に合うサイズに切ってこの2つの爪に乗せる。爪先に黒のラインを引き、トップコートして涙型スタッズでフィニッシュ。

親指、人差し指、小指 : ベースはPicture Polish Lakodomを3度塗り。同じプレートのギリシャ風の柄をMessy Mansion Soft Goldでスタンプし、Picture Polish Vegasで色付けしてdecal化。decalを爪に配置してトップコートし、人差し指にスタッズを追加。

Polishes used


Picture Polish Lakodom
Picture Polish Vegas
Face of Australia Don't Judge Me!
Messy Mansion Soft Gold
I was debating what colour scheme to use, and decided on my fav red/black/gold combo.
It was quite a 'loud' look, so I toned it down with white for other fingers

By the way this is Picture Polish Vegas on it's own. It has pretty gold shimmers all through *swoon*

ちなみにこれがPicture Polish Vegas単体。ホロじゃなくてこちらは金のシマー入り。爪の上ではさほどシマーは主張はしませんが、こういうパッキリした赤大好き♡
There are so many other gorgeous images on this plate. I can't wait to use it again!

動画を見てお分かりのように、Cici & Sisiの'Wedding Season'プレートにある2つの柄、どちらも綺麗にスタンプしました。ちなみにこのネイルに使ったスタンパーですが、Pueen Cosmeticsのクリアスタンパーです。これについてはまだご紹介していないのですが、次の記事でレビューしたいと思います。



Cici & Sisi 'Wedding Season' Acrylic Plate Review

Wednesday, July 06, 2016 6 Comments A+ a-

It's been a while since I last posted something here. Those who follow me on Instagram may know already, but I've been severely sick the last couple of months. Thank you for those who show concern by sending me IG messages, DMs & emails, and for those who patiently wait for my return. I'd also like to thank those ladies who did this amazing 'Get well soon Cassis' collage for me. These beautiful manis in the collage are all recreations of my past designs, created by 25 talented nail artists. You can see individual manis by checking #inspiredbycassis tag. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this and was deeply touched, so was my husband and my family back in Japan when I showed them this collage. I really felt loved and their sweet gesture truly cheered me up. I'm more up and doing things rather than just lie in bed, so I decided to catch those little opportunities to slowly write up this blog post.

しばらく更新が空いてしまいました、大変ご無沙汰しております。私のインスタグラムをフォローしていらっしゃる方はご存知かもしれませんが、数か月ほど体調不良でダウンしておりました。休み中、たくさんのIGメッセージ、DM、メールをいただきました。1つ1つに丁寧に返信とお礼をできず申し訳ありません。また、復帰までそっと見守ってくださった方々にもお気遣いに感謝します。それから、本当に突然の出来事で驚いているのですが、IGの方で25人ものネイルアーティストさんたちが集って「早く元気になりますように」という願いを込めたこんな素敵なコラージュを作ってくださいました。これらはすべて私の過去のデザインの再現ネイルで、1人1人が素敵なお見舞いメッセージを付けて投稿してくれました。IGで #inspiredbycassis のタグを辿ると各作品を見ることができます。まさか知らないうちにたくさんの方たちがこんな粋な計らいをしてくださっていたなんて・・と非常に感動しました。旦那や日本の家族にも見せたら同じく感動していました。こんなにたくさんの人たちに元気をいただき感謝しています。最近は少しずつ体が動くようになってきたので、ネイルのことも考えられるようになりました。今日のポストは体調がいいときに少しずつ書き連ねていったものです。

What I'm showing you today is Cici & Sisi's first acrylic plate 'Wedding Season'. I received this plate for review in April, so this review is long overdue. Sadly, I turned down all the review requests/offers I received while I was sick, but I have a few that I accepted before that and this is one of them. Penny, owner of Cici & Sisi is kind enough to understand my situation, and agreed that I post this when I get well. Cici & Sisi is a Hong Kong based nail art supply store that has been around since 2013. I have heard of the brand but this is the first time I try out their products, and let me tell you they don't disappoint.

Before I go into review, here are the links to Cici & Sisi store and SNS:

今日お見せするのはCici & Sisiの第1弾アクリル プレート「Wedding Season」です。レビューにと送っていただいたこのプレート、届いたのは4月なのでだいぶレビューが遅れてしまいました。体調が悪かった間に来たレビュー依頼は残念ながらすべて断ってしまったのですが、それ以前にお受けしたものが数件あり、今回のCici & Sisiもその1つです。オーナーのPennyさんには事情を説明し、体調が回復してからレビューをするということでご理解いただきました。Cici & Sisiは2013年に設立された香港ベースのネイルアートブランドです。このブランドについては前から聞いたことはありましたが、実際に製品を使うのは今回初めてです。

レビューに入る前に、Cici & SisiのショップとSNSへのリンクはこちら。

This is the plate I received. It's made of acrylic instead of the usual stainless steel. The plate itself is white in colour, and as you can see, the engraved part is see-through. Compared to stainless steel plate, it's super light - probably less than half the weight of the stainless steel plate of the same size.


Plate size is 14.5cm x 9.5cm. However, please note that this is a blogger sample and the actual plate you can buy from the store is different in size. This is sold as two separate plates, Wedding Season 01 and 02, each priced at $5.99. It looks like there are two more Wedding Season plates (03 and 04) added recently as well. Each full size image on the plate is 2cm x 1.6cm, very standard and versatile size.

プレートのサイズは14.5cm x 9.5cm。ただし、これはレビュー用のサンプルプレートなので、実際に購入できるプレートとはサイズが異なります。実際のプレートはWedding Season 0102の2枚で構成されており、それぞれ$5.99です。最近、Wedding Season 03と04も追加されたようです。フルサイズの柄は2cm x 1.6cmという標準的かつ使いやすい大きさです。

The back of the plate is Cici & Sisi logo printed. Doesn't it look like it's floating a bit? So pretty.

プレートの裏側にはCici & Sisiのロゴが印刷されています。透明なのでちょっと浮かび上がっているように見えて綺麗ですね。

Unlike metal plate, you don't have to worry about cutting your finger with the edge of the plate. This acrylic plate has a nice thickness and rounded corners.


And here is the good view of the plate. Aren't they simply gorgeous? There are so many patterns I adore.


By the way, here are the pics of the plates that you can actually buy. The top image is Wedding Season 01 and the bottom is Wedding Season 02. You may notice that there are some added images that the blogger sample doesn't have.

ちなみに実際購入できるプレートがこちら。上の画像がWedding Season 01で下の画像がWedding Season 02です。お気づきのとおり、2枚合わせるとレビュー用サンプルよりも柄が若干多いです。

So, we've seen that the images are drop-dead gorgeous, but how about the quality? The paper swatch below was done with a regular metallic polish (called AT Noumitsu MNE 06 that I bought at Daiso), and Messy Mansion pink soft stamper.

さて、ご覧いただいたように柄はどれもゴージャスですが、果たしてクオリティは如何に?以下の紙swatchは通常のメタリックポリッシュ(AT濃密06)とMessy Mansionピンクソフトスタンパーで行いました。

Very Impressive. Every image is etched perfectly, and every single line comes out so nice and bold. I was a bit sceptical about acrylic plate, but my first impression was far more than satisfactory. I was also happy about how easy it is to clean the plate. Metal plates tend to leave streak marks no matter how hard you try, but cleaning the acrylic plate is a breeze.  One thing you might want to note though is that it is advisable to use acetone-free polish remover to clean the acrylic plate. Few uses of acetone on it probably won't hurt, but over time it can eat the acrylic away.


So there you have it! I really can't wait to start using this fabulous plate. I'm hoping to create the first design with this soon.

というわけでCici & Sisiのアクリルプレートのご紹介でした。使うのが非常に楽しみです。このプレートを使ったネイルアートも近いうちにお見せできればと思います。

*Products sent for honest review